Planting, growing and caring for batun onions in the open field

In April, the human body wants vitamins, garden herbs, and then the onion rescues the batun, which replenishes the reserves of the necessary elements. A herbaceous plant came to us from Asian countries and gained popularity among residents of even northern regions. The culture is appreciated for its endurance, the ability to withstand spring frosts. The plant belongs to unpretentious species, because the batun is grown for the sake of juicy green leaves, and the size of the bulb does not matter.

What is a batun onion?

The herbaceous plant is classified as a perennial, although there are also annual types of vegetables.

Batun roots are a complex bulb, from which leaves that look like a pipe branch off. Therefore, another name for the batun is the fist-bow. In diameter, green leaves reach two centimeters, and in length up to thirty - forty. Each branch has five to seven leaves.

onion batun

During the growing season, a dense stem appears among the shoots, at the end of which a ball flaunts, consisting of many small white flowers. They exude an aroma, which flock to the insects that pollinate the plant. Soon the flowers turn into seeds. Growing from seeds of onion batun is used more often than propagation of a culture by a vegetative method.

A variety of culture is the multi-tiered bow, which is divided into Chinese, Russian and Japanese types. All subspecies differ in the volume of green mass, the degree of branching, and the sharpness of taste. There are early maturing and late maturing varieties of batun.

growing and care

The advantage of growing crop varieties is that onions:

  • gives large yields of green mass;
  • contains twice as much ascorbic acid in the leaves;
  • ripens before anyone else;
  • resistant to vegetable diseases.

Without a trampoline in the spring, the diet loses a lot of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for a person at this time.

green mass

Preparatory procedures on the site

It is worth preparing a bed for planting perennial batun onions in the fall, when the harvest is harvested from the garden.

Before digging the site, add a bucket of compost for each square meter. As a source of phosphorus, the earth needs wood ash, and 150 grams is enough.

The impoverished soils are fed with ammonium nitrate, superphosphate (25 grams each), potassium chloride (15 grams). It is better to dilute the mineral complex in ten liters of water and spill the area.

contains twice

In autumn, the composition of the soil is also checked by determining the pH level.For a perennial culture, acidity is needed closer to neutral, at 7.0 - 7.3 units. If the soil is acidic, then slaked lime is added or sprinkled with dolomite flour, covering it up in a garden bed.

It remains to dig up the soil or plow the area to a depth of eight to ten centimeters. After harrowing, the ridges are marked, leaving room for planting onions on greens.

It is worth choosing an early variety of batun, which will ripen in April.

procedures on site

Choosing a landing site

A place for culture is chosen based on the fact that the plant needs a site where:

  • there is no stagnation of water;
  • fertile soils;
  • loamy or light sandy loam soil;
  • there is partial shade or sun.

stagnant water

Although the herbaceous plant loves moisture, long rains will lead to boggy low places where the perennial batun onion grows. This is especially dangerous in March, when groundwater lying close to the surface floods the beds with the plant.

Good and bad precursors for the batun bow

Since the plant needs fertile soils, they choose areas where vegetables grew, suitable for culture as predecessors.

The planting of batuna onions is organized where white cabbage and Peking cabbage, potatoes, and tomatoes grew. The herbaceous plant feels good after radish, radish, dill and celery. You can plant a trampoline where the beans grew, since after the legumes, the soil is saturated with useful substances. Vegetables and herbs are harvested in the fall, and they begin to prepare the beds for planting onions.

bad predecessors

You can not plant a perennial crop after carrots, cucumbers, garlic. The spores of pathogenic fungi remaining in the ground will cause diseases of the vegetable.

Planting onions in the garden

Since it is easier to grow batun onions from seeds, you need to decide on the timing of sowing. After all, this can be done not only in spring, but also in autumn. Another time is chosen for sowing the plant.

sowing time

The rules for planting onions include:

  • preparation of beds and seed material;
  • the choice of planting density;
  • care of the planted material.

Seeds are grown for both perennial and annual types of batun. In one place, a perennial culture can grow for seven years without losing its beneficial qualities. For an annual, the planting site is changed annually, without leaving it in the same area.

preparation of beds

Seed preparation before planting

Batun onion propagates both by seeds and vegetatively. But preference is given to seeds, since when they are planted, the varietal qualities of the vegetable are preserved.

Seed germination is slow, therefore, before sowing in the ground, the planting material is soaked in cool water, leaving for a day. It is worth changing the water twice. After hardening, the seeds are dried.

To accelerate the emergence of seedlings, place a bag with nigella in a solution with complex fertilizers. A warm solution of potassium permanganate will protect the seed from the action of pathogenic microorganisms.

onions multiply

Thanks to proper seed preparation, onion sprouts will appear in a week or ten days.

Seed sowing pattern and depth

The method of planting a perennial plant is tape in two lines. A gap of seventy centimeters is left between the tapes. In a row, the distance should not be large, because the bulb does not form, so 10-15 centimeters will suffice. The landing rate is considered to be 1.5–2.0 grams per square meter. In cold weather, the density increases to three grams per square meter.

pouch with nigella

The grains are buried 2-3 centimeters into the ground. The crops are sprinkled with a layer of mulch. After the seeds are buried, the soil is slightly compacted, and after a week the beds must be loosened.

