
Most read entries in the heading
Which tomatoes are best planted in a greenhouse depends on the result, which ...
Most of the gardeners in our country are growing tomatoes. This culture is quite ...
Description and characteristics of the tomato variety San Marzano
In temperate latitudes, the San Marzano tomato is grown relatively recently, this allowed ...

There are about 70 types of tomatoes for outdoor cultivation and 40 varieties for planting in a greenhouse. When choosing a variety, you need to take into account the size, meatiness, taste, the rate of ripening of the fruits, the storage characteristics of the harvested crop.

The most famous varieties are hybrids (grown tomatoes from seeds of several species), cherry (resemble cherry in appearance), carpal, small-fruited (the weight of one tomato is not more than 60 g) and large (weight up to 150 g).

Early varieties that can be purchased in the store "Evgeniya", "Bely Naliv", "Aurora", "Red Sun". Resistant varieties include "Admiral", "Frant", "Uragan". High yield will please the varieties "Harmony", "Tsarskoselskie".

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Sweet million, its yield
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Sweet million, its yield
Indeterminate tomato Sweet million is suitable for closed rooms, film coatings, only in regions with mild ...
Description of the tomato variety Gilded belyash and its characteristics
Description of the tomato variety Gilded belyash and its characteristics
Tomato Gilded Bellyash is one of the best in the large-fruited line. From many varieties with similar qualities ...
Characteristics and description of the Black Grape tomato variety, its yield
Characteristics and description of the Black Grape tomato variety, its yield
Tomato Black bunch is similar in appearance to a sprig of black currant, only slightly larger. AND...
Description of the tomato variety Raspberry wine, its characteristics and yield
Description of the tomato variety Raspberry wine, its characteristics and yield
For tomatoes, modern farmers and summer residents have very high requirements. The Raspberry variety can satisfy them ...
Description of the tomato variety Itself grows, its characteristics and yield
Description of the tomato variety Itself grows, its characteristics and yield
Vegetable lovers are looking for suitable varieties so that caring for them is not too demanding. One ...
Description of the tomato variety Shaggy bumblebee, features of cultivation and care
Description of the tomato variety Shaggy bumblebee, features of cultivation and care
Today's choice of tomatoes can please anyone, even a very demanding gardener. The number of varieties is growing like mushrooms ...
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