How to insist fertilization of ash and feed tomato seedlings at home?

Vegetable or wood ash is added to the soil for tomatoes, which contains a full set of chemical elements necessary for plants. Ash is used as fertilizer not only in the garden area, but also at home, as a fertilizer for seedlings. Ashes are added to the soil mix dry, or diluted in water to obtain a liquid fertilizer. Even a one-time application of ash feeding gives a tangible effect.

Ash for tomato seedlings

Ash is a fertilizer with a unique composition due to the presence of phosphorus and potassium in a form easily assimilable for plants. It also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, sulfur, zinc. An exception is nitrogen, which is volatilized during combustion. But at the initial stage of the formation of the root system and stem for tomatoes, a sufficient amount of phosphorus and potassium is needed.

  1. With the emergence of seedlings, phosphorus plays a decisive role in promoting intensive root growth. A full-fledged root system will ensure further successful growth, earlier flowering and accelerated ripening of fruits.
  2. For full development, young tomatoes need potassium, which is involved in the process of stem formation. Traditionally used nitrogen-potash fertilizers... But an excess of nitrogen at the initial stage of growth leads to fattening of plants, postponing the timing of fruiting and increasing the chances of diseases.
  3. Each element in the ash fertilizer affects the development of tomatoes. Copper improves the respiration process, enhances protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Manganese affects the absorption of carbon dioxide. Calcium participates in metabolic processes, affecting its rate. Scientists estimate that this valuable product contains about half of the elements that make up the periodic table.

Using ash for feeding, you do not have to fear for an excess of chlorine and the consequences associated with its influence. Ash does not contain chlorine. The effect of fertilization in general has only a positive effect.

insist fertilization

Attention! The best in composition is ash obtained from burning sunflower tops, buckwheat plants, pine and birch wood.

Types of seedling dressings

Fertilization starts at the stage soil preparation for tomato seedlings... If you are preparing the soil substrate yourself, the ash will add the necessary nutrients to its composition. Her presence will make the earth looser. In addition, ash has an alkaline reaction, bringing the acidity of the soil to neutral values.

Use the following recipe, which is suitable for use at home and when growing seedlings in a greenhouse.

feed seedlings

To do this, mix:

  • peat 60%;
  • humus 30%;
  • river sand 10%.

Superphosphate - 30 g, urea and potassium sulfate - 15 g each; and 1 glass of wood ash. Such a substrate will provide plants with a full-fledged complex nutrition, until the moment of transplantation to a permanent place.

easily digestible plant

If it is not possible to independently prepare the soil, then during the seedling period the plants are fed twice. The first feeding is carried out two weeks after germination. The second is 10 days before transplanting tomatoes to a permanent place. The purpose of feeding is to provide plants with a set of nutrients during periods of stress.

Ash is poured into cups for plants or diluted in water and introduced into the soil as a liquid top dressing. The gardener chooses how to feed the seedlings himself.

prepare the ground

Important! Ash is a light and bulky product. A 1 liter jar holds 500 g of ash powder, a half-liter jar - 250 g, a faceted glass - 100 g, a tablespoon - 6 g.

How to prepare liquid top dressing?

Preparing an ash solution for tomato seedlings is quite simple. Ash is sieved to remove foreign matter. It is advisable to use soft water. Ash powder is poured into a container and filled with water. 100 g of fertilizer will require 5 liters of water. The solution is stirred, in this state it is insisted for 3-4 hours and used for watering. Consumption depends on the size of the container in which the seedlings are planted:

bulk product

  • 1 tbsp is poured into 200 ml cups. l. solution;
  • in pots with a volume of 500 ml pour 2-3 tbsp. l. ash feeding;
  • for liter pots, you will need 4-5 tbsp. l. solution.

The soil must first be moistened. After fertilization, the surface is mulched with a layer of soil 0.5–1 cm. Liquid dressing is very effective, quickly absorbed into the soil and becomes available to plant roots.

cups volume

Is an excess of ash dangerous?

It is quite difficult to accurately determine the composition of a self-prepared fertilizer. The percentage of chemical elements varies, and depends on the composition of the raw material from which the ash is obtained. In any case, there is no need to worry that the plants will receive excess nutrition.

Tomatoes carry out a lot of nutrients and minerals from the soil. Even with the full composition of the soil, it is necessary to additionally feed the plants. If the fertilizer was bought in a store, then the manufacturer indicates the composition. In this case, it is easy to calculate the rate.

excess ash

Oversaturation threatens plants only if several types of fertilizers are applied at once. When using ash as an independent fertilizer, you should not worry about too much mineral nutrition.

Fertilizing tomatoes during the growing season

Ash for tomatoes is used throughout the growing season. In order for plants to make the most of the valuable fertilizer, it is used in the following ways.

tomatoes take out

  1. Ash is brought in at the time of soil preparation for digging. Add from 700 g to 1.5 kg, depending on the acidity of the soil.
  2. When planting seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground, ash is introduced directly into the hole. 3 tbsp is applied under one bush. l. ash powder, which is sprinkled on top with 5 cm of soil.
  3. As a conventional fertilizer, the consumption varies between 100-150 g per sq. square meter. Ash powder is dispersed onto the moistened soil, followed by loosening and watering.
  4. Tomatoes take well liquid feeding, which is prepared at the rate of 100 g of ash powder per 10 liters of water. The solution must be infused for 3-5 hours and used in a proportion of 0.5 liters under one tomato bush.
  5. The solution infused with ash can be used for foliar feeding. To do this, planed laundry soap is added to it.

for digging

There are many ways, and they can be used to feed tomatoes in greenhouses or in open ground.

Application methods

When growing tomatoes, ash is used not only as fertilizer:

methods of application

  1. At the initial stage, the seeds are kept in an aqueous solution infused with ash powder. This allows you to saturate tomato seeds with a supply of trace elements.
  2. Due to the strong alkaline reaction, ash is used to alkalize acidified soil and to improve its structure, increase looseness and air permeability.
  3. Ash is also credited with protective properties by applying powder to moist plant leaves. Taking ash powder, tobacco and laundry soap in equal proportions (50 g each) prepare an aqueous solution in 10 liters of water, which is sprayed with green parts of plants. This product protects tomatoes from pests and even powdery mildew.

Still, it is wiser to use a valuable product as fertilizer. Its unique composition will provide tomato plants with the necessary mineral nutrition.

seeds withstand

  1. Olya
    3.03.2018 10:39

    I have long given up on such fertilizer, for several years I have only BioGrow... This remedy is harmless, has a good effect on seedlings, accelerates their growth. It costs a little, the yield is excellent.

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