Description of the Galich eggplant variety, its characteristics and yield

Eggplant variety Galich of medium early ripening is characterized by a very high yield. This is one of the most heat-demanding crops of all vegetables grown in the regions of our country. Eggplant seedlings before planting in open ground should have a height of 15-20 cm, the roots of potted seedlings are strong, they are not damaged during transplantation and quickly take root. Fruits are harvested without waiting for the onset of biological maturity.

Galich - description and characteristics of the variety

Brief characteristics and description of the Galich eggplant variety:

  • The fruits ripen on the 112-140th day.
  • The plant is compact, undersized, the height of the bush is up to 70 centimeters.
  • The fruit is dark purple with gloss, up to black, cylindrical, sometimes pear-shaped.
  • The pulp without voids and bitterness.

eggplant Galich

Main advantages and disadvantages


  • Very productive, up to 9 kilograms per plant.
  • Fruiting is stable.
  • Perfectly transported.


  • The plant is demanding on temperature and water conditions, especially in the state of seedlings.
  • The bush requires shaping.

advantages and disadvantages

Growing rules

The main reason for the depressed state of the eggplant seedlings of the Galich variety is the low temperature of the air and soil.

If there is a greenhouse or greenhouse with reliable heating, you should start growing seedlings on February 10-15.

Growing rules

When to plant

In mid-March, sow some of the seeds in seedling boxes, keep them in a well-lit place, keeping the soil temperature at least 15-30 degrees. Sow not thickly so that the seedlings do not stretch:

  • After 15-20 days, these seedlings are cut out in a pot, greenhouses or in beds. The main condition for this: the soil temperature should be at least 25-28 degrees.
  • Most often, failures in growing eggplant seedlings are associated mainly with temperature conditions. Do not sow seeds in cold soil.

seedling boxes

Potted seedlings - a guarantee of a high yield

It is known that eggplant seedlings tolerate transplanting very poorly, restoring the root system for 15-20 days:

  1. It is recommended to establish the cultivation of potted eggplant seedlings of the Galich variety.
  2. Leave one plant in pots.
  3. In May, when the hot weather sets in, you need to install it in a film greenhouse or under film shelters on arcs. In 15-20 days from high temperatures, timely watering (water every day!) And fertilization, the seedlings will reach their condition by the time of planting.It is not too late to land it on May 25.
  4. Carefully planted in the soil, without disturbing the roots, it will overtake in development and in yield the one that was tormented in the cold for two months.

high harvest

Sowing seeds and caring for seedlings

If the seedlings will be grown in a room on the windowsill, then this work should be started no earlier than March 20-25. First, sow the seeds in a small box or pot filled with potting soil:

  1. The first version of the mixture is humus, garden soil, peat in a ratio of 3: 2: 1. You can add wood ash at the rate of 1-2 cups per 10 m
  2. The second option is humus, turf (1: 1).

room on the windowsill

Selecting and preparing a landing site

Of course, in a room it is difficult to exactly maintain the specified temperature, but you must strive for this, otherwise you will not get good seedlings.

If the seeds are good and the temperature has been maintained, seedlings will appear in 10-12 days, or even earlier. Their absence after the specified period means that they did something wrong and should either raise the temperature or do reseeding.

landing sites


With the appearance of 1-2 true leaves, the seedlings should be cut out (planted) in pots filled with the same soil mixture in which the seedlings were grown.

The crops are watered after 2-3 days with warm water through a strainer, and when they collect 3-4 real leaves - every day, preferably in the morning.

should be opened

Growing seedlings in eggshell

Try growing potted eggplant seedlings. Cells are made in low boxes made of cardboard with a height of 10-15 cm, measuring only 5 x 5, or even 4 x 4 cm.

Take the eggshells and make a hole for drainage at the bottom.


Fill them with fertile soil and sow two seeds in each. There is no need to rush with the sowing date - they do it in mid-April, or even after the 20th.

The main condition for this is that the temperature of the soil in the place of cultivation should be 25-28 ° С.

We'll have to water these peculiar cassettes every other day and feed them with nitrogen fertilizers once a week, giving two tablespoons of urea, carbamide or ammonium nitrate to a bucket of water.

nitrogen fertilizers

Care features

With the onset of stable warm weather, boxes with seedlings must be taken out onto a balcony, loggia or placed under a film shelter on arcs in a courtyard or garden plot.

But at night, they should again be brought to a warm place or provide a reliable shelter.

Eggplant seedlings in open ground should be planted in two rows. From one plant.

safe shelter

Watering rules

Watering is especially important during hot days. Eggplants do not feel very good in hot summer:

  1. In hot dry weather, they should be watered every two days.
  2. Make grooves between the rows, cover them with straw or sawdust.
  3. You need to mulch not only the grooves, but also the ground around the bushes. This allows moisture to be retained longer and eliminates the need to constantly loosen the soil to prevent crust formation.
  4. Mulching also prevents overheating of the soil. From overheating in the area of ​​the roots, the plant can shed not only flowers, but also leaves.
  5. Watering directly into the furrows is good because the water does not spread, less time and effort is spent on watering each plant separately.

can drop

How to fertilize

Seedlings are fed after 8-10 days with a solution of slurry (1:10), poultry droppings (1:15) or mineral fertilizers, mainly with a mixture of urea, superphosphate, potassium sulfate taken in equal proportions (potassium can be replaced with ash, but you need to take it three times more than nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers).

bird droppings

Loosening and weeding

These agrotechnical techniques must be carried out systematically when growing the Galich variety.

The arrangement of furrows and regular loosening stimulates the formation of new additional roots.The roots begin to grow in the direction where the water and feeding comes from.

growing varieties

Bush formation

Formation is understood to mean removing unnecessary stepsons from the bush. Cut off all stepchildren that are formed below the first fork. While the seedlings are small, growth occurs in one stalk, but, growing up, the stalk branches into two shoots.

Until the fork in the stem appears, it is necessary to remove all the stepchildren in the axillary zone of the leaf in stages during the growth of the plant.

extra stepsons

This technique will help reduce the load in the early stages of the growth of the bush, and will enable the plant to grow actively. By the time of flowering, the bushes will be fully strengthened.

The eggplants should continue to grow freely without further shaping. But at the same time, if stepchildren suddenly appear below the fork or from the ground, they must be removed in order to maintain the formation.

grow actively

Diseases and pests: methods of dealing with them

After the first fruits of the eggplants are tied, you need to remove all the lower leaves below the fork. Especially those that touch the ground. One or two leaves should be removed every 7 days as the bush grows.

This technique improves ventilation in the garden, and the removal of the lower leaves eliminates infection with fungal diseases and pests.

fight them

Harvesting and storage of crops

The easiest way to protect fruits and plants from destruction as a result of low temperatures in early and mid-autumn is to cover them with agrofibre.

When the daytime temperature drops to 9 ° C, the Galich eggplants lose their ability to ripen.

low temperatures

Fruits of various shapes are stored separately from each other. They are regularly sorted out, selecting overripe and spoiled specimens.

In room conditions, eggplants dry out quickly, it is better to store in a cellar.

sorted regularly

In no case should these fruits be stored in the light, because the poisonous substance solanine accumulates in them. Solanine is an alkaloid, in addition, it impairs the taste of the finished product.

Self-grown eggplants do not contain pesticides and are distinguished by high taste.

contain pesticides

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