
Most read entries in the heading
When choosing varieties of garden blueberries, it is necessary to take into account their characteristics, climatic conditions ...
New shrubs appear in the collections of amateur gardeners every now and then. AND...

Berries such as cloudberry, sea buckthorn, elderberry, lingonberry or barberry have a long list of medicinal properties. In their composition, they contain a rich vitamin and mineral complex and amino acids. Cloudberry belongs to herbaceous plants, all other berries are shrubs.

The heading provides a description of all varieties, features of growth and development. To grow a culture in your summer cottage, work begins with the selection and preparation of a site for planting. It is important to consider what requirements the plant has on light, soil composition, and acidity levels.

Caring for the planted crop is standard and involves the creation of the most suitable conditions for development. Only in this case it will be possible to harvest a good harvest. It is important to establish the correct irrigation regime, apply fertilizers on time, loosen and remove weeds, and carry out treatment against insects and diseases.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of viburnum, benefits and folk recipes
Medicinal properties and contraindications of viburnum, benefits and folk recipes
Viburnum is a perennial shrub, the fruits of which are known for anti-cold properties. For medicinal purposes, bones are also used ...
Description and characteristics of viburnum gordovina, the rules for its planting and care
Description and characteristics of the viburnum gordovina, the rules for its planting and care
Viburnum black, or gordovina, is a lush shrub on which delicious sweet berries ripen. Plant...
TOP 10 ways how you can keep viburnum at home for the winter
TOP 10 ways how you can keep viburnum at home for the winter
Viburnum berries not only have a tonic effect, but also normalize blood pressure and heart rate. They...
Rules, terms and schemes for pruning viburnum for beginners
Rules, terms and schemes for pruning viburnum for beginners
Viburnum is a beautiful perennial that can grow as a bush and a small tree. Gardeners ...
When and how best to collect viburnum, the timing of harvesting berries and storage technology
When and how best to collect viburnum, the timing of harvesting berries and storage technology
Viburnum red is a berry that is famous not only for its beautiful appearance, but also for its beneficial properties ...
How to properly store fresh blackberries, drying berries and shelf life
How to properly store fresh blackberries, drying berries and shelf life
This shrub bears crops in August or September. Sweet dark red berries, made from them jams ...
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