Description of pig breeds and selection criteria for domestic breeding

Pig breeding is a thriving productive livestock industry. Thanks to the efforts of breeders in the classifier, there are more than 100 species of pig breeds with different characteristics and composition of the meat obtained. Piglets are raised for meat, lard and skins. The branch of raising ornamental pigs stands out separately. Consider the most popular and interesting breeds of domestic pigs raised in our country.

What does a pig look like?

Domestic pigs are artiodactyl mammals, representatives of the boar subspecies, domesticated by humans more than 700 years ago. The average size of an animal is 1.5 meters in length. Dwarf and giant species, standard species, differing in skin color, constitutional parameters, are distinguished.

Features of the appearance of pigs:

  • The muzzle is large, elongated, the nose is a shortened trunk with a snout.
  • Skin - rough, covered with hair - bristles.
  • The number of teeth is 44 pieces, including 4 canines.
  • Legs - short, slender, four-toed.
  • The lateral toe on the hoof is well developed, allowing the animal to dig the ground in search of food.
  • Big ears.
  • Small tail bent by a spring.

On a note! Many people believe that pigs move little and do not know how to run, this statement is erroneous, when pigs are kept in large pens, animals can reach speeds of up to 18 km / h.

How are breeds classified?

Domestic pig species are classified by meat type. Which one is profitable for cultivation is determined by the farmer, according to the characteristics of the species. There are the following types and classification:

  • universal;
  • meat and bacon;
  • meat and greasy;
  • greasy.

pig breeds

Ornamental species are very popular among the population, animals are raised not for slaughter, but as a pet. Wild varieties of pigs can be found everywhere, some of the species are listed in the Red Book, for example, the Babirusa pig.

The register of domestic species is periodically updated, thanks to the work of breeders, and includes more than 100 species.

The most interesting meat breeds

Consider the popular breeds of meat variety for home breeding, the weight of such animals is average, the greasy layer is small, they contain such individuals in pens and open-air cages, with the possibility of walking.


The Duroc meat breed is based on the genetic code of Guinean animals that were brought to the American continent from Africa.It was included in the Russian register in 1993, recommended for cultivation in all regions of our country.

Duroc pig

Features and characteristics:

  • The meat yield from the carcass is 65%.
  • The thickness of the greasy layer is no more than 1.8 centimeters;
  • Average daily gain is 800 grams.
  • The bristle color is brownish red.
  • Body length - 1.8 meters.
  • The productive type is meat.
  • Legs are powerful, massive.
  • The weight of the female is up to 300 kilograms, the boar is 350 kilograms.

The disadvantages of the Duroks include low fertility, for one birth the female brings no more than 10 piglets.


Favorite variety of Europeans. Pietrain meat produces high-quality bacon with thin veins of bacon. Obtained by crossing two English purebred breeds: Yorkshire and Large White. In Russia, Pietrain is not the most popular variety. Males are often purchased as breeders to create hybrids with improved meat quality.

Up to 75% of meat can be obtained from one head of Pietrain, this is a very high figure. Fat accumulates in an insignificant amount. The average weight of an adult is 240 kilograms. If the growing conditions are observed, the average daily gain from one piglet is about 500 g, while the young are distinguished by persistent immunity, the piglets rarely get sick.

Pietrain pig breeds

The negative aspects of the breed include low fertility (8-9 pups are in the offspring of one female), exactingness to housing conditions and nutrition. Pietrain is not included in the state register of Russia.


Popular pigs for meat production for domestic pig breeding. Differs in white color and soft light bristles. The average weight of an individual is 270 kilograms, 68% of meat can be obtained from one head.

Landrace is included in the state register of Russia, it is recommended for breeding in private and private farms.

The variety was bred in Denmark; it gained popularity in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. The pigs are not aggressive and very mobile, despite their considerable weight in adulthood. Landrace plants are not picky about food, are distinguished by high productivity and early maturity, the average daily growth of a small individual is 730 g.

pig breed Landrace


American pigs of the meat variety. Its color is unique: the black part of the body is diluted with white color. It seems that the animal was "glued" from several halves. Characteristic of the appearance: the shape of the body is elongated, the legs are short, but powerful. An adult weighs about 250 kg, males can gain a mass of 310 kg. Meat output - 66%, fat - 25%.

Subject to the conditions of keeping and proper nutrition, the average daily weight gain is 1000 g. The quality of the meat is excellent, the main disadvantage of the variety of pigs is infertility.

Hampshire pig breeds


Pigs of this breed are suitable for fattening and raising in cold climates. Moreover, Tamworth can be grown together with cattle, suitable for keeping on pastures.

The disadvantages of the breed are frequent shedding, which requires special care, and curly bristles.

The pigs are reddish brown. The breed is characterized by multiple births, one sow is able to give birth to 11 piglets.

