Description and characteristics of the Black Prince strawberry variety, planting and care

The Black Prince strawberry variety was bred by Italian breeders and became widespread among many gardeners. The variety has a number of distinctive qualities, is valued for its high yield and resistance to adverse external factors.

Description and characteristics of strawberry Black Prince

Having planned the planting of the Black Prince variety, you should familiarize yourself with the description of the plants and fruits. Having studied the characteristics of this variety, it will be possible to control the growth of bushes and track deviations from normal development.

Features of the bushes

Large bushes with dense foliage and developed root system. Plants form an average number of thickened whiskers, and each year the process of their formation decreases. The leaves have a dark green tint, glossy and slightly wrinkled surface. One of the main features of the bushes is their viability and high productivity - it is possible to get a good yield within 5-7 years.

The longer the bushes grow, the longer the fruiting.


Large cone-shaped berries differ from most varieties in dark red, almost black skin. The strawberry pulp is juicy, soft, with a sweet and sour aftertaste, without internal voids.

strawberry black prince

Terms of fruiting

The Black Prince belongs to the category of mid-early ripening varieties with a long fruiting period. The first berries ripen in the second half of June. Harvesting lasts throughout the summer. In one season, each plant brings 0.8-1.2 kg of juicy berries. When growing strawberries Black Prince, it must be borne in mind that the berry gives a mustache only during the first 2-3 years after planting.

Winter hardiness

Berries are able to undergo a cold snap up to - 20 degrees. The yield of the variety does not decrease during recurrent spring frosts and early winter. Strawberries tolerate drought worse than low ambient temperatures.

strawberry black prince

Pros and cons of the variety

The popularity of the Black Prince strawberry is due to its many positive qualities. These include the following:

  • berries are suitable for transportation over long distances due to their dense pulp;
  • the variety has a good presentation and is often grown for commercial sale;
  • under favorable conditions, ripe berries can be stored for a long period;
  • Strawberries are resistant to common diseases and harmful insects.

The disadvantage is the need for regular grooming. Drought soil or lack of suitable environmental conditions can lead to reduced yields.

bunch of strawberries black prince

Landing technology features

In order for plants to bring a stable harvest for a long time, several planting rules must be observed. In particular, it is necessary to choose a suitable place for sowing, treat the soil in advance, take into account planting dates and determine the distance between plants for free root development.

Seat selection

For the Black Prince variety, light, loosened and well-aerated soil is suitable. Sowing is best done in loam or gray soil in a constantly illuminated area. The acidity of the soil is of great importance. The best yields can be achieved when sowing on slightly acidic or neutral soil.

strawberry bush black prince

Soil preparation

The soil is cultivated 3-4 weeks before planting the berries. Before sowing strawberries, it is necessary to plant green manure in the selected area. The preliminary cultivation of fertilizers will fill the soil with useful trace elements. Legumes and cereals, carrots and onions should act as predecessors for the Black Prince variety.

A few days before sowing, humus is introduced into the soil in an amount of 5 kg per square of land. Before fertilizing, the soil is dug up, weeds and plant residues are removed.

Landing time and scheme

Early autumn is a favorable period for planting strawberries. In regions with hot climates, planting work is performed at the end of spring. The optimal planting pattern is 40 x 50 cm, since the bushes are characterized by abundant growth of deciduous mass.

planting strawberries

Before planting, dug holes in the ground are moistened using 1 liter of water for each hole. Then the roots of the seedlings are placed in the grooves, leaving the green part on the surface. If the bushes are large, then they are planted at a distance of 400 cm in a row. A suitable spacing for the row spacing is 0.6 m, which is sufficient for comprehensive maintenance.

The nuances of care

The key to getting a large harvest is regular and complete plant care. The Black Prince strawberry variety requires basic farming techniques, including watering, using fertilizers, cultivating the beds, and sheltering during a cold snap.

Watering and loosening

Strawberries are considered a moisture-loving plant and require abundant watering during the warm season. The frequency of soil moistening largely depends on weather conditions. At the beginning of the growing season, it is recommended to water the bushes at least once a week. In dry weather, the number of irrigations is increased by 2-3 times. If strawberries are planted in a sandy type of soil that quickly passes liquid, then in the summer the soil is moistened every other day. Each watering is accompanied by loosening to aerate the soil.

watering strawberries


Root and foliar formulations are used as dressings for strawberries. In the early stages of cultivation, urea and ammonium nitrate are suitable for feeding, which are applied at the root or sprinkled on the leaves. During the formation of buds, superphosphate is used in an amount of 30-40 g per square of land.


The first mulching of strawberries Black Prince is performed in spring, at the stage of ovary formation. Thanks to the procedure, the peduncles do not interact with the soil.

After harvesting or at the end of the summer period, the mulch is removed, and at the end of October it is returned to the beds in order to protect it from freezing.

A variety of materials are used for mulching, including hay, straw, leaves, sawdust, rotted compost and bark. In winter, it is better to use cut grass and needles. To make mulching as effective as possible, the selected material is laid out around the bushes and between them.

mulching strawberries

Preparing for winter

In regions with a predominantly warm climate, it is sufficient to cover the bushes with mulch as a preparation for winter. If the berries are grown in cooler conditions, a specialized covering material must be used. Under such a shelter, a high temperature remains, and due to the airtightness, it is possible to exclude evaporation.

Pest and disease control

Due to its high resistance to diseases and pests, it is possible to encounter ailments in rare cases in the absence of proper care. Spraying with fungicidal and insecticidal preparations is necessary to protect the plants and prevent yield decline. Protective treatments can be carried out when signs of plant damage are detected and for preventive purposes.

ripe strawberry


The most effective is strawberry propagation in the second half of summer. A common way of reproduction is the development of growing shoots. There are small nodules on the whiskers of strawberries, from which young bushes are later formed.

To increase the number of bushes with berries, shoots are laid out on the edges of the garden, after which the rosettes begin to gradually take root. Immediately after this, you need to trim the ends of the shoots, without separating them from the mother bush. In the future, it remains to provide the plants with standard care.

strawberries in a plate

Harvesting, storing and using strawberries

Ripe berries are harvested together with the stalk. For convenience and a more accurate cut, you can use garden shears. The preservation of the stalk has a beneficial effect on the storage duration. During collection, it is recommended to sort the berries and remove spoiled specimens.

Strawberry Black Prince has a universal purpose. Due to their high taste characteristics, the berries are suitable for fresh consumption, processing, making jam and jam. If you want to leave strawberries for storage, you should place the berries in a container or other container and leave in the refrigerator.

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