
Most read entries in the heading
The reason for the choice of farms and households for keeping Vietnamese piglets ...
How to feed Vietnamese piglets at home to have more meat
Many farmers are involved in raising Vietnamese piglets. Previously, these animals were considered ...
A difficult and unpleasant moment for a novice pig breeder is the final stage ...

Lard and pork meat are always in demand, so raising pigs is profitable. To create a family business, a novice livestock breeder needs up-to-date information about the most productive breeds, features of care, breeding, and livestock maintenance.

The summer resident will need advice on raising piglets for meat at home. Useful advice on building a pigsty, organizing walking, choosing feed mixtures and feeding schemes will help to organize work correctly, save time and money. It is useful for a breeder to know where to buy piglets, which diseases to vaccinate against, whether it is worth keeping a sow.

Characteristics of a hybrid of a sheep and a pig, breed features and content
Characteristics of a hybrid of a sheep and a pig, breed features and content
Today there are many interesting breeds of animals that are the result of many years of selection and work of scientists. One ...
Systems and methods of keeping pigs at home for beginners
Systems and methods of keeping pigs at home for beginners
The maintenance of piglets and pigs requires a lot of labor, financial resources and arrangement of a pigsty. The animals are fed on ...
Description and symptoms of infection of pigs with cysticercosis, methods of treatment of finnosis
Description and symptoms of infection of pigs with cysticercosis, methods of treatment of finnosis
Living and feeding conditions for pigs create conditions for the development of cysticercosis (or finnosis). This disease is dangerous ...
Reasons why a pig does not eat after farrowing and what to do, treatment methods
Reasons why a pig does not eat after farrowing and what to do, treatment methods
Good appetite in animals is a sign of their health. If a pig does not eat after farrowing, many ...
Requirements and design of a pigsty for 50 heads, DIY construction stages
Requirements and design of a pigsty for 50 heads, DIY construction stages
The construction of a do-it-yourself pigsty for 50 heads has a number of features. To succeed, it's worth ...
Symptoms and treatment of salmonellosis in pigs, measures for the prevention of paratyphoid fever
Symptoms and treatment of salmonellosis in pigs, measures for the prevention of paratyphoid fever
When raising pigs, an important task is to organize preventive measures for the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases. One ...
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