Rules for vaccinating rabbits at home and when to vaccinate

Vaccinating rabbits helps protect animals from major diseases. Even an inexperienced farmer can vaccinate animals. It is not at all necessary to be able to give injections for this. Today there are special pistols that help self-vaccinate. At the same time, it is important to strictly observe the dosage and adhere to the timing of the vaccinations.

Why vaccination is necessary

The main problem of rabbit breeding is that most diseases of these animals are practically not amenable to therapy. Pathologies such as myxomatosis or viral hemorrhagic disease are fatal in almost 100% of cases. In this case, only a few survive. In addition, there is always a threat of the spread of diseases and the development of an epidemic. Therefore, timely implementation of vaccinations often helps to preserve animals not only health, but also life.

Mandatory vaccinations

It is recommended to vaccinate rabbits against such pathologies:

  • myxomatosis;
  • rabies;
  • viral hemorrhagic disease.

Rabbits are more susceptible to these pathologies. Moreover, animals can become infected anywhere. This is possible in such cases:

  • contact with animals that spread infections - these include rats and mice;
  • violation of conditions of detention;
  • insect bites.

rabbit vaccination

The threat of infections lies in the fact that when a disease is detected in one rabbit, it quickly affects all the others. It is permissible to vaccinate yourself. You don't have to go to your veterinarian to do this. It is important to take into account that only healthy animals with a normal temperature are allowed to vaccinate.

Optional vaccines

Rabbits often suffer from pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, listeriosis. The decision to vaccinate against these diseases must be made by a doctor. The main symptoms of pasteurellosis include the following:

  • increase in temperature;
  • lacrimation;
  • feverish condition.

Pasteurellosis predominantly appears on large farms when the rules for caring for animals are violated. The first injection is given at 1-1.5 months. Then, during the first year of life, you need to perform another 2-3 revaccinations. Subsequently, injections are performed every 6 months.

rabbit vaccination

Key symptoms of salmonellosis include:

  • diarrhea;
  • intense vomiting;
  • loss of appetite.

It is necessary to vaccinate animals against salmonellosis in the same way as against pasteurellosis.In this case, the interval between vaccinations should be at least 14 days. Females are more exposed to listeriosis. With the development of pathology, they lose their appetite. Weakness and apathy are common. A comprehensive vaccination helps to prevent all three diseases. In this case, the vaccination schedule is selected by the doctor.

At what age are vaccinations shown to rabbits and how often are they carried out?

It is permissible to vaccinate only healthy rabbits, starting from 1.5 months. Then the vaccination must be done at intervals of six months. The whole complex of vaccinations for meat breeds can be done once a year.

rabbit vaccination

There are 2 options for vaccination:

  1. The first scheme. At the same time, complex vaccination is performed. The first time the vaccine must be done 45 days after birth. This means that rabbits born in September are vaccinated in October-November. The second vaccination is given after 3 months. It is forbidden to violate the terms, since immunity must be formed and consolidated. Revaccination is carried out every 5-6 months.
  2. The second scheme. In this case, monovaccines for myxomatosis and viral hemorrhagic disease are used in turn. The first vaccination is given at 45 days from VGBK. After 2 weeks, it is recommended to vaccinate rabbits against myxomatosis. The third vaccination is given 3 months later. During this period, rabbits are vaccinated against myxomatosis. The fourth vaccination is done 2 weeks later from VGBK. Then you need to vaccinate rabbits at intervals of six months, alternating vaccines. In this case, it is worth observing an interval of 2 weeks between vaccinations.

It is strictly forbidden to vaccinate pregnant rabbits. Also, do not vaccinate lactating females, as this can cause infection of the young.

rabbit vaccination

Animal preparation

Regardless of the type of vaccination before the procedure, it is recommended to follow these rules:

  • the rabbit must be completely healthy;
  • when carrying out the manipulation yourself, you need to strictly follow the instructions for the medicine;
  • it is forbidden to change the dosage of the medication without a doctor's testimony;
  • it is important to strictly adhere to the vaccination schedule, otherwise the animal may contract infections;
  • before vaccination, it is worth giving the animals a substance from worms for prevention;
  • the first vaccination is permissible only if the weight of the animal exceeds 500 grams;
  • the minimum interval between different vaccinations should be 2-3 weeks;
  • when carrying out the procedure yourself, it is important to adhere to the rules for storing the medicine.

To avoid the occurrence of adverse reactions to the vaccine, it is recommended to protect rabbits from stress factors and hypothermia, which impair their immunity.

Self-vaccination at home for beginners

You are allowed to vaccinate yourself. However, injecting the drug is permissible only after consulting a doctor. Rabbits are usually prescribed 0.5 milliliters of the drug. For decorative or dwarf animals, the dose can be selected individually.

rabbit vaccination

You need to give injections with a sterile syringe. In this case, injections are performed intramuscularly. They can be done at the hip or withers. Beforehand, the rabbit must be securely fixed. When carrying out the procedure, it is worth using someone's help. This will make vaccination easier.

It is not recommended to keep an open container with the vaccine. The shelf life of a suspension mixed with distilled water does not exceed 3 days.

The first vaccination is given at 45 days of age. If the rabbits were born in the fall, the procedure is performed in the winter. Strict adherence to the dosage is considered an important condition.

Possible complications

With the correct procedure, the well-being of the animals does not change. They usually take hours to cope with stress. In some cases, the animals suffer from allergic reactions. In this case, the following symptoms arise:

  • hyperemia of the mucous membranes;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • dyspnea;
  • salivation;
  • general weakness, fainting.

rabbit vaccination

Allergy symptoms usually appear a quarter of an hour after injection or a little earlier. In this case, it is important to introduce antihistamines and drugs that support the function of the heart muscle.

Complications of vaccination include the following:

  • inflammatory processes are usually mild;
  • traumatic injuries due to improper needle insertion - nerves or blood vessels are affected.

Sometimes a live virus from a vaccine is reborn or mutated. He can also cope with a fragile immune system. In this case, the rabbits fall ill with the pathology from which the vaccine was made. To protect rabbits from dangerous diseases, you need to vaccinate in a timely manner. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the procedure for performing the procedure and adhere to the dosage.

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