The benefits and harms of dates for the human body, rules of use and contraindications

Dates are usually called "bread of the desert", since for several millennia they have been the main product of the diet of the inhabitants of the East and Africa. The unique property of the palm tree fruit is that it can replace a full meal. Their regular use has a positive effect on human health, so it is recommended to know what are the benefits and harms of dates for the body.

Fruit composition

Thanks to what is contained in dates, many Africans still manage to solve the problem of hunger. The extraordinary calorie content of the fruits and the high content of nutrients make it possible to use the product as an excellent substitute for the traditional meal.

Vitamins and calories

The fruit contains more than 10 types of vitamins, so it is considered a leader among other fruits and berries. They are rich in B vitamins, which are responsible for the body's metabolism and the functioning of brain cells. A deficiency of such elements leads to a deterioration in the condition of nails and hair, disrupts the processes of lipolysis and the production of hormones.

The pulp of dates contains vitamins A and C, which improve the body's defenses.

Thanks to vitamins D, K, PP, the use of the product has a positive effect on all organs. The calorie content of 100 g of fruit is 200 kcal. This feature allows them to be used as an additional source of nutrition and energy, so they are included in the diet if necessary to gain weight and quickly tone the body.

ripe dates

Trace elements

Dates are famous for their mineral composition, thanks to which the fruits are often used in case of micronutrient deficiencies. The pulp of the fruit contains substances such as calcium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. In total, there are about 15 minerals, one of which is selenium, known for its anticancer properties. There are 23 types of amino acids in the pulp, some of which are found only in dates.

How does it affect the human body

The medicinal properties of fruits are considered unique, with the regular inclusion of fruits in the diet, a positive effect is observed in the work of all vital systems. They have a beneficial effect not only on the work of internal organs, improvement is observed in the appearance of hair, nails and skin. Adequate supply of nutrients helps to improve the structure of bones and teeth, and reduces the risk of joint diseases.

ripe dates

Normalizes gastrointestinal processes

Eating fruits has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. 100 g of the product contains 6.7 g of fiber, which contribute to the natural cleansing of the intestines from toxins and normalize the stool.

The fruits are forbidden to be consumed during an exacerbation of gastritis or other gastric diseases.

Dates provide the following action:

  • due to the presence of glutamic acid, the pulp normalizes the acid-base balance;
  • lack of cholesterol and calorie content quickly give a feeling of fullness, which helps if you need to follow diets;
  • effectively counteract bacteria and parasites, help restore intestinal microflora.

ripe dates

For gastritis, it is recommended to take fruit in an amount of 50 g for one meal. The best time for this is to use it 15 minutes before a meal. If side effects appear in the form of bloating, diarrhea, gas formation, the product must be discarded.

Strengthens teeth and bones

The product has a beneficial effect on the structure of bones and teeth. The product contains important minerals in the form of fluorine and potassium, the amount of the latter in 100 g of the product is 64 mg. Such an element gives strength to bones and teeth, therefore the fruits are recommended for inclusion in the diet of the elderly, pregnant women and lactating mothers.

ripe dates

Prevention of anemia

Due to the large amount of mineral elements and vitamins in the composition, dates are considered a unique product for replenishing their deficiency in the body. Regular consumption improves blood circulation, and due to the high level of iron, the fruits help to cope with anemia.

Affects brain function

A positive effect on the functioning of brain cells is due to the content of a large amount of B vitamins. Studies have shown that regular inclusion of dates in the menu allows you to provide the body with a sufficient amount of them, which helps to reduce homocysteine ​​levels. It is this substance that is considered the main culprit in the development of Alzheimer's disease.

ripe dates

Reduces allergic reactions

Fruits are among the few products that contain sulfur. It is this substance that helps to reduce the severity of allergic reactions. In 2002, studies were carried out according to which organic sulfur compounds had a positive effect on the body, reducing the risk of developing seasonal allergic rhinitis.

Eliminates hangover syndrome

Dates contribute to the elimination of toxins, toxins, providing a natural bowel cleansing due to its high fiber content. Eating the fruit immediately after drinking alcohol helps to sober up in a shorter time.

ripe dates

For bronchi

Dates are often used in traditional medicine recipes to treat colds. They provide an anti-inflammatory effect and promote a faster healing process. For diseases associated with the bronchi, fruit-based decoctions are taken. To prepare a healing agent, 10 fruits are poured with 500 ml of water and boiled for 30 minutes, after which they are taken as a drink in a warm form.

