Description and characteristics of the strawberry variety Avis Delight, planting and care

Avis Delight is a new strawberry variety. In the course of selection, it received excellent taste, attracting professional and amateur gardeners from all over the world. Knowing the peculiarities of caring for the variety, it will be possible to grow a healthy crop that will give a rich harvest.

Description of the variety

The homeland of the berry is Great Britain, it was in a country characterized by rains and fogs that the culture was bred. Strawberries contain a lot of sugars, due to which they are several times superior to other varieties. In one season, it gives several harvests, which does not negatively affect the taste of the berries, their size and aroma.

Peduncles are erect and very strong. Thanks to this, they hold the heaviest berries, which are distinguished by their large weight.

The bushes reach a height of 30-35 cm, on which a large number of flowers with large petals are formed. Avis Delight is able to withstand winter cold, as it is resistant to low temperatures.

Berry characteristics

Strawberries are quite large in size and ripen quickly. The berries are large with a rounded conical shape. Painted in bright red. The rind is shiny and smooth.

The pulp is firm and not soft. The inside of the strawberry is as red as the outside. People who have tried the variety note the rich strawberry flavor. Has a strong strawberry flavor that is much stronger than other varieties.

ripe berries

One bush per season gives from 1.5 to 2 kg of berries. One berry weighs on average 20-30 g. With proper care, the size of the berries increases.

Cases have been recorded when individual specimens reached 50 g.

Leaf characteristics:

  • large sheet plate;
  • wrinkling is weak;
  • color - dark green.

Whisker formation is moderate. But their number is not enough for mass reproduction. One bush gives only 3-4 sockets.

Advantages and disadvantages of Delight strawberries

Among the advantages are:

  • high yield rate;
  • breeding in open ground, greenhouses and under film shelters;
  • large-fruited;
  • quick adaptation in unsuitable climatic conditions;
  • resistance to frost and sudden changes in temperature.

strawberry delight

The strawberry variety belongs to the remontant group, which allows you to harvest a good harvest under conditions of neutral daylight. Gardeners, according to their observations, have identified two disadvantages. The first is poor resistance to diseases such as anthracnose. The second is low reproductive capacity.

The nuances of growing a plant

The guarantee of a large harvest depends on many factors. It all starts with choosing the right place. Agricultural technology plays an important role. Failure to follow the rules will not give the desired result. It is this stage that leads to negative reviews.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

Strawberry bushes are placed on the southwest side. The plot should be flat with a slight upward development. Avis Delight is not grown in the North East and Lowlands. Groundwater at the site must pass at a depth of at least 0.6 m.

The hybrid needs a stable light day, so planting in dark areas is not recommended. Bad spots for strawberries are the shade of spreading fruit trees. The root system of trees inhibits the development of strawberries.

Preparation of planting material

Strawberry rosettes, ready for planting in a new location, do not water for 3-5 days. Just before the procedure itself, abundant watering is carried out. Moisture saturation helps to free the receptacle from the receptacle. The peat cup is planted directly in a new place without affecting the root system.

planting strawberries

Landing rules

For 1 sq. m of land, no more than 4 bushes are planted. 0.3 m of free space is maintained between the bushes. Between the rows - 0.5 m.

Sockets, ready for planting, are placed in previously dug holes, after which they are sprinkled with soil. The final stage is abundant watering of the plant. During planting, they carefully monitor that the root system is not damaged. The ability to take root in a new place and the speed of growth and development depend on this part of the plant.

Variety care recommendations

It has individual nuances that must be taken into account if a person wants to get a good and stable harvest.

Watering rules

The berry variety needs regular and abundant watering. In this case, there should be no waterlogging of the soil. Irrigation rules are as follows:

  • watering alternates with drip and root;
  • settled water is used;
  • it shouldn't be cold.

watering berries

Watering increases during fruit formation. The soil is saturated with moisture every day. At the same time, they make sure that there is no stagnation of water.

Fertilizers and feeding

In spring, the culture is fertilized with complexes containing nitrogen. In summer, the emphasis is on potassium and phosphorus. In the latter case, the substances give strength to the plant for repeated fruiting.

Mulching and loosening

Covering the soil with mulch reduces the frequency of watering, as well as the growth of weeds. The procedure has another important advantage - it improves the structure of the soil for growing strawberries. Mulch can be inorganic and organic:

  • straw;
  • coke shavings;
  • agrofiber;
  • humus;
  • hay;
  • needles.

When caring for strawberry beds, do not forget about loosening. The procedure is carried out not only after watering, but also after precipitation. Loosening is carried out between the bushes, while trying to create neat grooves.

strawberry beds

Preparing for the winter period

Usually begins after harvest. Weeds are removed from the garden, the bushes are treated with herbicides and pruned. Strawberries should not have a lot of leaves, as this threatens to freeze. Branches with signs of disease, dry and damaged must be removed.

Then they go to the shelter. The needles are used for regions with extreme temperature drop. The fallen snow also serves as a shelter for strawberries.

Diseases, pests, prevention

The variety rarely gets sick, as it has a high resistance to various diseases. Most often, gardeners diagnose white or gray rot, as well as powdery mildew.

Among insects, slugs, strawberry leaf beetle, weevil, tick, bear and aphids are considered to be strawberry pests. Regular spraying with solutions will scare away pests, thereby preventing the development of diseases. Prepare yourself or buy in the store.

fertilizer for strawberries

How to propagate a variety?

New shoots are obtained using antennae. One bush forms 3-4 rosettes. Seed propagation is also possible, but this method requires more time and effort.

Antennae are medium in size and light green in color. With proper care, the rosettes take root quickly, forming a strong root system. They remain on the surface of the earth, deep location is contraindicated.

Dividing the bush is very popular as it involves simple and easy steps.

Collection and storage of strawberries

Fruiting of Evis Delight continues throughout the summer. Ripe berries are regularly cut from the bush. Store in the refrigerator for 5-7 days.

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