
Most read entries in the heading
A universal remedy for protecting the garden and vegetable garden from pests —...
Instructions for use of the Oxyhom fungicide must be strictly followed. This drug ...

Fungicides help protect crops planted in the garden and vegetable garden from infection. They cope well with pathogens of powdery mildew, root rot, phytophthora.

Each group of drugs differs in the onset and duration of action, the constituent components. Some are used for prophylaxis (mainly have a natural basis), others are intended for medicinal purposes (chemical components are based on the funds). The last type of funds has many advantages, the toxicity of the solution is considered a disadvantage.

The articles provide a list of the most effective and popular drugs. Recommendations are noted regarding their dosage and use. It is also important to familiarize yourself with the precautions when working with fungicides.

Table of recipes for tank mixtures for plant protection and how to do it right
Table of recipes for tank mixtures for plant protection and how to do it right
Tank mixtures for plant protection and feeding consist of compatible components. All these chemicals are good ...
The composition and purpose of the fungicide Broad Spectrum, instructions for its use
The composition and purpose of the fungicide Broad Spectrum, instructions for its use
Broad Spectrum is a fungicide that protects the garden and vegetable garden from dangerous fungi. This low-toxic ...
Instructions for use and composition of the fungicide Abiga-Peak, dosage and analogues
Instructions for use and composition of the fungicide Abiga-Peak, dosage and analogues
Fungal diseases can infect cultural and wild plantings, leading to their death, causing ruin ...
Composition and instructions for use of the fungicide Alirin-B, dosage and analogues
Composition and instructions for use of the fungicide Alirin-B, dosage and analogs
Fungicides, or, in Latin, substances that kill fungi, help fight fungal infections of plants ...
Composition and instructions for use of the fungicide Boxwood, dosage and analogs
Composition and instructions for the use of the fungicide Boxwood, dosage and analogues
Many gardeners use tank mixes - a cocktail of fungicides and insecticides to produce simultaneous treatments ...
Composition and instructions for use of the fungicide Calypso, dosage and analogs
Composition and instructions for use of the fungicide Calypso, dosage and analogs
Fungicide and insecticide "Calypso" is used to protect the garden and vegetable garden from insects. This remedy helps ...
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