Description and characteristics of the Kent cherry variety, advantages and disadvantages, cultivation

Planting on a plot of a fruit tree is not done thoughtlessly. Every gardener is aware of this, so he takes the choice of the species very seriously. Studying the characteristics of the Kent cherry, the summer resident decides whether the variety is suitable for his family or not.

Description of the variety

For the correct location of the tree on the site and the implementation of competent care for it, the gardener is looking for a detailed description of the variety. Based on the information received, further action planning takes place.

variety description

The Kent cherry variety was created in Britain in 1947, but was not particularly widespread in Russia. But many gardeners have heard of the hybrid. The tree is famous for its productivity and resistance to adverse weather conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive and negative characteristics of Kent cherries are determined by the gardener himself after planting.

Kent cherry


  • early ripening;
  • an abundance of fruits;
  • universality of application;
  • high taste characteristics;
  • undemanding care;
  • average immunity to diseases.


  • low level of winter hardiness;
  • fruiting of a young seedling begins at 5-6 years;
  • over the years, the fruits become smaller.

There are characteristics that gardeners do not consider disadvantages or advantages. Therefore, the summer resident will be able to fully appreciate the tree only in the process of growing.

taste characteristics

Characteristics of the tree and fruit

The peculiarity of the Kent cherry variety is that its crown changes over the years. At first it grows pyramidal, then it becomes round. The branches are powerful, slightly drooping.

Blooms 10 days earlier cherries Lyubskaya.

White flowers, collected in bouquets. Old branches are dark brown, young shoots are lighter.

undemanding to care

Bears fruit annually, regardless of weather conditions. Only the volume of the harvest changes. Subject to all agricultural techniques, up to 40 kg are collected from 1 tree.

The berries of the hybrid are excellent, suitable for any method of harvesting for the winter. In especially harsh winters, it can freeze, so it needs additional shelter.

Fruit characteristics:

  • weight 3 g;
  • round shape;
  • color is dark red;
  • the pulp is tender;
  • standard taste;
  • short shelf life;
  • well transported.

The variety, due to its instability to frost, is grown only in the southern and central regions of Russia.

fruits shrink

Growing features

Planted in the spring, the holes are prepared in advance. Trees are located at a distance of 3-3.5 m. When planting a seedling, they monitor the root collar, it should be above the soil surface.

In no case are the roots of the seedling cut off, the more there are, the faster the cherry is taken. The soil for falling asleep trees is mixed with mineral fertilizers, humus or humus.

Water abundantly, trying not to blur the roots. Establish a support for a fragile tree.

winter hardiness level


The volume of the crop depends on proper care. The efforts of the summer resident are justified in subsequent years. Carrying out standard agronomic requirements increases yields:

  1. Watering. It is carried out every 10-15 days, depending on weather conditions. In the future, watering is reduced, and the volume of water per tree is increased.
  2. Loosening of the trunk circle. After each watering, the soil is loosened. This helps to retain moisture and provides oxygen to the root system.
  3. Pruning. Two types, sanitary and formative. Sick, deformed and dry branches are removed.
  4. Top dressing. During flowering, ripening and in autumn, when preparing the tree for winter, it is recommended to feed the cherry.
  5. Removing overgrowth. Young shoots interfere with the development of the mother plant, it is recommended to remove them.

Having planted the Kent cherry on the site, the summer resident will not regret it, it practically does not require care. The harvest is stable, the fruits are tasty.

flowering tree

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