Characteristics and description of the Nikola tomato variety, yield

Tomato Nikola belongs to the Siberian collection. Was bred by breeders, is not a hybrid. The bushes are not tall, the fruits are very tasty, large. This variety is unpretentious in care, it is immune to many diseases. In addition, he normally tolerates the cold of the northern regions. In order for a variety to bring a bountiful harvest, it is necessary to learn how to properly care for it.

Description of the variety

The characteristic and description of the Nikola tomato variety is described on Internet sites or on seed packages. By studying them, gardeners will be able to have an idea of ​​how to properly grow tomatoes. The variety was created specifically for areas with changeable climates, not afraid of cold weather. Was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. It is immune to many diseases.

The bush of this variety is not high, up to 60 centimeters. The foliage grows sparsely. Fruit ripening occurs three months after germination. The variety can grow in greenhouses and open soils. Normally refers to the cold weather of the northern regions. But it is better to cover them with foil.

The tomatoes are bright red, the taste is sweet and sour. Weight can reach up to 200 grams, medium. These tomatoes can be grown for sale, juicing, pickling. Their size allows them to be preserved in a jar as a whole. They tolerate transportation normally. Do not crack, do not rot. Fresh tomatoes and salad are good. They are loved for their unique taste and abundant harvest.

How to grow

Everyone can grow this variety in their own garden. For this, it is necessary to study all the nuances of growing. Productivity depends largely on the quality of the seeds, as well as on the care of them.

stalk nicholas

It is best to buy seeds in a specialized store. They begin to be planted in special containers in March. So that they are protected from diseases in advance, and germinate better, you can soak them in a solution of potassium permanganate. When growing seedlings, she will need a large amount of light, water, fertilizer.

When the sprouts are just beginning to grow the first leaves, it is better to plant them from each other.

In May, you can already plant seedlings. It must be strong and seasoned. Gardeners have standard hardening methods: when the plant sprouts at home in a warm place, it sometimes needs to be taken outside so that it gets some fresh air. But it is better to do it in good weather during the day.

When planting seedlings, it is worth remembering the distance between the bushes. Do not plant them too close and there should be no other bushes nearby. These tomatoes love light. And her water and good fertile land. It is better to fertilize the land in advance.

a lot of tomato

Care and pest control

Growing tomatoes means taking care of them.If you do not pay enough attention to them, you will see a noticeable decline in yield, bush diseases and a deterioration in taste. Every gardener wants to grow the most delicious tomatoes. But for this you need to know the requirements for caring for them.

  1. The Nikola tomato variety needs high-quality, abundant watering. This cannot be done with cold water directly from water bodies. Better to have barrels for this.
  2. The land must be periodically loosened, so nutrients and water flow better.
  3. It is imperative to remove the weeds, otherwise they will not let the fruit flow.
  4. You cannot plant tall shrubs nearby, as they will block the light.
  5. If the plants are in a greenhouse, then it must be opened on hot days. The humidity level must be constantly monitored.
  6. You also need to ensure that the earth is not too acidic.
  7. Tomatoes need timely feeding several times during the growth period. Also, the soil should be mixed with sand and peat. Manure and chicken droppings are good for them.

tomato harvest

Sometimes tomatoes are overwhelmed by insect pests. These can be beetles, ticks, caterpillars, slugs, bears. They interfere with the normal development of vegetable crops. They eat the leaves, harm the fruit. Therefore, you need to get rid of them. To combat them, many professional remedies have been invented that can be bought in the store. Of the folk methods, summer residents usually use soap dissolved in water. This method creates a hostile environment for unwanted guests.

Gardeners' opinions

It is interesting to see the reviews of gardeners who planted the Nikola variety. These tomatoes always have a positive assessment among gardeners. Caring for them is not much different from caring for the rest of the tomatoes.

Ekaterina, 52 years old: Planted the Nikola variety. Very unpretentious to care for. The harvest is plentiful, so I make a lot of blanks out of it. The taste is tomato, intense. I have never been ill. It tolerates cold and frost well. Care is standard: fertilize, loosen the ground and water. All fruits ripen on the branches almost simultaneously. Another advantage - no need to tie and pinch!

bush tomato

The main feature of the Nikola tomato variety is the simultaneous ripening and abundant harvest. This variety is perfect for those who want to grow tomatoes for sale or for making fortified juice. In order for tomatoes to be healthy, and there are many of them, it is necessary to properly care for them. Successful landings!

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