A decoction made from 7 dates and 0.2 liters of milk will help get rid of dry cough.

For kidneys and liver

The fruits contribute to the normalization of the kidneys and liver.Experts say that it is enough to eat 10 pieces of fruits a day to reduce the risk of developing infectious organ diseases. Not only the pulp, but also the bones have healing properties. Bone broths are recommended for the presence of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract.

date bones

For immunity

Dates are recommended to be consumed during the peak period of infectious diseases. Fruits help to strengthen a weakened body and support the immune system, help to cope with vitamin deficiency.

Reducing blood pressure and the risk of stroke

A positive effect on the heart system and the ability to normalize blood pressure is due to the presence of a large amount of minerals in dates. The magnesium present in the pulp provides anti-inflammatory effects and lowers blood pressure, not increases it. Potassium improves the functioning of the heart muscle and helps to keep the values ​​in the normal range.

ripe dates

According to clinical studies, it has been proven that regular consumption of dates has been shown to reduce the risk of stroke by 9%. Magnesium is considered an important element for the prevention of pathologies, and the fruits contain 50% of the daily requirement of such an element.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of dates are associated with the unique composition of the fruit. In connection with this feature, they are advised to be included in the diet of adults and children.

For women and during pregnancy

The inclusion of dates in the diet helps women to be beautiful. Thanks to B vitamins and a large amount of trace elements, the appearance of hair and skin improves, and antioxidants prevent aging.

ripe dates

Dates are good for the health of a pregnant woman. During the period of gestation, they help to cope with anemia and replenish vitamin deficiencies. Including them in the diet 4 weeks before childbirth improves the tone of the uterus and increases its ability to contract, which is the key to the absence of problems when the child passes through the birth canal.

For nursing mothers, the product helps to improve the quality and quantity of milk, normalizes the emotional state and helps to cope with depression.

For men

Dates help promote a man's health by providing a comprehensive effect. Acceptance of fruits has a positive effect on the quality of the spectrogram, therefore, they are recommended to be used at the risk of infertility. They have a beneficial effect on potency by increasing sexual stamina.

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For kids

Dates allow children to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients, to replenish the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, which has a positive effect on the physical and mental development of the child. The fruit is a great snack, quickly filling and satisfying your child's hunger. The special taste makes the product an excellent substitute for traditional sweets and sugar.

Dates in the daily diet - how to eat correctly

Today, dates are present on counters in various forms, so questions often arise about how to eat the fruits correctly.

ripe dates

In what form to use

Dried dates with stones are considered the best option for consumption. They contain more nutrients and are minimally processed. When eating fruit, you do not need to remove the outer skin. If the sun-dried fruit is shiny, it means that it was prepared for sale with fat. In any case, rinse the product with water after purchase.

Dates are eaten as an independent dish, dried fruits are used to make jams and compotes, they are included in recipes for desserts and cakes.

When is it better to eat dates

Dates are served during the first half of the day. Drinking just before bed will cause a heaviness in the stomach and may cause insomnia.For an adult, the daily norm is the use of 10-15 fruits. In this case, the intake of fruits and ordinary food should be alternated, otherwise discomfort and heaviness may occur in the stomach.

ripe dates

Application of seeds

Date seeds are used to prepare decoctions used to treat the kidneys. The powder of them helps with gastric disorders, it is an effective remedy for the healing of wounds and abrasions.

Is it possible and how to eat with type 2 diabetes

Dates contain 70% sugar, the use of which should be kept to a minimum in diabetes. In addition, the product is very high in calories, which is a negative point for patients with such a diagnosis. In this regard, it is better for insulin-dependent people to refuse taking dates, as much as possible to include 1 fetus in the diet, but the daily volume of carbohydrates should be taken into account.

ripe dates

Harm and contraindications

When consuming dates, it is important to consider how harmful the product may be to the body. Contraindication to the use of dates is:

  • diabetes;
  • intolerance to dried fruit;
  • acute periods of gastritis and other gastric pathologies.

Fruits are high in calories, which can negatively affect the weight of overweight people. A high sugar content can speed up the formation of caries and adversely affect dental health. Exceeding the permissible norm for the use of fruits can cause heaviness in the stomach and headaches.

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