Characteristics and description of Sophistika petunias, planting and care

Petunia has long won the love of gardeners - now no site is complete without these delicate flowers. Many species and varieties of petunias have been bred, and among the colors you can find both just pleasant shades and unusual multicolored varieties. Among these species, it is worth highlighting the Sophistika petunia. She belongs to the Grandi Flora group, and the color of this series depends on lighting and weather conditions.

Description and features

Petunia Sophistika was bred by breeders from America. Its unusual appearance and pleasant, strong aroma quickly attracted the attention of gardeners.

Flowers from this series are well suited for almost any location:

  • open areas;
  • flower beds;
  • hanging pots;
  • vases;
  • decorative frames;
  • balcony boxes.

There are several more decorative features that make this look one of the most beautiful:

  • forms a neat spherical bush;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • flowers change color from pale to saturated under the influence of sun, weather, plant age.

Like other petunias, this variety is undemanding, so it is suitable for many areas.

petunias Sophistika


There are several varieties in the Sophistika petunia series, and their shades vary from white to black.

Lime bicolor

It is clear from the name itself that this variety combines several colors. The petals themselves are pink, crimson, sometimes light purple or lilac, but they are mixed with stripes going from the center to the edge. They can be cream, white or lemon shades.


One of the most interesting varieties - flowers can be not only dark scarlet or purple, but even completely black. In addition, the velvety surface gives them a noble look. This option grows very luxuriantly and goes well with other colors, especially contrasting light shades.

Petunias Blackberry

Lime green

A variety with very bright, juicy flowers, which, by their very appearance, cheer up. They combine fresh shades of green-yellow and white, sometimes beige is added. The bushes are lush, covered with large buds.

Blue morne

This variety, whose name translates as blue morning, looks beautiful in large flowerpots on the street, as well as in open areas.The bush grows evenly in all directions, during flowering it is strewn with bright buds with petals of blue and blue shades, sometimes purple and white blotches are found.

Blue morne

Antique shades

The bushes of this variety also resemble a ball in shape, branches and leaves are very densely arranged. The flowers are very large. The petals are painted in different shades of pink or cream, yellow and greenish spots stretch from the middle.


Another two-tone variety that combines all the pale and vibrant shades of pink. In the middle there is a yellowish speck that seems to glow slightly and gives the petunia a festive look.

Advantages and disadvantages

Petunia Sophistika belongs to unpretentious plants, but still there are pros and cons that must be considered before choosing this species for your site.


Due to the high survival rate, varieties of this group do not pose problems even for novice gardeners.

Disease resistance

Petunia Sophistika is almost not afraid of diseases and pests. In addition, even with heavy rain and wind, large flowers do not break or tear. If there is little damage, the plants recover quickly.

petunia disease

Almost 100% germination

This applies not only to growing with seeds, but also to breeding seedlings. In any case, there are quite a lot of bushes.

Rapid growth and development

Among all ornamental plants with large flowers, petunia grows and blooms very first. Very soon after planting, you can already admire the flowering.

Frost resistance

Petunias are not afraid of small frosts, so it can be planted in the northern regions. A short drought won't kill the plant either.

frost-resistant petunias


Petunia Sophistika has few drawbacks, and those that exist are solved by the correct choice of location and regular care.

Limes can quickly fade when exposed to sunlight.

All varieties from the Sophistika series change color under different lighting conditions. But Lime varieties can quickly fade, and then they will no longer be so beautiful. Therefore, it is recommended to plant them in the shade.

Noticeable dust on Blackberry flowers

Due to the color, dust on the petals is clearly visible. Therefore, as soon as it appears, you need to wipe the flowers with a damp cloth.

How to properly plant seedlings

It is not difficult to grow Sophistika petunia, and in most cases, it is possible to get lush bushes with beautiful flowers without any problems.


Most often, petunias are planted in January. This is done because it takes about 4-8 weeks for the bush to mature and give flowers. With such a time frame, you can get a flowering plant in March. If you want to achieve the appearance of buds in late spring or summer, then simply move the planting date. Usually the deadline is April.

seedling petunia

How to plant

You can plant petunia both in pots and in open ground. In the first case, seeds are spread on the surface of moist soil, but they are not sprinkled with soil on top.

