Medicinal and useful properties of American lakonos berries, application

Lakonos or phytolacca, as the perennial is called on the American continent, has powerful roots and stretches up to 3 meters in height. The oval leaves of the plant surprise with a rich green color. The grass blooms all summer, in the fall round fruits of a purple hue ripen, containing poison. Due to the presence of chemicals in the stems, and in the greenery, and in the roots, the grass does not suffer from diseases. American Lakonos is not attacked by insects. The medicinal and beneficial properties of berries have been confirmed at the scientific level. On the basis of the perennial, medicines are produced in European countries and the USA.

The chemical composition of the plant

The roots of tall grass, penetrating into the soil by half a meter, are rich in saponins, bitterness, phytolaccine, steroids.

Present in the underground part of the lakonos:

  • organic acids;
  • enzymes;
  • Sahara;
  • essential oils.

Medicines from the root, whose weight reaches 8-10 kg, promote wound healing, suppress the activity of bacteria.

The leaves attached to the stems with short stalks contain a lot of vitamin C, flavonoids, thiamine, which stimulates metabolism and strengthens the immune system. Acids are present in them - coffee, vanilla, coumaric.

Although phytolacca berries are poisonous and are not consumed fresh, decoctions are prepared from the fruits of the herb, which saturate the body with B1 vitamins and carbohydrates. The seeds and berries of the lakonos are rich in:

  • alkaloids;
  • saponins;
  • nicotinic acid.

Fresh fruits, which cannot be eaten more than 2 pieces, contain sugars and anthocyanin. They normalize blood pressure, reduce weight.

American Lakonos

Medicinal properties of the lakonos

Preparations that are made from perennial herbs, strengthen immunity, soothe, cleanse the body. The plant has a diuretic, emetic, anti-inflammatory effect, acts as an antioxidant.

Lakonos copes with germs and worms, relieves menopause and migraine, relieves pain in sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis. Thiamine-containing herb leaves are used in the treatment of alcoholism.

Nicotinic acid, which is rich in berries, strengthens the heart, stimulates metabolism.Lakonos causes vomiting, relieves constipation. Homeopaths use the plant in the treatment of malignant tumors.

unusual plant

Tall grass is valued for the presence of sedative, regenerating, analgesic, hypotensive, antibacterial properties.

Procurement of raw materials

For the production of medicines, preparation of infusions and decoctions, the roots of the herb are of the greatest value.Phytolacca can cause irritation on the skin, you need to harvest raw materials with gloves, to protect the mucous membrane from contact with the plant. Lakonos is dug up in the fall, when the growing season stops. The roots are washed under a tap, rotten and spoiled ones are removed, cut into several parts and laid out under a canopy or in a dryer, setting the temperature to 50 ° C. High-quality raw materials have a yellowish or creamy tint.

Dried roots are packed in natural fabric bags and stored in a dark room with good ventilation. Leaves are plucked throughout the growing season and dried in the shade. Ripe berries are put in a thin layer in the oven, the fruits dry at 90 ° C.

medicinal shrub

Indications for use

Funds that are produced from the roots of the pokemon tree are used in the treatment of many diseases. Doctors prescribe herbal medicines to treat:

  • diphtheria and scarlet fever;
  • stomach ulcers and hemorrhoids;
  • inflammation of the breast;
  • prolapse of the rectum.

Decoctions, used externally, are effective in treating skin infections, young foliage is applied to purulent wounds, lichen, trophic ulcers, eczema. The twigs are used for compresses, for gargling with tonsillitis, for the oral cavity with periodontal disease.

Lakonos tinctures, which are made with alcohol, allow you to cope with lymphadenitis, mastitis, tonsillitis, infectious mononucleosis.

growing a plant

The plant is used in the treatment of immunological disorders. An extract is made from recently dug roots, which is used for inflammation of bones, tendons, to eliminate hemorrhages, hematomas, bruises.

Folk recipes

In alternative medicine, colds, bronchitis, dermatoses are treated with grass, laconos is taken as a laxative, used as a diuretic.

From the root

The underground portion of the herb is rich in organic acids, and more is used in the recipes than the stems and fruits.

fruit bunch

Alcohol tincture

In case of inflammation of the respiratory tract, otitis media, laryngitis, a medicine from the lakonos is effective, for the preparation of which 10 g of the root is poured into ½ glass of medical alcohol. The tincture is kept in a dark place, after 2 weeks it is filtered and 5 drops are used up to 4 times a day. The ear stops hurting, the inflammation in the throat disappears.

