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Cherry is a fruit tree. Gardeners often plant it in their plots. In order for a large harvest to ripen, varieties are chosen that are suitable for the characteristics of the climate of a particular region.

The heading contains articles that describe in detail the planting rules and the secrets of crop care. Be sure to consider what kind of soil the cherry loves, and choose the best neighbors for it. Spring is considered a favorable time for planting a young seedling.

In the process of grooming, it is important to establish a schedule for watering and treatment from pests and diseases. The good development of the fruit tree depends on the timely introduction of fertilizing, the correct pruning procedure. To prevent the culture from freezing, measures are taken to prepare for wintering.

Description and characteristics of cherries Zvezdochka, difference from the Nord Star variety
Description and characteristics of cherries Zvezdochka, difference from the Nord Star variety
Cherry varieties Zvezdochka gained popularity among gardeners due to their early ripening and increased resistance to ...
Description and characteristics of the Zagorievskaya cherry variety, planting, cultivation and care
Description and characteristics of the Zagorievskaya cherry variety, planting, cultivation and care
Cherry varieties Zagorievskaya are popular due to their increased resistance to fungal diseases. It is because of them now ...
Description of the Anthracite cherry variety and yield characteristics, cultivation and care
Description of the Anthracite cherry variety and yield characteristics, cultivation and care
It is difficult to find a summer cottage that does not have at least one cherry variety. Fruit...
Description of the Ashinskaya cherry variety and characteristics of fruiting, planting and care
Description of the Ashinskaya cherry variety and characteristics of fruiting, planting and care
A hybrid of garden cherry and Ashinskaya shrub cherry is the best variety in taste and aroma. Possesses ...
Description and characteristics of cherry varieties Sudarushka, planting and care features
Description and characteristics of cherry varieties Sudarushka, planting and care features
Cherry has long been one of the most widespread fruits in the Middle Strip and southern regions of Russia ...
How to get rid of aphids on cherries and how to treat them, a review of drugs and folk remedies
How to get rid of aphids on cherries and how to treat them, a review of drugs and folk remedies
The cherry aphid is a common garden pest that feeds on the sap of young leaves and ...
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