The ideal option would be a light planting mixture, and it should be neutral in terms of acidity.

After that, the pots need to be covered with foil or glass to maintain a humid microclimate. From the end of April to the beginning of July, it can be planted in an open area, but only if the temperature does not drop below +8 degrees at night.

Growth stimulants

If you notice that petunia is growing too slowly, you can use growth stimulants. For the first time they are used at the first spraying of sprouts.

Temperature and light conditions

For petunias, warmth is important, ideally if you plant it at + 17-18 degrees. But this is possible even when the temperature is kept at + 8-10 degrees at night. Without sufficient light, the sprouts may not hatch at all or will be weak, sick. In the absence of sunlight, provide them with artificial lighting, especially in winter.

petunias blossomed


The picking of young shoots is carried out two times:

  1. As soon as the stem has grown and got stronger, and several leaves have formed on it, it is necessary to carefully cut off the very top. The cut off part can not be thrown away, but put into water so that it gives roots.
  2. The second time a pick is carried out when landing at a permanent place in open ground.

Top dressing

Fertilizers must be applied before planting, taking into account what kind of soil will be used. To do this, take two soil samples, pour vinegar on one, pour soda on the other, pour both water on top. If only a slight hiss is heard, the soil is neutral. Fizzes more option with soda - sour, vinegar - alkaline. Having identified this, do the following:

  • lime, sand, peat must be added to acidic (you can take special peat tablets);
  • to alkaline - also sand and organic matter.

feeding petunias


It is important to maintain adequate moisture while growing seeds, so water your plants regularly. But don't let the water stagnate. You can also spray them. Open the pots from time to time if you are growing petunias at home and ventilate them.


Planting petunias in open ground should be preceded by hardening. To do this, one to two weeks before transplanting, the plant is taken out every day to fresh air. First, keep there for an hour, then the time gradually increases.

Landing in open ground

Before planting in an open place, it is necessary to take into account all the conditions and characteristics of the plant.

Seat selection

First of all, you need to choose the right place. This should be a sunny area, but do not let the plant be in the sun all day.

Soil requirements

The soil for the petunia should be light and loose. It is important to remember about acidity - this crop requires neutral soil, pH 5.8-6.

planting petunias

Wind protection

Choose locations that are protected from the wind. At the same time, natural barriers will create a shade for the plants, which will not allow them to constantly be in direct sunlight.

When to plant

When choosing the time for disembarkation, consider the following points:

  • from the moment of emergence, three months should pass;
  • wait until the sprouts are strong;
  • do not allow death from frost, therefore, the time is suitable for disembarkation when the temperature is already at + 8-10 degrees at night;
  • choose a cloudy day or evening, then the young plants will not burn the sunlight.

Landing scheme

In open ground, seedlings are planted when there are 6-8 leaves. Adult plants do not tolerate transplantation well. A distance of 15-30 centimeters should remain between the bushes, it all depends on the size of the bush. The larger it is, the more space will be required. If you plant in a container, then you will need at least 5 liters of soil.

planting petunias


You need to take care of the Sophistika petunia in the same way as for the rest of the plants of this species.


For these varieties of petunias, watering balance is important. Do not allow both drying out of the soil and waterlogging. In no case should the water stagnate.

Top dressing

Petunia must be provided with appropriate fertilizers:

  • applied regularly, every 7-10 days;
  • complex formulations are used;
  • another option is organic solutions.

It is impossible to achieve lush flowering without feeding.

blooming petunias

Loosening and weeding

Loosening and removing weeds is also important for proper petunia growth. You need to loosen between the rows of plants. Then they will receive more nutrients and water.

Removing dried leaves and flowers

If you do not cut off the dried parts of the bushes, they will look untidy and lose their decorative qualities. Therefore, periodically walk around the plants to remove such leaves and flowers.

A color scheme

To create a beautiful garden arrangement, follow some rules:

  • Blackberry looks with light colors, creating an interesting contrast;
  • Lime green is suitable for compositions with bright petunias or other crops;
  • the same applies to Antique Shades.

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