
Most read entries in the heading
Among summer residents, the popularity of folk recipes for caring for vegetables is growing. Top dressing ...
When and why should you tie garlic leaves?
To get quality garlic, gardeners use the old "grandfather" trick. Leaves...
According to certain signs, a vegetable grower can find out why garlic rots on ...

Garlic is an integral component of many dishes and preparations for the winter, which gives them a special, piquant taste. The vegetable contains many vitamins, therefore it is characterized by a large list of useful properties. But in order for them to survive, you need to take into account some recommendations when planting, growing, harvesting and storing crops..

The main point is the choice of a suitable variety of winter or spring subspecies. The heading contains material of popular and demanded varieties of garlic. The features of their cultivation and care are described.

On the pages of the site, you can find detailed information about common vegetable diseases and common pests. Ways to combat them are presented and preventive measures are described.

How to plant and care for family garlic, harvest and store crops
How to plant and care for family garlic, harvest and store crops
Many summer residents are engaged in growing garlic on their plots. Before you start planting it, you have to ...
How to grow and care for garlic outdoors for a good harvest
How to grow and care for garlic outdoors for a good harvest
Many Russian summer residents have experience planting garlic, but not all of them can boast of the results ...
When to dig garlic in the Moscow region in 2020
When to dig garlic in the Moscow region in 2020
Many gardeners are engaged in the cultivation of garlic, as this vegetable is considered indispensable in the preparation of many homemade ...
How spring garlic differs from winter garlic and which one is better to store
How spring garlic differs from winter garlic and which one is better to store
Garlic is considered the most common and versatile vegetable crop. It is used not only in the culinary field, ...
What can be planted after garlic next year in the garden
What can be planted after garlic next year in the garden
Today, garlic is found in almost every household plot, but not all gardeners can boast of a good ...
Description of the Kharkov purple garlic variety, features of cultivation and care
Description of the Kharkov purple garlic variety, features of cultivation and care
A useful additive for any dish is more than easy to grow with your own hands. Garlic is one of ...
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