The correct timing when you need to harvest garlic in central Russia

Garlic is grown in almost every country, as this vegetable is often used in cooking to prepare various dishes. Before you start planting this plant, you should figure out when garlic is harvested in the middle lane. Also, before planting, you will have to determine the best varieties of garlic for the middle lane.

When to dig up spring garlic?

Not all vegetable growers know when to dig up summer garlic in the middle lane. Harvesting is often done in the middle of summer - July 15–20. By this time, all the fruits have time to form and fully ripen. To make sure of the maturity of a vegetable, carefully examine its appearance. The main sign of the ripeness of garlic is the massive yellowing of the leaves. Therefore, if the lower leaves gradually turn yellow, you can safely proceed to harvesting. The yellow color of the leaves indicates that all the nutritional components from them have passed into the fruits.

remove garlic

However, it is not only maturity that determines when to harvest spring garlic for further storage.

How does garlic harvesting depend on the weather?

To pinpoint, when digging garlic in central Russia, you need to familiarize yourself with the weather for the coming days. After all, the timing of harvesting directly depends on weather conditions.

garlic in the middle

It is recommended to collect garlic heads on clear and sunny days with perfectly dry soil. Of course, in the Tula region, when garlic is dug up, it can rain at any moment. In this case, you will have to postpone the harvest the next day. However, this does not stop some, and even in a downpour, they do not stop removing ripe garlic heads from the garden.

Some are interested in when to harvest garlic in Smolensk and in what weather to do it? In this case, too, the harvest time depends on the weather conditions. If after the ripening of all the fruits, warm and sunny weather remains, then you can start harvesting. After the rains, you will have to postpone the collection of garlic until the soil is completely dry.

dig up spring

Lunar cleaning

When the heads are fully ripe, it is recommended to refer to the lunar calendar in order to find the most favorable date for digging out the garlic. The most favorable days for harvesting vegetables in July are 5-8, 10-15, 20-25. Sometimes fruit ripening is delayed until August and you have to choose favorable days of this month. At the end of summer, heads should be cleaned on 3-5, 10-13, 15-17 and 30 numbers.

Also in the lunar calendar there are dates for harvesting fruits, selected depending on the characteristics of the movement of the earth's satellite. In this case, the vegetable is dug up on July 5, 10, 16, 21, 24 and 25.In August, it is better to pick the ripe crop on the 3rd, 10th, 17th, 28th and 29th.

transfer fee

When determining the timing of harvesting vegetables from the garden, you should not rely only on the lunar calendar. You also need to carefully examine the garlic bushes. The garlic heads should be fully ripe and ready to harvest.

Winter garlic harvest

Before you start harvesting winter garlic, you need to figure out when to dig it up in the middle lane. They do this in the second half of July or early August. Determining the exact timing of the harvest is easier if the planting date of the garlic has been recorded in advance. In this case, the harvesting of the bulbs begins 100 days after the appearance of the first shoots. It is not worth leaving the plant in the garden longer, as it will overripe.

lunar calendar

Signs of overripe include bursting of the scales that cover the head of garlic. Also, on overripe vegetables, the teeth crumble into pieces, and the bulb puts out young roots for further germination. It is better to harvest the entire crop before overripening, as overripe heads are poorly stored.

Winter garlic is harvested only in clear, dry and calm weather. To do this, carefully dig in all the bushes with ripe heads with a pitchfork or a bayonet shovel, after which it is taken out of the ground. They must be removed from the ground carefully so as not to accidentally damage the fruits. It is necessary to get rid of the earth on the surface of the garlic, since it is because of it that it rots. It is also necessary to get rid of the soil carefully so that the heads do not get damaged and do not start to rot because of this.

signs of overripe

How to properly harvest garlic and prepare it for storage?

Before collecting garlic in the middle lane, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of harvesting this vegetable crop. As in the case of winter garlic, garlic should only be properly harvested on warm summer days in the morning or evening. It is very important that the soil is dry, as this makes digging the heads out much easier.

Having dug up all the fruits, they are cleaned of adhering earth, laid out on the site and covered with leaves so that the root crop does not get burned. The heads are left outside for 3-4 days or transferred to a well-ventilated area for further storage of the harvested crop.

clean up correctly

Some immediately cut off the leaves from the bushes they dug, but you should not do this. Within 5-7 days, the leaves contain assimilants, which eventually enter the fruits. Therefore, the upper leaves are cut off after their complete outflow. The only thing they get rid of right away is the soil and roots. The soil is removed from the surface of the plant carefully so as not to accidentally damage the upper skin.

The soil removed at the wrong time reduces the shelf life of the assembled heads and promotes their rotting.

harvested soil

Tips from a seasoned summer resident

Having figured out when to harvest winter garlic in the Nizhny Novgorod region and other regions of the middle lane, you should familiarize yourself with the tips for storing the crop.

All varieties of winter garlic varieties of central Russia are stored:

seasoned summer resident

  • In pigtails. This is the most common harvest storage method used by many gardeners. Garlic braids are created by dried leafy stems. When all the plants are collected in pigtails, they are tied up in a closet, closet or other darkened place.
  • In grids. Also, to save space when storing harvested garlic, nets are used. Using this method of storing the crop, you will have to regularly inspect the harvested crop in order to get rid of the spoiled heads.
  • In flour. Often, ordinary flour is used to store garlic, which absorbs excess moisture. To store the crop in this way, the bottom of the saucepan is covered with flour, on top of which the heads are laid. After that, the vegetable is covered with a layer of flour on top and covered with a lid.
  • In bags.Often used to prepare an ideal place for storing vegetables, bags made from natural materials. Before placing the crop in bags, it is treated with salt to protect the fruit from pests and diseases.

ideal location


All gardeners who decide to connect their lives with growing vegetables are engaged in planting and collecting garlic. To properly remove ripe garlic from the site, you need to figure out the timing of harvesting the fruits and the features of this process.

planting and collecting

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