Rating, description and reviews of the manufacturer agrofirm "Limagrain Groupe"

There are a sufficient number of agricultural holdings on the market, the main direction of which is to develop corn seeds, seeds, cereals. Among them, the leading place is occupied by an agricultural company called Limagrain Groupe, which is the largest agricultural group. It is engaged in the production of resistant seeds, vegetables and highly sought after grain products.
Company development history
The origins of the company date back to 1965, when a simple French farmer founded a grain seed cooperative in the picturesque Liman Valley.
Agrofirm Limagren is an international-class agricultural holding, its main directions - the production of seeds of demanded field crops, the receipt of seeds, grain components, horticultural products. Today the company has operating branches in 55 countries, sells seed in 140 countries around the world. The agricultural holding employs 9,600 people. Among the rating of seed production companies Limagren takes the honorable fourth place.
If we consider the gradual development of the company, then in 1970 the first product of French selection was registered - a hybrid of LG 11 corn, then the company gained popularity among consumers.
1975 for the Limagren company was marked by a breakthrough in the volatile market of vegetable seeds and the buyout of the Vilmorin agricultural company.
In 1977, the management decided to start research in the direction of corn selection in order to develop safe silage.
In 1995 the Limagren company launches a bakery business.
In 2006, the agricultural holding acquires the Japanese firm Mikado Seed Growers, and the next year a vegetable division is formed in Japan.
2009 is a significant year for Limagren, since at this time it enters the Russian market, opening a branch. In this territory, development began with the launch of sales of the TUNKA hybrid, which possesses a persistent immunity to plant diseases.
In 2016, a modern scientific research station of an agricultural firm was opened in Russia, which develops innovations in the field of agriculture and cultural selection.
Development and innovation in production
Agroholding Limagren pays special attention to innovative developments, investing in this area about 14.6% of the total annual turnover. The company has a reliable scientific and technical base, consisting of 120 modern breeding centers and operating experimental stations around the world, thanks to which the company achieves the highest efficiency in such areas as increasing yields, eliminating pests, increasing resistance to various diseases and difficult weather conditions.
Agroholding Limagrain occupies a leading position in the developed sunflower hybrids resistant to the destructive broomrape.
Thanks to powerful scientific research and good seed potential, the agricultural company steadily maintains its leadership position.
Production of the company
The company sells products in the following areas:
- selective grain corn is designed for early flowering, thanks to which it is possible to grow hybrids in the northern regions;
- silage corndesigned exclusively for animal feeding, tested in farm conditions with excellent performance;
- sunflower, characterized by resistance to destructive plant diseases, high productivity, drought resistance. The entire line of sunflower hybrids has protection against weeds and dangerous broomrape, which increases the productivity of the species.
Quality control
The quality of the seeds has been confirmed by numerous practical tests. All raw materials are obtained with careful observance of processing technology. All received seeds go through a strict control system, where their productivity and safety are ascertained.
Farmers cooperate with the enterprise, evaluating the following advantages:
- seeds are adapted to dry conditions thanks to the original HYDRANEO technology;
- high stable yield of hybrids;
- seed resistance to destructive broomrape and dangerous herbicides due to the introduction of SUNEO technology;
- safe silo for animals;
- universal sunflower hybrids suitable for all climatic zones;
- all raw materials go through a careful selection and quality control system;
- safe seeds that meet all international standards.
All this makes the products of the Limagren company even more attractive for international farmers. This agricultural holding is known, many people trust it, because here they will take care of decent yield indicators.
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