How to dry basil, useful properties and use at home

Spicy basil varieties gained recognition in many countries for their unusual aroma. Modern gardeners are actively growing the plant in their summer cottages, and real gourmets cannot imagine many dishes without the addition of dried basil. The spice is easy to maintain and can be easily grown in a variety of environments.

Description and types

Basil belongs to the flowering department and is distinguished by tetrahedral stems up to 60 cm high. The foliage of the plant has a rich purple or green color and an oval shape. The surface of the leaves and stem is rough. The plant contains an essential oil that gives a spicy aroma.

beneficial features

Breeders have developed more than 70 varieties of spices. Each variety has individual characteristics and a different appearance. Bushes can grow to a certain level, and leaves of different types differ in shape and color. The most common varieties are lemon, allspice, cinnamon and common basil.

Composition and useful properties

The composition of the plant has a rich set of useful elements. Basil contains carotene, tannins, fiber, and a vitamin complex. Also included are mineral and plant components.

varieties of spices

Any kind of basil is useful in that its use provides protection against viral and bacterial infections, normalizes sleep and improves digestion. The plant is used for diseases of the lungs, flatulence and gastrointestinal diseases.

Benefits and contraindications

Greens gained popularity among gardeners due to a number of advantages. These include:

provides protection

  1. Versatility of use, which allows you to use vegetation in various spheres of life.
  2. The possibility of growing outdoors, in greenhouses or at home.
  3. Disease resistance while following basic care rules.
  4. Greens tolerate well the neighborhood in the beds with other herbs and vegetables, therefore, planting in the same greenhouse with other crops is allowed.

Despite the benefits of basil, it should be consumed in moderation so as not to get poisoned. The plant contains mercury compounds, so it is contraindicated for pregnant women and young children.

spheres of life

How to dry at home?

There are several ways to dry fresh herbs, which differ from each other in technology and the timing of obtaining the finished spice.Before choosing the appropriate method, you should know about the rules for collecting the plant.

ready-made spices

When to collect?

Basil harvested at the very beginning of the flowering period is suitable for drying. You can use plant flowers or leaves. It is allowed to dry any kind of basil, but it is important to keep in mind that their tastes and aromas will differ from the classic look.

allowed to dry

How to dry in the oven?

Drying the plant in the oven is necessary at a temperature of 35 degrees. You can leave the greens in the oven together with the stalks or separately. You can take out the spice after 4-5 hours.

closet needs

In an electric dryer

The fastest drying of the plant allows you to get the finished product within 5 minutes. It is enough to put the greens in the electric dryer for this time and start the heating power of 700 W. The dried leaves should be taken out very carefully, as they get very hot during processing.

quick drying


To dry greens without mechanical stress, you can hang small bundles of leaves down in a dark room with good ventilation and high temperature. Shake the basil periodically to dry evenly.

uniform drying


If necessary keep dry basil you can put it in earthenware or glassware. Provided that the tightness is maintained, the spice will retain its taste and aroma for 3-4 years. To extend the shelf life, it is recommended to put containers with herbs in a dark place and periodically check the spice for mold and insects.

storage recommended


The rich chemical composition of the plant expands the possibilities of its use in everyday life. Basil is used in medicine, cosmetology, cooking and other industries.

Everyday life

For women

Cosmetic products using basil leaves very popular with women. The preparations have antioxidant properties and improve skin condition. The infusion of the plant and oil based on it help fight wrinkles, get rid of warts, and reduce hair fragility.

popular with women

With PMS

The characteristics of the plant relieve women of pain before menstruation and have a positive effect on immunity. Spice leaves are a source of iron, which, with blood loss, actively leaves the body and cleans it.


With cystitis

A decoction of herbs for cystitis reduces pain from inflammation and reduces the number of unpleasant urination. To prepare the solution, it is enough to mix 1 tablespoon of basil leaves and 200 ml of water, cook over low heat for 7-10 minutes, strain and consume three times a day.

unpleasant urination


It is recommended to consume basil seeds when following a diet to lose excess weight. The spice acts as a natural absorbent and removes toxins, cholesterol, and toxins from the body.

recommended to consume

For men

Modern medicine confirms that the benefits of the plant affect men's health. The inclusion of basil in the diet on an ongoing basis has a positive effect on potency and enhances sexual desire.

basil in the diet

In folk medicine

The beneficial characteristics of dried basil are widely used in traditional therapies. Healing decoctions, infusions and balms are prepared from the leaves. In practice, the plant helps to cure a number of diseases.

folk therapy

With a dry cough

To combat dry coughing, it is recommended to brew basil-based tea. By consuming the infusion after meals, it will be possible to increase the tone, reduce pain from an upper respiratory tract infection and relieve irritation in the throat.

dry cough

Weakening of tooth enamel and gums

A number of components that make up the greenery help to strengthen the enamel of the teeth and protect the gums from ulcers. The plant kills germs in the mouth and removes tartar.

tooth enamel

With kidney stones

It is recommended for those suffering from kidney stones to take the juice of the plant mixed with honey daily. The use for six months activates the discharge of calculi and stabilizes the tone.

kidney stones

To strengthen vision

The presence of vitamin A in the composition of greens prevents visual impairment and partially eliminates myopia. Especially useful is the use of basil to strengthen vision in childhood.

enhancing vision

Under stress

Riboflavin and rutin in the plant restores the nervous system. Thanks to this, a person is less exposed to stress and nervous breakdowns. Basil tea has a calming and relaxing effect on a person.

riboflavin and rutin

From heaviness in the stomach and problems with the gastrointestinal tract

If pain occurs in the stomach, it is recommended to brew 1.5 teaspoons in 250 ml of boiling water. The filtered infusion should be drunk 2 glasses daily. The weekly course helps to cleanse the body and eliminate gastrointestinal problems.

heaviness in the stomach

For immunity

The medicinal plant, when used frequently, increases immunity. The beneficial components of basil strengthen the body and promote recovery after serious operations. Regular consumption of greens gives strength and energy.

boosts immunity

With rheumatism

Decoctions based on dried basil relieve muscle and joint pain. The plant has an antiseptic and irritating effect on painful areas. For arthritis and rheumatism, ointments and creams containing greens help.

muscles and joints

In cooking

Fresh or dried basil leaves are especially prized in the culinary field. The aromatic and taste characteristics of the spice complement meat and fish dishes, salads and snacks. The plant gives dishes a spicy taste that combines bitter notes and astringency.


Magical properties

According to many beliefs, basil has magical properties and attracts love, prosperity and good luck to the house. The plant maintains a peaceful atmosphere, prevents conflict situations, protects the house from ill-wishers.

magical properties

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