Description and characteristics of Divnaya strawberries, planting scheme and care

Strawberry variety Divnaya stands out with a rich strawberry aroma, an unusual elongated shape. The culture is appreciated by summer residents and farmers for its balanced sweet and sour taste, pulp density, which determines the versatility of use, and high transportability.

Breeding history

Strawberry Divnaya was tested and registered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in 2004 under number 9204342. The variety was bred by domestic breeders much earlier (1987) by cross-pollination of the garden strawberry Festivalnaya and the variety Holiday.

The culture is recommended for cultivation in the North-West region for personal and industrial use.

Description and characteristics of Strawberry Divnaya

The plant grows normally and bears fruit in open field, greenhouses and even at home when planted in pots.

Strawberry bushes of the Marvelous variety are erect, not prone to lodging with numerous green glossy leaves. The leaf plates are serrated, medium wrinkled.

The flower stalks of the plant form multi-flowered inflorescences that bloom with large white flowers. They do not contact the ground under the weight of the crop. The culture is mid-season, self-fertile, does not require additional pollinators.

strawberry fruit

Strawberries produce abundant aerial shoots that require pruning.

Fruits of garden strawberries - without a neck, finger-shaped, weighing 15-30 g. Large berries are found in the first ripening wave. The closer to the end of fruiting, the smaller the fruits on the bush. The pulp is fragrant with a dessert taste. The structure is dense, homogeneous, without voids.

Positive and negative sides of the berry

Farmers and gardeners in the reviews give preference to Divnaya strawberries for the following positive characteristics:

  • high yield, subject to agricultural technology - 1–1.2 kg per bush or 150 centners per hectare;
  • sweet and sour taste, strawberry aroma;
  • the versatility of the fruit;
  • dryness, presentation of berries;
  • culture resistance to frost down to -25 ° C, drought;
  • average susceptibility to fungal diseases.

Winter hardiness and drought resistance make it possible to grow the plant in the southern regions and in areas with frosty long winters, using a covering material, greenhouses.

To propagate strawberries of the Divnaya variety, farms and amateur gardeners do not have to purchase planting material due to the formation of multiple mustaches.

ripe strawberry

The disadvantages of strawberries include:

  • uneven shape of the fruit, which complicates implementation;
  • small berries that ripen closer to the final harvest;
  • prolonged fruiting;
  • susceptibility of culture to recurrent frosts.

With prolonged summer precipitation, the taste and aroma of the garden strawberry Divnaya loses its brightness and intensity.

The subtleties of growing

In obtaining a bountiful harvest, an important role is played by site selection, seedling preparation, timing and adherence to the planting scheme.

Dates and place

Strawberries Divnaya are planted in the spring after warming the soil, but more often from July to early September, when a viable planting material (mustache) appears.

Crop beds are erected on a flat, illuminated place. Shade and partial shade cause the fruit to shred. From the close occurrence of groundwater (above 70 cm from the surface), as well as from growing in the lowlands, roots rot, plants get sick.

Preparation of planting material

Before planting the strawberries, the dried leaves are cut off, the peduncles are removed. It is unacceptable to plant plants with signs of disease - spotty, twisted or in a hole with leaves, a dried dark root system.

planting strawberries

The culture is soaked in Kornevin's solution, nutritious nettle infusion. If the roots are longer than 10 cm, cut to the desired length.

Landing technology

For 1 sq. m planted 4 bushes of Divnaya strawberries, maintaining a distance between plants of 30 cm.

Culture planting algorithm:

  • dig a hole 10 cm deep, moisten;
  • the plant is placed in the soil so that the "heart" remains flush with the surface, not covered with earth;
  • the soil is compacted;
  • re-watered abundantly, mulch.

It takes 3-4 weeks for a culture to take root, the first 14 days of seedling requires daily irrigation.

Crop care recommendations

Caring for Divnaya strawberries after planting consists in regular irrigation, dressing, mustache trimming, protection from pests and diseases.

Soil and fertilizers

The culture loves fertile water and breathable, slightly acidic soils. If necessary, lower the acidity of the soil with ash, lime, dolomite flour.

fertilizer for strawberries

Heavy soils are loosened with peat, sand is added. Fertilize the earth when digging. For 1 sq. m. you will need a bucket of humus, rotted manure with the addition of 30 g of superphosphate or 50 g of nitroammophoska.

Timely applied fertilizers increase strawberry yield by a quarter.

In early spring, the culture is fed with nitrogen - a solution of mullein, bird droppings or urea, pouring 500 ml of solution under each bush (2 tablespoons of dry matter per bucket of water).

When flower buds form on plants, strawberries require a mineral complex of assimilable phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen.

When ovaries are formed, when pilaf is poured, Divnaya strawberries are fertilized first with a solution of boric acid, later Biohumus is added, and poured with ash water.

Immediately after harvesting for the normal formation of flower buds, potash-phosphorus fertilizers are applied to the soil.

Watering and moisture

Strawberry Divnaya has superficial roots, the culture cannot independently provide itself with water, therefore, the growing season and the filling of fruits directly depend on the irrigation of the bushes.

watering strawberries

With a snowless winter, no precipitation in March, the crop is watered for the first time in April. From May to August, the bushes are moistened once a week, in case of drought - after 1–2 days.

