Description and features of the goat and sheep and the difference between these animals

At first glance, it is easy for an inexperienced person to confuse a goat with a sheep. These animals in zoology are united by one superfamily - Caprinae, artiodactyl mammals from the Bovid family. Domesticated livestock have a common ancestry and genetic similarity. Despite this, they belong to two separate genera of cloven-hoofed animals. What is the difference between a goat and a sheep, let's try to figure it out.

Description of the goat

Animals are adapted to survive in hot and frosty climates. They do not tolerate high humidity. Goat breeding is developed among farmers due to the high value of milk. It is nourishing, rich in vitamins and minerals. The skin and fur of an animal are especially appreciated. They are unpretentious in keeping: goats eat more varieties of vegetation than other herbivores. They need 6 times less feed per day than cows, and they give about two liters of milk.

Outwardly, goats differ from sheep in several ways. On the head there are horns and a beard. The body is covered with straight hair, which varies in length and quality depending on the breed. The color of the animal is from white to black or variegated colors. The tail is small, raised up.

By their nature, goats are curious, independent in nature. They are adapted to climbing mountain peaks. On the farm, goats are intelligent, obedient animals. They do not require special care, are affectionate to the owner, are squeamish, therefore they make it a little difficult to take care of themselves. The life expectancy of domestic individuals is 9-10 years, in rare cases, they live up to 17 years of age.

goat and sheep difference

What does a sheep look like

Domesticated artiodactyls are prized for their tasty meat and thick hair. Sheep breeding is widespread, and breeders receive fleece, skin, milk, cooking oil and feta cheese. The specimen is externally characterized by thick curly hair and spiral horns (males). The legs of animals are adapted to long journeys across the plains.

The weight of farm animals is 45-100 kg in females and 70-160 kg in males. In height, the animal can reach up to 110 cm. The muzzle of sheep is pointed, with a straight profile. A ram's tail is long, hanging down or fat-tail. Twisted horns are located on the head, they can reach up to 180 cm in length. There is a breed of ram that does not have horns.

two sheep

The peculiarity of the location of the eyes in sheep allows you to see what is happening around without turning your head. This helps to see the approaching danger. Animals have a good sense of smell and hearing. The color of different breeds ranges from cream to dark brown, black.

Expert opinion
Zarechny Maxim Valerievich
Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best summer cottage expert.
The ancestors of this species of animals are accustomed to poor food in the mountains, therefore they are unpretentious in food. The structure of the teeth makes it possible to eat away all plants at the root.

Sheep keep in crowding, prefer a herd way of life, in contrast to goats. Shyness is characteristic of individuals, they communicate with sounds between relatives. This helps to promptly inform the herd of an impending danger. The life span of animals is 7-15 years.

The main differences between a goat and a sheep

According to historical records, man tamed a wild goat 10 thousand years before our era. During that period, people learned to get milk, a warm skin, which saved from the cold. The sheep was tamed later, about 6-8 thousand years BC.

Ruminants are similar at the genetic level, they have almost the same number of chromosomes.

This is due to a common origin. Despite the genetic relationship, there are no common signs between them, both in appearance and in lifestyle.

goat and sheep difference

Notable differences between the two animal species:

  1. Sheep and lambs are mammals, belong to this family, but different species.
  2. Goats have 60 chromosomes, and rams have 54.
  3. Goats eat the tops of plants, rams feed on plants, eating them completely.
  4. Goats are considered independent animals. They are free and curious. Sheep are more timid, they are lost outside the herd.
  5. The goat has a specific odor that attracts parasites and is prone to ringworm. Sheep tend to become infected with worms.
  6. Sheep milk is more fatty than goat's milk.
  7. Lamb meat is fatty, contains a lot of cholesterol. Goat meat is leaner as it contains less fat.
  8. Goat hair does not need to be clipped regularly. Lambs are sheared annually.
  9. Sheep are adapted to the plains, they run fast. Goats are adapted to climbing steep slopes, able to climb mountain tops in search of food.

The similarities and differences between a goat and a sheep are understandable. There are significant differences in physical characteristics, appearance, lifestyle, care. Sheep and goat breeding are popular for their valuable milk, furs, meat and food derivatives.

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