Instructions for use of the drug Killer from the Colorado potato beetle

The Colorado potato beetle is one of the most common pests of potatoes and other nightshade plants. This insect is distinguished by its rapid reproduction and active eating of leaves, due to which you can lose crops. To prevent this, if leaf beetles are found, it is necessary to immediately begin to destroy them. To date, the most effective method is the use of the Killer drug from the Colorado potato beetle. This substance is able to cope not only with adult insects, but also with their larvae at different stages of development.

Features of the drug

The peculiarity of the Killer preparation, which distinguishes it from similar insecticides, is that it can cope not only with the Colorado potato beetle and its larvae, but also with many other insect pests. This product can be used when processing plants in the open field, in temporary greenhouse buildings and greenhouses.

The advantages of the drug from the Colorado potato beetle Killer also include the following indicators:

  • complete destruction of pests in a short period;
  • no phytotoxicity is observed in plants;
  • the drug can be used in different weather conditions;
  • lack of immunity in insects;
  • different methods of processing plants;
  • destruction of insects at different stages of development, including their eggs;
  • resistance to washing off by rainfall;
  • long term efficiency.

In addition, the Killer drug does not impair the quality of root crops and yield.

Important: Plants should not be sprayed with insecticide 45 days before the expected harvest.

killer drug

Drug characteristics

The combined preparation is very effective in pest control. It is produced in liquid form, in two special vessels:

  • 10 ml vials;
  • ampoules with a volume of 1.3 ml.

The main components of the drug are:

  • chlorpyrifos - 500 g / l;
  • cypermethrin - 50 g / l.

Colorado beetle

Each component is aimed at killing insects at different stages of their development.

Thus, cypermethrin has a detrimental effect on adult beetles. When insects eat treated plants, the nervous system is destroyed, which subsequently leads to their death. Moreover, the drug is more effective during the first 24 hours after treatment.

But still, the effect of the insecticide persists for 30 days after its application.

Chlorpyrifos fights well against insect larvae and eggs. Moreover, the poison enters the body not by eating leaves, but through many tracheas that penetrate the entire body of insects.This component can be found in the natural environment and have a detrimental effect on larvae for more than 2 months after treatment.

colorado beetles

Instructions for use

The Colorado potato beetle remedy can be used in several ways:

  • tubers processing;
  • spraying plants.

The treatment is carried out once, without combining with other insecticides. Especially it is impossible to add preparations with a high content of copper and alkali.

Instructions for Killer treatment from the Colorado potato beetle:

  1. To pickle the tubers of a plant before planting, you need to dilute 10 ml of insecticide liquid in 500-600 ml of water. The resulting solution is enough to process 25–30 kg of potatoes.
  2. To spray potato plantations, you will need to dilute one ampoule with a volume of 1.3 ml in 8 liters of water. The poisoned liquid will be enough to cover 100 m² of the site.

spraying potatoes

It is worth paying attention: in addition to its direct purpose - pest control - the drug from the Colorado potato beetle Killer helps to stimulate plant growth and their proper development.

The Killer drug belongs to toxic substances of the 3rd hazard class. In this regard, there are certain rules for processing plants.

Recommendations for work

To obtain high efficiency and achieve complete destruction of insects, potato processing should be carried out in the presence of a large number of pests. In addition, there are mandatory requirements for work.

spraying potatoes in the open field

Consider the main recommendations for processing plants:

  1. Spraying potatoes should be carried out only during the growing season.
  2. Poison from the Colorado potato beetle will be more effective if the treatment is done in the morning or evening. The recommended air temperature is from +8 to +25 degrees.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to spray vegetables at a wind speed of more than 4 m per second.
  4. Spraying of plants should be abundant, with the obligatory simultaneous coverage of the entire planting area.
  5. The drug should not be applied more than 2 times.
  6. To avoid phytotoxicity on potatoes, it is strictly forbidden to apply nitrogen fertilizers simultaneously with the poisoned liquid.
  7. After processing, mechanized work is allowed after 3 days, touching open hands - no earlier than 7 days.

killer drug and potatoes

It is very important to observe safety precautions when carrying out work. Plants should be processed only in a protected robe, gloves and a respirator, otherwise the harmful components of the drug can negatively affect human health.

Signs of poisoning with Killer

There are frequent cases when, when all the rules for processing potatoes with the Killer drug are observed, poisoning of the body occurs.

Consider the primary symptoms of poisoning:

  • urge to vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • disorientation;
  • chills;
  • deterioration of vision.


At the first listed signs, it is recommended to immediately seek medical help at the clinic, otherwise there may be a high probability of death.

First aid that health workers should provide in case of poisoning through the respiratory tract:

  1. If a person has lost consciousness, he must be brought back to his senses as soon as possible.
  2. Induce vomiting and gastric lavage.
  3. Give the victim a poison neutralizer and the drug "Regidron".

the drug rehydron

After the procedure, the patient is advised to take a large amount of fluids and stay calm.

If the poisoning occurs through the skin, it is recommended to treat the affected areas with zinc ointment. The zinc oxide included in it will help get rid of inflammation and the development of the toxic effects of the poison. In addition, you will also need to apply compresses using potassium permanganate.

drinking water

So, having considered all the characteristics of the Killer poison, we can conclude that there is no more effective way to combat the Colorado potato beetle. This is confirmed by the reviews of summer residents. Everyone who tried this drug was pleased with the result. But this agent is quite toxic, therefore, in order not to harm your health, the processing of plants should be carried out strictly according to the attached instructions.

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