Question answer

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The lunar seeding agricultural calendar for 2021 helps to determine the optimal ...
Description and characteristics of tomato variety Pink Rise F1
Tall tomato Pink Rise F1 - the result of a special selection for ...
Among Russian gardeners, varieties of Siberian selection are famous, capable of withstanding low ...

Any stage of growing plants in the garden and vegetable garden can be accompanied by the appearance of problems, especially for novice summer residents. Additional questions arise. For this reason, a question-answer section has been created. Experienced experts will help you deal with the situation at the summer cottage.

It is necessary to correctly formulate and describe in detail the situation. Then the name and email address for feedback are indicated on a special form. In a short time, you will receive a hint to solve the problem.

Questions may relate to the preparation of seeds for sowing, fertilizing, growing and caring for seedlings, preparing a land plot, pest and disease control in the beds.

Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener, table of works for October 2020
Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener, table of works for October 2020
It is better to conduct agrotechnical measures with an eye to the lunar sowing calendar of a professional gardener and gardener on ...
Lunar sowing calendar of planting of the gardener and gardener for september 2020
Lunar sowing calendar of planting of the gardener and gardener for september 2020
For many, the end of summer is associated with harvesting. There is a feeling that the summer cottage season has come to ...
Lunar sowing calendar of planting gardener for august 2020
Lunar sowing calendar of planting gardener for august 2020
The lunar planting calendar for August 2020 has several features. Depending on the phases of the moon, ...
The best control measures, how to permanently get rid of sow thistle on the site
The best control measures, how to permanently get rid of sow thistle on the site
Among the widespread garden weeds, sow thistle occupies a special place. This plant is known for its ability to ...
Lunar sowing calendar of plantings of the gardener for july 2020
Lunar sowing calendar of plantings of the gardener for july 2020
The lunar sowing calendar for gardeners for July 2020 is a handbook, without which it is better not to start ...
Lunar planting calendar for the gardener for june 2020
Lunar planting calendar for the gardener for june 2020
Compliance with the recommendations of the lunar sowing calendar for June 2020 helps to achieve excellent results in growing plants ...
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