Tamworth pig breeds

Estonian bacon

Popular in the Baltics, Germany and Moldova, adapted to the climate of most Russian regions. Estonian bacon does not have high requirements for maintenance and care. Young animals rarely get sick, have a high immunity, for one fertilization the female brings up to 12 piglets.

The meat is of high quality, the average weight of an adult is 260 kilograms, boars can reach a weight of 330 kilograms. Average daily gain - 700 g.

Vietnamese potbelly

The Asian pig breed has not yet been registered in the state register of Russia, but every year it is gaining popularity in home breeding among domestic farmers.Pigs of this breed are distinguished by compact parameters, rapid puberty and high immunity. Color - black with marble spots. Vietnamese pot bellies absorb vegetable feed well, the layer of subcutaneous fat in pigs of this breed is practically not formed, the meat yield from one head is 70%.

Vietnamese potbelly

Sows demonstrate high fertility - up to 20 piglets in one litter. The Vietnamese pot bellies have a docile nature, the breed can be grown in a common yard with cattle, birds and other domestic animals.

Early ripening meat (SM-1)

Domestic variety of pigs for meat purposes. Was bred by the method of polyhybrid selection. Differs in high early maturity and intensity of growth, average daily gain - 750 grams. Females give birth to 10 piglets per litter. Early ripening meat adapted for cultivation throughout the country. The meat yield per head is 62%.

Early ripening meat

Greasy varieties

The main breeds of this trend demonstrate high fertility, from 12 to 16 piglets per litter. The meat yield of such pigs when grown at home is less than that of the bacon direction, but the greasy varieties are no less popular.

Berkshire sows

English purebred variety of proportional physique, not demanding on growing conditions and feed. Color - black, white spots on the face, chest and legs are allowed. The average weight of a sow is 220 kilograms, a boar is 260 kilograms. Lethal output from one head - 85%. The thickness of the fat layer is 3.5 centimeters.

Large black breed

The constitution of pigs is large, powerful. A boar can weigh up to 400 kilograms. Distinctive features of the appearance are black color and drooping ears.

Large black breed

Pigs of a large black variety are not demanding to keep, animals tolerate heat well and are able to be kept in free grazing conditions. Females are fertile, young animals gain weight intensively. The disadvantage is a tendency to overfeeding and obesity, the muscle frame is poorly developed.

Mirgorod breed

The species bred in Ukraine is considered one of the best greasy breeds. The pigs of the Mirgorod breed are omnivorous, quickly adapting to the climate of the growing region. The meat is of average quality, the weight of the female is 230 kilograms, the boar is 280 kilograms. Fecundity of females is high - up to 14 piglets, the average daily gain is 650 grams, the maternal instinct is highly developed.

Mangalitsky breed

Ancient Hungarian variety. In Russia, it is grown in the North Caucasus, popular in the Moscow region. The color of animals can be different, a distinctive feature is a thick, curly coat.

Mangalitsky breed

Individuals of Mangalitsky pigs deposit fat early, already at 8 months the thickness of bacon is 6.5 centimeters. Pigs are adapted to pastures. Pigs are omnivorous, with high immunity, but the fertility of the breed is weak - 7 piglets in one litter.

Universal breeds

These types are distinguished by high quality meat and the presence of a subcutaneous layer of fat. In Russia, universal breeds are highly popular.

Large white breed

The most popular pig species in Russia. Average weight of one female is 250 kilograms, boar - 320 kilograms. The coat color is white, the body is elongated, proportional, with well-developed hams. The meat yield is 80%. The average daily growth of a piglet is 700 grams, one female brings up to 11 cubs in one litter.

Large white breed

Breit breed

Domestic species of thoroughbred pigs, bred on the basis of the Danish and Latvian varieties. Breit's pigs show high productivity and fertility. The average daily gain is 750 grams. The muscular frame is developed, the limbs are powerful and strong. The meat is of high quality, the fat is dense.

Siberian northern breed

Received in 1942 in the Novosibirsk region. Color - white with a reddish tint. Females give birth to up to 12 cubs in one birth. The average daily gain is 750 grams. Meat yield - 60%. The main advantage of the species is the ability to adapt to the climatic imperfections of the northern regions. The main disadvantages include an underdeveloped muscular frame, average quality meat.

Siberian northern breed

The largest pig breed in Russia

The largest varieties of domestic pigs that are popular in our country include:

  • Landrace;
  • Latvian white pigs;
  • Large white;
  • White English.

These species are striking in weight, adult large boars can reach a weight of 400-450 kilograms. Females - 280-300 kilograms.

Selection rules

When choosing a variety for growing in a private courtyard, the following properties of the species are taken into account:

  • Requirements for climate, feed and living conditions.
  • Direction of use.
  • Productivity.
  • Early maturity.
  • Immunity.

If you are going to keep pigs in a common yard, choose peaceful, non-aggressive, but mobile breeds. Some varieties need to be walked. Vaccinate animals and conduct deworming.

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