With what you can plant beets in the same garden, compatibility with onions and other vegetables

Almost every summer resident who has a vegetable garden is engaged in the cultivation of vegetables. However, vegetables such as beets and onions are especially popular. Many people try to plant them next to each other to save space on the site. However, before doing this, it is better to make sure that such a neighborhood is possible, since not all vegetables can grow together.

Joint planting

Owners of small summer cottages often have to plant vegetables in dense rows in order to grow more different plants. However, some do not like this, and they make mixed beds in the greenhouse or in the open field. This method of planting vegetable crops allows you to plant several varieties of plants at once in a small area. Before proceeding with such a planting, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in more detail with the compatibility of some crops and develop an effective scheme for their joint cultivation.


The planting and growing scheme is developed in advance, in the fall. A few months will be enough to think over in detail a suitable assortment of vegetables, the position of the rows on the site and the features of caring for the seedlings. They also develop in detail the layout of vegetables, taking into account the peculiarities of their influence on each other.

The mutual influence of plants on each other during cultivation is usually called allelopathy. It is she who is responsible for ensuring optimal conditions that are ideal for all planted crops.

Often, inexperienced growers plant incompatible vegetables next to each other, which is why they negatively affect each other. This is due to the fact that all seedlings secrete phytoncides and other substances that can negatively or positively affect neighboring seedlings. This feature should be considered before planting two different vegetable crops in the garden.

landing pattern

With what can you plant beets in the same garden?

It is known that it is not possible to plant beets with any plant. Therefore, before planting it, it is better to determine with which crops the vegetable grows best.

on the same bed


The most common plant grown by almost all vegetable lovers is considered to be potatoes. Therefore, some plant beets next to it. In addition to beets, cabbage, peppers, onions, carrots and cucumbers can be planted with potatoes. All of these crops grow well and yield a lot when grown with potatoes.

However, it is not recommended to plant these crops next to each other on the same plot of the garden every year, as this will worsen the yield. Potatoes need variety so that their fruiting performance does not deteriorate much.To increase yields, experienced gardeners advise planting it in the area where tomatoes were grown last season. Also, for better yields, the root crop should not be planted near celery or green peas.

common plant

A tomato

The second most popular vegetable is tomato and therefore sometimes beets are trying to plant near him. These vegetables grow well next to each other, as they are compatible. Tomatoes are also grown together with carrots, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage and turnips. It is not advised to plant them in areas where zucchini was previously grown, with peas or potatoes. These vegetables are incompatible with tomatoes and therefore negatively affect their yield. The vegetable is planted in such areas only after 3-4 years.

When growing a plant in a greenhouse and when choosing a suitable neighbor for it, the tendency of the culture to late blight is taken into account. Therefore, tall varieties of beets are not planted next to the tomatoes, which interfere with the normal development of tomatoes. Many people prefer low-growing plants and vegetable varieties.

is considered a vegetable


It is difficult to imagine a summer cottage on which cucumbers would not be grown. This vegetable is often used in salads and other vegetable dishes. Some growers combine cucumbers with beets and other vegetables. They are planted along with dill, onions, peas, garlic and beans. All these plants have a positive effect on the development and productivity of cucumbers.

Experienced gardeners recommend planting calendula between the rows of cucumbers and beets, as it has protective properties that will protect seedlings from dangerous insects.

Tomatoes with radishes have a negative effect on cucumber bushes, and therefore they are planted away from each other.

country cottage area


Some are interested in whether it is possible to plant carrots next to beets. You shouldn't grow them together, as these vegetables are incompatible and must be grown separately. Carrots are planted only near legumes, herbs, potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers. Gardeners with many years of experience say that planting carrots near parsley, parsnips or celery is not worth it, since this deteriorates the yield and the plant suffers from a lack of nutrients.

For additional protection of the plant and to improve its yield, sage is planted between the rows. It will protect the bushes from insects and saturate the soil with useful trace elements.

incompatible and should

Beans with peas

Universal neighbors for most vegetable crops are peas and beans. They grow well not only with beets, but also with other plant varieties. Vegetable growers advise planting peas along with pumpkin plants, cabbage and root vegetables. Together with them, legumes will create favorable conditions in the soil for growing vegetables.

However, there are some contraindications, according to which it is impossible to cultivate peas in the territory where sunflower grew. This plant is considered the main carrier of fungal infections that remain in the soil after its cultivation. Also, when choosing neighbors, planting beans and peas together is excluded, since this will cause plant stems to intertwine.

root vegetables

Onion or garlic

Often with growing beets garlic or onions are planted with it. Beets planted nearby will grow well and will yield a considerable amount of harvest in summer. Onion or garlic leaves in the first days of the growing season will protect young beet shoots from the hot sun. Thanks to this, the vegetable will be able to get stronger and strengthen its stems.

When choosing a suitable onion for beets, pay attention to its variety. It is recommended to plant the Arzamas onion, as it grows well in any climatic conditions. Also, the Krasny ball variety, which is grown in the open field, has a good yield.

pay attention


Sometimes people are interested in planting eggplant with beets together. These vegetables are perfectly compatible and can be grown together. Eggplants also grow well with cucumbers, onions, herbs and early cabbage varieties. It is not recommended to plant them next to tomatoes, potatoes and physalis, as these vegetables impair the yield.

Also, when growing eggplant, the rules of crop rotation must be observed. You cannot plant vegetables on the same plot annually, as this will worsen the quality of the crop. Blue ones recommend planting in areas where thyme, basil, peas and tarragon were previously planted. All of these vegetables will increase your eggplant yields.

good yield

Features of growing beets

Having decided on suitable neighbors for beet bushes, you should familiarize yourself with the features of their cultivation. When growing, take into account the following:

  • Lighting. High-quality roots will appear only in good lighting.
  • The acidity of the soil. Microelements from acidic soils are poorly absorbed by beetroot bushes. Therefore, they are planted in an area with an acidity of about 6–7 pH.
  • Looseness. Beets, like tomatoes, need well loosened soil from which nutrients will be absorbed. If the soil is not loose enough, the plants will begin to turn yellow and gradually rot.

suitable neighbors


Many vegetable growers are interested in the compatibility of onions, beets and other vegetables. To understand this issue, you will have to familiarize yourself in more detail with the compatibility of the most common vegetable crops.

loosened soil

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