Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Giant red, its yield

With the onset of winter, farmers begin to prepare for the opening of the summer cottage season, and first of all choose varieties of tomatoes. Tomato Giant Red is perfect for those who prefer to grow large red tomatoes.

Description of tomato Giant Red

At present, a large number of various hybrids of nightshade crops have been created. Each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages, sometimes it is very difficult to make a choice in favor of one or another hybrid. In order not to be mistaken, before buying planting material or seedlings, it is necessary to study the description of the variety.

tomato seeds giant red

Red Giant tomatoes were created in the 80s in the USSR in the process of amateur selection. In 1989, the tomato was entered in the State Register as a variety suitable for indoor and outdoor cultivation.

A plant with early ripening of fruits. The first red tomatoes appear 100 - 105 days after sowing the planting material. After about 130 days, the fruits begin to ripen en masse.

The Red Giant tomato belongs to indeterminate, characterized by unlimited growth of the main stem. It can reach a height of up to 5 m in open field cultivation. The average plant height is 1.8 - 2.5 m. The bushes themselves are very branched, the brushes can be both simple and complex. The plant is not a standard plant.

It is advisable to grow the variety in the beds in the garden in the southern and central regions. In northern latitudes, it is preferable to plant tomato bushes in greenhouses or greenhouses. The plant gives a good harvest regardless of where it is planted.

They are distinguished by good resistance to most diseases of nightshade crops.

tomato bushes giant red

Characteristics of the fruits of the Gigant Red variety

The characteristic and description of the variety will be incomplete if the tomato fruits are not studied in detail. It is necessary to pay special attention to this.

Ripe tomatoes are very large, the maximum weight can reach up to 650 grams, the average fruit is about 350 - 450 grams. The pulp of the Giant tomato is red, juicy and sweet. The skin is raspberry-red, dense. The shape of the fruit is oval, slightly flattened at the sides. There is no green spot near the stalk.

From 4 to 6 vegetables can form on one bush. There are 6-7 chambers with seeds inside the tomato. The dry matter content is 5%. The main disadvantage of this hybrid is that ripe vegetables are not stored for a long time. After collecting them, they immediately need to be sent for processing.

Fresh fruits are very tasty and sweet, perfect for making salads. You can also cook tomato juices, ketchups and various sauces from them.Due to the fact that the fruits grow too large, the variety is not suitable for canning as a whole.

tomato giant red on a plate

Pros and cons of tomato

Feedback from those farmers who have grown the Red Giant are only positive. The variety is loved for its good yield and high taste characteristics of ripe tomatoes. But, despite all the advantages, the tomato also has disadvantages.


  • High yield, more than 9 kg of ripe vegetables can be harvested from one bush;
  • Long fruiting period;
  • Early ripening;
  • Unpretentiousness;
  • High palatability of tomatoes;
  • Large-fruited;
  • They tolerate a lack of moisture well.

red giant tomato in the garden


  • Tomatoes are not suitable for canning whole;
  • The bushes are not limited in growth and branch very strongly;
  • Can give a stable harvest only on fertile soils;
  • Requires pinching of bushes and a garter to the support.

Features of growing seedlings Giant Red

To obtain a stable harvest, you need to pay special attention to seedlings. It is not recommended to buy ready-made seedlings, since not all bushes can be healthy. Therefore, it is recommended to grow seedlings on your own.

First of all, you need to decide on the timing of sowing seeds. Red Giant tomatoes are sown in late February - mid-March.

The tomato variety Cream Gigant gives the maximum yield when planting no more than 3 bushes per 1 sq. m.

How to sow seeds correctly:

  1. First, the planting material must be disinfected. To do this, the seeds should be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. Then rinse under running water and dry.
  2. To increase the germination rate, planting material can be germinated. Cover the seeds with a damp cloth or gauze and leave in a warm place for several days. After the sprout appears, the seeds can be planted in the ground.
  3. It is recommended to prepare the soil for sowing in advance. You can buy ready-made mixture at the store. Pour drainage into the bottom of the container, and then soil.
  4. Before sowing, the soil must be watered and small grooves made, and seeds must be planted.
  5. Cover the boxes with glass, every 3 days the glass must be removed and the seeds watered.
  6. When the first sprouts rise, the glass can be removed, and the containers themselves can be put in a sunny place.

sowing tomato seeds

With improper care, this tomato variety can be susceptible to fungal diseases. If the plants grow in a greenhouse, then it should be regularly ventilated, as well as the watering and lighting regime should be observed.

For planting in a permanent place, it is best to choose soils with neutral acidity.

Of the insects on the bushes of the plant, you can often find aphids, thrips, whiteflies, wireworms or spider mites. You can get rid of these pests with the help of the Bison preparation. Also, Confidor Maxi and Proteus have proven themselves well, these drugs are especially effective against aphids.

Almost all insects lay their larvae in the autumn in the soil, therefore, in order not to fight pests in the spring, it is necessary to dig up the soil after harvesting.

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