After the formation of fruits, it is recommended to irrigate the strawberries through the grooves dug in the aisles to protect the berries from rot and mold. For 1 sq. m. requires 10 liters of settled warm water.

The number of irrigations after moisture-holding mulching is reduced.

Relation to temperature

The culture is actively developing at 18–22 ° C. Strawberries Marvelous, grown in the northern regions, are saved from return frosts from -3 ° C during flowering, covering them with agrofibre or stretching the film over metal arcs.

Although the plant belongs to frost-resistant varieties, during snowless winters, the bushes need insulation with a covering material, since the roots freeze out from -12 ° C.

Diseases and pests

The health of garden strawberries is judged by the appearance of the bushes. Strawberry Divnaya is sick with rots characteristic of the variety, all kinds of spots, late blight and fusarium wilting, leading to drying, curling and ultimately the death of leaves. Not only leaf plates are affected, but also rot, fruits are mummified.

 strawberry disease

To prevent the development of fungal spores in early spring after the snow cover disappears, strawberries are treated with 2% Bordeaux liquid, Hom, Skor, Ridomil, Topaz preparations. Repeat spraying every 10 days until the flower buds open.

The following measures protect strawberries from diseases:

  • regular weeding;
  • compliance with crop rotation;
  • purchase of high-quality planting material;
  • avoidance of thickening of landings.

Before flowering and after harvest, they fight numerous pests.

Insects and disposal methods:

  • slugs, snails — traps, mechanical collection, placement of Maldehyde granules under bushes;
  • weevils, aphids, leaf beetles - treatment of the plant with Aktellik;
  • moth, beetles - the use of Karbofos;
  • mites - spraying with Fitoverm, Aktofit.

frequent illnesses

Birds that destroy part of the Divnaya strawberry crop are scared away by different methods. Of the most popular gardeners are:

  • pulling the net onto arcs or stakes;
  • hanging glittering objects on the garden bed, creating the illusion of movement;
  • placement of noise traps among bushes at a low height - bundles of metal pipes, beer cans.

The strawberry harvest is saved by scarecrows, electronic devices that scare away birds.

Propagation of strawberries

Garden strawberries Divnaya are propagated by seeds, mustaches, division of bushes. The first method is long and does not guarantee the preservation of varietal characteristics.

Seeds are more often used for breeding new and brushless varieties or in the absence of other planting material.

To grow strawberry seedlings, the seeds are placed on top of a moist substrate consisting of equal parts of humus, sand and vermiculite, covered with glass, film.

Mustache reproduction

After the appearance of the first sprouts of culture, the shelter is removed, the roots are sprinkled with soil. Seedlings need good lighting, temperature 22-25 ° C, regular moderate moisture. Plants dive after the formation of 2-3 leaves, and are planted in a permanent place when 6 leaf plates grow.

Adult strawberry bushes over four years old are divided from spring to September.

Division technology:

  • dig up the intended bush;
  • remove dried plant parts, soil from the roots;
  • get rid of peduncles;
  • the plant is placed in a basin of water and the plant is carefully divided into parts.

The resulting delenki are planted in a permanent place, but it is better to send them to the greenhouse for growing, placing each in a separate pot.

A popular breeding method for Bohemian strawberries is a mustache that retains varietal characteristics. Daughter rosettes with roots of the first or second order are separated from the mother bush. Three strong whiskers are left intact on the bush of the second year of life, the remaining aerial shoots are removed.

Propagation of strawberries

The mustache is cut off so that the mother plant has a 20-centimeter stem, and the young rosette - 5 cm long.

The planting material is planted immediately into the ground on the prepared, dug and fertilized soil.

Collection and storage

Ripe, red fruits of Divnaya strawberries are harvested in June-July, choosing clear days, in the morning after dew has evaporated. The crop is harvested exclusively by hand, leaving the tails of the stalks to avoid injury, damage. They put the berries directly into those containers, baskets in which the strawberries will be stored or transported.

At room temperature, the shelf life is 1 day. Unwashed, firm, without rotting areas, the berry stays fresh in the refrigerator for up to 1 week if placed in a cardboard box with holes.

The shelf life of washed fruits at a temperature of + 2 ° C is reduced to a day.

Garden strawberries, consumed in the first hours after harvest, will bring more benefits. If you want to feast on fruits in winter, they freeze them, make homemade canned food.

Collection and storage

Growing difficulties

Possible problems when growing Marvelous strawberries, reasons, solutions:

  1. The ovary does not form - it is recommended to change the bushes for young ones every four years, since at the end of this period the fruiting of Divnaya strawberries ends.
  2. If there are few fruits and they are small, then the flowers are not sufficiently pollinated. Cloudy weather and prolonged precipitation reduce the activity of pollinating insects.
  3. When strawberries are thickened, leading to a lack of nutrients, diseases, and a decrease in yield, there is only one way out - to remove aerial shoots in time.
  4. Withering, deformation of leaves are signals of a crop about insufficient watering or lack of treatment with fungicides and insecticides. To save the strawberry bed, the intensity of irrigation is increased or the green mass is cut off at the root, treated with chemicals.

With proper planting and care, the Divnaya strawberry pleases the owners, albeit not with the highest yield, but with a wonderful aroma, dessert taste of berries, and unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

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