What to do if potatoes have high tops when you can cut them

A significant part of Russian citizens grow potatoes today. A large increase in the ground mass of plants does not always allow counting on large tubers. Good large tops are bad for yields and in most cases speaks of improper growing techniques. Why potatoes grow tall tops and what needs to be done at the same time, you need to know in order to get a proper harvest.

The reasons for the intensive growth of tops

The high potato tops of traditional varieties have a negative impact on yields. This is due to the fact that the plant gives all its strength to the formation of green mass, and there is no food left for the growth of tubers. Several factors can lead to a situation where the shoots begin to stretch strongly. The main reasons are:

high tops

  • planting a plant in a shaded area;
  • excessive fertilization of the soil;
  • over-watering or heavy planting.

Excessive growth of green mass and the lack of timely measures will indicate that time has already been lost, and it will be impossible to influence the yield indicators from a certain moment.

shaded area

Excess nitrogen

Often, the tops of potatoes develop due to excessive application of fertilizers to the soil, which stimulate the growth of green mass. Excellent growth of tops is observed with excessive soil enrichment with manure and nitrogen-containing fertilizers. In this case, the height of the bushes reaches 80 cm or more. In this case, adjustments are made to the rate of application of nutrients and measures are taken to stop the further growth of tops.

Excess nitrogen

In places where tubers are planted, the following fertilization scheme is assumed:

  • the first is done after the emergence of seedlings, if manure was not introduced into the soil in autumn or spring, saltpeter or urea is used with the calculation of 10 g per 10 liters of water;
  • the second is done after hilling and at a tops height of 20 to 25 cm, 25-30 g of nitrophosphate is scattered in the aisle.

During the summer season, several times it is required to feed with complex fertilizers, saturating the soil with potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and other types of trace elements.

fertilizing with fertilizers

Large tubers

Excessive fertilization does not always lead to the growth of tall tops, and in this case it is worth paying attention to the features of the potato. The reason may lie in the tubers. Why potatoes have high tops is often determined by the breeding qualities of the variety, so before planting it is worth studying the features and characteristics of the garden culture.

The tall potato bush is characteristic of species such as Nakra and Impal.

A common mistake novice gardeners make is choosing large tubers for planting.As a result, due to the large amount of nutrients, there is a rapid growth of shoots, and the reserve in large root crops is sufficient to form a large volume of greenery. For planting, it is recommended to use tubers no larger than the size of a chicken egg.

Large tubers

Lack of light

Lack of light negatively affects the potato yield. In cases where there is little space on the site, gardeners begin to "cut" the site and plant tubers in the shade of trees. Such plantings are distinguished by the elongated tops of root crops and their high growth. The lower the tree crowns, the more thickened and shaded the planting area is. In this regard, it is recommended to choose open sunny places for growing potatoes.

Often the problem of insufficient lighting arises due to non-compliance with the planting and planting scheme of tubers too close to each other. In this case, the shoots begin to stretch, and the plantings become thickened, which leads to poor ventilation and plant diseases.

Many gardeners resort to trickery by planting shrubs with the formation of plantings from north to south. This method allows you to provide the shoots with maximum light around the clock, since in the first half of the day, sunlight comes to one side of the bushes, and on the second, the second side of the plant is fully illuminated.

Lack of light


Often weather conditions cause poor harvests. The higher the precipitation level and the greater their excess over the norm, the higher the bushes are formed. This situation is typical for a rainy summer with a lack of sunny days and warm weather.

Many gardeners mistakenly believe that the more watering is done, the higher the yield will be. Excessive moistening of the soil leads to the opposite effect, there is a progressive growth of tops and grinding of tubers. An additional disadvantage of frequent watering is the poor storage capacity of such potatoes, so you will have to part with part of the plant.


What measures to take if the tops are high

To stop the growth of tops, many summer residents use the treatment of the planting site with a solution prepared from 100 g of superphosphate and 10 liters of water for each hundred square meters of area. The prepared product is required to shed each potato bush. In most cases, this method is used in case of excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers to the soil and the need to urgently stop the growth of green mass.

The active components of the drug lead to an acceleration of the formation potato tubers due to the outflow of nutrients or leaves into root crops.

You can resort to the method in which the mowing of the tops is carried out. It applies only after the full end of the period flowering potatoes... Experienced gardeners advise mowing 2 weeks before harvest.

tops high

Several positive results are achieved when using the mowing method, and the likelihood of obtaining a good harvest is quite high. Positive aspects include:

  • stimulation of the processes of formation of root crops;
  • improving the taste and external characteristics of the fruit;
  • better evaporation of moisture, reduced risk of waterlogging;
  • prevention of various types of potato diseases, which often infect tubers through the tops;
  • increasing the ability to long-term storage.

improvement of taste

When the tops of the potatoes are cut, harvesting is greatly simplified. After the end of the work, the mown greens must be removed and the soil treated with fungicides, which will reduce the risk of infection of root crops.

simplifies collection

What to do if the tops are low

The size of the tops is influenced by many factors, the characteristics of the variety are fundamental.For some crops, a height of 45 to 50 cm is considered the norm, so before planting a new type of potato, you should read the description. It is necessary to worry in the case when the planted variety began to grow abnormally for many years, and the growth of the tops stopped.

The most common reason for low haulm is due to improper implementation potato care.

In most cases, this situation is observed when there is a lack of nutrients in the soil. Phosphorus deficiency leads to underdeveloped tops and poor plant growth. A signal of a lack of such an element is the acquisition of a purple hue from a tuber cut in half. In this case, it is enough to spray the plants with a superphosphate solution to solve the problem. For good potato growth, it is important to exclude plant diseases, follow the planting scheme and watering recommendations.

read the description

  1. Nina
    7.07.2018 07:51

    I only ran into this problem when I was planting fairly large tubers. I had to fertilize the potatoes with the "BioGrow"To get the harvest. It strengthens her well.

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