Characteristics and description of the Giant tomato variety, its yield

Every fan of growing tomatoes in his garden asks himself the question: which variety to give preference to? Tomato Giant raspberry is the best choice, because the variety has a number of distinctive features, among which the main one is the giant size of the fruit.

Getting a good harvest, not experiencing any special difficulties in the cultivation process, getting real pleasure from cultivating a particular crop - all this is possible if a Giant raspberry grows in the garden. This variety of tomatoes has long gained popularity among experienced gardeners, because it gives an excellent harvest without imposing serious requirements on growing conditions and care.

It is necessary to grow this tomato variety in a greenhouse, however, residents of the southern regions of the country can afford to plant the Giant in open ground.

general information

Giant is the best representative of all salad varieties. In terms of ripening, it is classified as mid-season, because from the moment of sowing seeds for seedlings until the appearance of the first ripe fruits, it takes about 105 - 110 days.

The plant is standard, determinant. Growth is limited: the tallest tomato bush will be about 1 m 80 cm. The average height of tomato bushes of this variety is from 130 to 150 centimeters. The smallest specimens can be about 1 meter high. This is determined by the conditions of agricultural technology and the climatic situation.

As the name suggests, this variety of tomatoes is famous for the large size of the fruit and the bush itself. A lot of space is needed to cultivate the Giant.

The greenhouse should be spacious and comfortable. In adulthood, the plant is very tall, so when designing a greenhouse, one should not forget about such a key parameter as height.

The ripening time of the Giant raspberry is average. It is customary to start sowing seeds about 90 days before it is time to transplant seedlings in open ground - around mid-March. From the moment the first shoots appear until the first fruits ripen, at least 105 days pass, but the exact dates are dictated by factors such as weather conditions, growing principles, plant condition and even the experience of the gardener.

The southern regions of the country, such as the Astrakhan, Voronezh, Belgorod regions, Krasnodar Territory, can allow gardeners to grow the giant in the open field. A large number of daylight hours, warm summers are excellent conditions for growing a representative of this variety.

tomato variety giant

If the cultivation is to be carried out in areas where cool weather prevails or sudden changes in day and night temperatures are likely, then the cultivation process is best transferred to a greenhouse.

Tomatoes of the Giant Raspberry variety are demanding on the composition of the soil, so one should not forget about feeding the plants. This must be done throughout the growing season. During the growth period, the fulfillment of this requirement is especially important, since the ovary is formed

... To maintain this process, Giant tomatoes must be given phosphorus and potassium as part of mineral fertilizers.

The size of the Giant's fruits is large enough. The former often have a mass in the region of 500 grams. Everyone who planted this variety notes that the subsequent harvest becomes smaller, the weight of the fruits is 0.3 - 0.4 kg. When ripe, tomatoes are bright crimson or pink. Inside a round tomato there are five or six chambers, each of which contains a small amount of seeds.

Description of fruits

The main characteristics of the fruits of the Giant raspberry are as follows:

giant tomatoes

  1. Color - from bright pink to dark crimson.
  2. The shape of the fruit is round.
  3. Excellent palatability: Tomatoes are juicy, sweet and have the typical tomato note.
  4. The weight of fruits from the first harvest reaches 0.5 kg.
  5. The fruits have an average weight of 0.3 - 0.4 kg.
  6. Small amount of seeds in chambers.
  7. The dry matter content is around 5%.
  8. Long shelf life.
  9. The crop tolerates transportation well, even over long distances.

Thanks to the combination of all the above characteristics, gardeners have an excellent opportunity to grow large volumes of these tomatoes due to their good keeping quality.


The most striking feature of this variety of tomatoes is its outstanding taste characteristics. Giant's fruits are juicy, sweet, with a characteristic tomato flavor. The pulp is very sugary and dense.

Storage of this variety is not difficult. For this purpose, a garage, a closet, a room are perfect. Long-distance transportation is possible: the giant will not crack, will retain its presentation and great taste. Thanks to these parameters, it becomes possible to grow this tomato in large quantities.

Tomatoes are versatile in terms of use. Due to their excellent taste, they can be planted for making salads, fresh use. As part of winter salads and preparations, Giant will delight you with juicy pulp and excellent tomato taste.

If this tomato becomes the basis of sauces, tomato paste or ketchup, then the product is guaranteed a beautiful and bright color, which has something in common with raspberries, a pronounced taste. If the season ends and the size of the fruits decreases, you can focus on conservation: the small-sized late fruits of the Giant will become an excellent canned dish.

Advantages and disadvantages

The characteristics and description of the Giant tomato variety are surprising. The popularity of the variety among gardeners can be quite understandable due to its many advantages:

large fruit

  • high yield: correct care will allow you to get up to 10 kilograms of fruit;
  • good keeping quality: when collecting a large crop, the gardener will not need to quickly get rid of tomatoes that are about to deteriorate;
  • resistance to typical diseases.

Despite the huge number of advantages, the Raspberry Giant has some disadvantages:

  • exactingness to the amount of sunlight and heat;
  • sensitive response to a failure in the irrigation system;
  • the need for garters and plant support.

If the care of these tomatoes is competent and timely, a good harvest will not keep you waiting. Impressive size, excellent taste and pleasant aroma are the advantages for which gardeners are so fond of the giant tomato.

Growing tomato Giant

The cultivation of tomatoes of this variety in the ground is possible only in regions with a large number of sunny days.This condition is determined by the plant's thermophilicity and its demand for light. Ideal places to grow Giant are in the following areas:

soil for tomato

  1. Belgorodskaya.
  2. Astrakhan.
  3. Voronezh.
  4. Saratov.
  5. Krasnodar region.
  6. Caucasus.

If you grow a tomato a little further north, then the variety can only grow in a greenhouse. Controlled heat input, the ability to increase its concentration are excellent opportunities that are so necessary when growing this variety of tomatoes.

Sowing seeds for seedlings begins 65 - 70 days before the date of planting in open ground. When two leaves appear, sprouts are dived. Planting in black soil is carried out in such a way that the tall plants are not crowded.

A distance of at least 0.5 m should be kept between seedlings, and the number of plants per 1 sq. m should not exceed four.

After disembarking in a greenhouse or in an open bed, care for the Giants should be continued. It should consist in timely watering, removing stepchildren, eliminating weeds, feeding plants with mineral fertilizers. Mulching can be used to prevent drying out of the substrate.

The giant raspberry is a variety that is resistant to pests and diseases, but preventive measures will never hurt. It is necessary to observe the level of moisture in the soil and air in the greenhouse, monitor the condition of the plants, carry out a systematic preventive visual inspection of plants for the appearance of unwanted "neighbors". Black bloom on the leaves should make you alert.

Method of use

There are several options for the use of tomato fruits Giant raspberry:

  • fresh as the main ingredient in salads;
  • for canning - late harvest can be used;
  • for making tomato juice;
  • as an ingredient in sauces and ketchup.

Eating tomatoes of this variety in any form will bring great pleasure, because tomatoes are soft, juicy, tasty. Growing such fruits does not require a lot of effort, and the result pleases with its gigantic size, high yield and quality, receiving only positive feedback from gardeners.

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