Vodka tincture

The use of the lakonos helps to relieve joint pain, which torments a person with arthrosis, accelerates the treatment of internal tumors and cysts. To prepare a less concentrated tincture, instead of alcohol, use 100 ml of vodka, and take 5 grams of the root. The product is kept in a shaded place for 3 weeks, drunk after straining 15–20 drops each.


To eliminate inflammation on the skin caused by a pathogenic fungus, the dried root of the lakonos is ground in a coffee grinder or ground by hand. Powder sprinkle boils and ulcers, use 5-10 g with water.

powder preparation


Microbes attack different layers of the skin, causing itching, peeling, burning, discoloration, and rash. For the treatment of dermatoses, scabies, pyoderma, shingles, the affected areas are treated with ointment, which is obtained by mixing 2 tsp. tincture of alcohol from the root of the herb with 10 g of fat.


Inside for dermatitis, a drug is also taken. To prepare it:

  • 5 grams of powder is filled with a glass of boiling water;
  • heat over low heat for a couple of minutes;
  • filter after half an hour.

Drink the broth 30 minutes before meals. At the same time, itchy skin is treated.

cooked broth

Oil tincture

Lakonos helps relieve joint pain. To make the medicine, 2 teaspoons of powdered root are combined with 1/2 cup of olive oil. The tincture is left in a dark place for 20 days. The medicinal composition is suitable only for lubrication of areas affected by ulcers, diseased joints.

Drinking tinctures and decoctions from the lakonos should be very careful, since poisonous alkaloids collect in the body, and a person can be poisoned.The first signs of intoxication are manifested by trembling in the legs, severe weakness.

Of leaves

The bright green of the plant is rich in acids and flavonoids, it is applied to wounds, abscesses, and taken orally to enhance immunity.

dried leaves


To normalize pressure in hypertension, for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs, they use the means from the lakonos. To prepare the infusion, 2 tablespoons of herb leaves are crushed, placed in a jar and poured into 200 ml of boiling water. When the mixture cools down, filter, drink in a day. The infusion from the lakonos will relieve swelling, since it serves as a diuretic. They use it for constipation, for problematic phenomena in the lymph.

Concentrated water extract

The medicinal mixture is used to gargle with tonsillitis and cancer. The preparation of the medicine is very simple:

  • 2 tablespoons of leaves are combined with a glass of boiling water;
  • the container with the cooled composition is closed;
  • kept for 14 days in the dark;
  • filter through cheesecloth.

Water extract for hemorrhoids is used in the form of lotions. Compresses are applied to the spine, which makes it possible to alleviate the condition with a hernia.

medical extract

Fruit decoction

Berry juice helps to cope with swelling, removes wen. The benefits of its use are observed in diabetes and arterial hypertension. If a person wants to remove worms, improve metabolism, lose extra pounds, the broth from the fruit of the lakonos cannot be combined with wine, vodka, or low-alcohol cocktails. To make a healthy drink:

  1. The berries are seasoned with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Boil on fire for a couple of minutes.
  3. Pass through cheesecloth.

They use the remedy three times a day, but every other day fresh fruits are taken, and the medicine is prepared again.

In homeopathy, candles are made with laconos, which are effective in the treatment of prostatitis. The essence of the herb is added to drugs for malignant tumors, to drugs used in the treatment of fibroids, breast cancer, pathologies of the lymphatic system.

berry juice

Lakonos is used not only in medicine. The berries are seasoned with marinades, resulting in hot and crispy cucumbers and peppers. Fruit juice changes the color of wool and silk fabrics, gives an original shade to alcoholic beverages.


Although lakonos helps in the treatment of many pathologies and disorders, one must not forget that this plant is poisonous and can bring harm instead of benefit. When treating the skin, lubricating boils, wounds and eczema, with intolerance to one of the components of the infusion or oil, irritation occurs, a rash forms.

poisonous plant

It is impossible to drink decoctions or extracts from the lakonos when there is a contraindication to taking it. Warn against treatment with a poisonous plant:

  • women carrying a baby;
  • nursing mothers;
  • children under 18 years old.

When the dose is exceeded, prolonged use of infusions and decoctions from the lakonos, a lot of side effects arise. The person begins to suffer from vomiting and diarrhea, complains of nausea. If the body is covered with sweat, dizzy and a headache, there is coldness in the limbs, you need to urgently seek medical help, since poisoning with lakonos is fraught with paralysis.

flowering shrub

For patients with chronic diseases, any herbal remedies can be used only after consulting a doctor.

Lakonos inflorescences look very beautiful, do not lose their appearance after cutting for up to 2 weeks. The berries hang in the garden until October and also have decorative properties. In many countries, an exotic plant is used in landscape design.

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