Seed sowing dates

Annual plant varieties are planted as soon as the snow melts, in the first half of March. In Siberia, sowing time is the end of March.

Planting seeds can be postponed to summer. But they sow, taking into account that before the cold weather there is time to grow a vegetable. When the onions are sown in June, the vegetable will ripen in May.

sprinkle crops

But when you want to plant a batun in the fall, for the winter, then the weather is selected here so that the plant does not freeze, rising ahead of time.

Harvest the green mass depending on the sowing time. An autumn planting will allow you to collect succulent feathers only in the middle of summer.

Annuals are valued for the large amount of feather they give during the growing season. But perennial varieties do not require constant planting. The tramp was planted, and in the second year they begin to cut the leaves. Useful foliage is harvested twice per season.

useful foliage

Care and cultivation of batun onions

It is imperative to know about the care and cultivation of batun onions. Indeed, without observing the rules of agricultural technology, a vegetable plant may die. We'll have to pay close attention to the cultivation of the batun. In particular, cultivation includes the usual activities that are performed regularly. Planting a vegetable requires:

  • glaze;
  • top dressing;
  • loosening.

Although a leafy vegetable rarely gets sick, you also need to be able to free it from infections, pests.

may die

Watering mode

For a garden plant, soil moisture is important during the growing season. After the first shoots appear, watered abundantly to accelerate the growth of leaves. If the area for the vegetable is correctly selected, then there will be no stagnation of moisture. And they will receive young greens on the table in two weeks. Every three days, ten liters of liquid are watered per square meter of planting. During the rest period, the frequency of hydration is reduced. To get a good harvest of green leaves, watering is done in moderation.

leaf vegetable

Weeding and loosening row spacings

For a full-fledged growing season, monitor the density of the planting of the batun. Thinning is included in vegetable agricultural technology. Excess plants are removed, leaving a distance of six to nine centimeters.

Row spacing is loosened after each watering, removing the top crust. The depth of loosening should not exceed three to five centimeters, so as not to damage the roots of the plant.

During the dormant period, onion care is not stopped, freeing the beds from weeds. Shooting occurs constantly in culture. Therefore, you should not panic about what to do if the batun bow went into the arrow. If the seeds are not needed for sowing, then the arrows are cut off. But when all the stems go into arrows, this indicates a lack of moisture in the soil.

loosening row spacings


Like any plant, feeding requires a batun during the growing season. The fertility of the soil is important for the growth of green mass. The vegetable is planted in soil fertilized with organic and mineral complexes. The first feeding is carried out with infusion of mullein in a ratio of 1: 8 or bird droppings 1:20. In the future, it is worth excluding fertilizers containing nitrogen. They include nutritional complexes with potassium, phosphorus.


Diseases and pests

By the appearance of the plant, it is determined whether the batun onion has undergone diseases or not. The leaves begin to turn yellow, wither, become covered with brown spots. The result of the disease is the drying of the aerial part or decay of the neck. And the infection must be fought immediately. An experienced gardener knows how to deal with plant pathologies. Measures to combat them include:

  • spraying with fungicidal agents such as Fitoverm;
  • elimination of diseased plants from the garden;
  • treatment with preparations containing copper.

spraying with fungicidal

The plant is rarely sick, but the appearance of pests must be monitored carefully. Onion fly, moth, weevil especially loves planting vegetables. Insects, larvae feed on plant sap, biting into the leaves. You can save yourself from pests with insecticidal agents, as well as treating plants with a mustard solution (one tablespoon per 10 liters of water), infusion of potato tops (a kilogram per bucket of water).

Diseases and pests will bypass the onion garden, if you follow the crop rotation, planting pattern and frequency, and loosen the soil.


For harvesting the first crop of vegetables, plantings of the second year of life are taken. Although it is possible to cut the leaves after a month has passed from the day of sowing.The green mass is completely removed in the fall before winter, but no later than a month before the onset of frost.

first harvest

Cut the next year when the onion appears in spring and reaches a height of 20 centimeters.

Cut the stems closer to the ground. The leaves are sorted out, tied in bunches and wrapped in film. Store the leaves in the refrigerator. The dug out onion can also be placed on the bottom of the refrigerator without removing the leaves. The green color of the stem is decorated with salads, sprinkled with dishes.

batun will appear

Forcing green onions of batun in winter

In the fall, when it is too late to plant batun onions in the garden, it is grown on the windowsill. Adult stems are dug up in October. The operation is carried out carefully, trying not to damage the roots, without removing the earthen lump from them. For plants, containers with drainage holes are chosen. A layer of pebbles or gravel is laid in them, then a nutritious soil.

The diameter of the container is selected wider than the clod of earth on the roots by five to seven centimeters. Forcing the onion will be successful if the air temperature is 18-20 degrees and the humidity is 80 percent. In a month, useful greens will appear on the window. In the spring, when the soil warms up to five degrees, the plant is returned to its place in the garden.

forcing greens

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