Description and characteristics of cows of the Belgian blue breed, their content

Belgian blue cows belong to the meat industry. They were bred back in the nineteenth century. Since then, this breed has enjoyed great popularity. It has a unique coat color and is considered a source of tasty and healthy meat. For the breeding of such animals to be successful, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the basic advice of specialists and provide them with comprehensive care.

History of breeding and breeding of the breed

Work on breeding this breed began in Belgium in the eighteenth century. During this period, attempts were made to improve the quality of Dutch animals with the help of a Shorthorn cow brought from England. This helped to achieve some success. The Friesian cow was dairy and the Shorthorn cow was beef. Due to the improvement of the species, scientists strove to obtain a universal breed, which belonged to the meat and dairy direction.

The appearance and characteristics of the Belgian blue cow

Belgian cows have an unusual appearance. It is associated with mutational changes in protein reproduction. At the same time, muscle growth stops, the meat becomes lean, and the food is transformed into muscles. The main features of such animals include the following:

  1. Cows are characterized by a strong physique with pronounced muscles. Animals have a dry build. They are characterized by the absence of subcutaneous fat, rapid growth.
  2. Calves weigh from 40 kilograms, and adult cows weigh 900 kilograms. Some bulls can weigh up to 1300 kilograms.
  3. Height at the withers reaches 1.5 meters.
  4. Today the breed is considered meat. Previously, it was ranked as a meat and dairy product.
  5. Milk yield is low. They do not exceed 4500 kilograms. However, they are more often 2000 kilograms.

Cows are characterized by a weakly expressed muscle relief. At the same time, the lethal yield reaches 70%. Animals have strong bones, large heads, and powerful necks. Bulls are characterized by strong relief and lack of horns.

blue cow

Despite the frightening appearance, representatives of this breed have a kind and calm disposition and do not show any aggression.

Expert opinion
Zarechny Maxim Valerievich
Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best cottage expert.
The color of animals is different - blue-white, blue. Gray-white shades are common. When combined with a powerful physique, these colors often appear unnatural.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each animal breed has certain pros and cons. Before buying, it is important to decide on the breeding goals.Belgian blue cows are suitable for meat production.

The main advantages of the breed include the following:

  • good torso structure and high degree of mobility;
  • earlier development;
  • accelerated weight gain;
  • calm disposition;
  • short pregnancy period;
  • perfectly developed muscles;
  • compatibility in crossing to obtain crossbred calves.

However, cows have some disadvantages. Large weight often provokes swelling of the legs. In addition, animals are considered thermophilic.

How to properly maintain and care for the breed

Basically, the technology of raising these animals does not differ from other meat breeds. It is important to take into account that these cows are considered to be quite thermophilic. In the southern regions, it is permissible to keep them in rooms without heating. However, in the temperate zone, it is important to take care of high-quality heating of the barn in the winter.

It is not recommended to breed such cows in the northern regions. For the main part of the year, they will experience a lack of physical activity, which will negatively affect their health.

When raising such cows, the following recommendations should be observed:

  1. The temperature in the barn should be + 20-26 degrees.
  2. It is important to make straw flooring for animals. Its height must be at least 40 centimeters.
  3. The distance from the barn to the pasture should be a maximum of 150 meters.
  4. Animals need a lot of grass. Therefore, it is important for them to provide ample space for walking.
  5. It is important to have a veterinarian who, if necessary, will be able to provide assistance to the animal.
  6. It is forbidden to release pets from the barn in cold weather.

Belgian blue cow


Belgian blue cows require coarse forage. These include the following:

  • hay;
  • silage;
  • straw;
  • beet.

Animals are also happy to eat fresh juicy grass. Before giving the cow straw, it is recommended to grind it and combine it with concentrated feeding. It is also permissible to subject the feed to heat treatment or to influence it with food alkalis. Top dressing serves as a source of vitamins and minerals. This ensures the full development of young animals and normalizes the properties of meat in adulthood. Bone meal, phosphate-free substances without fluoride, tricalcium phosphate can be used as food additives.

In summer, the cow eats a lot of green fodder in the pasture. At the same time, for every 450-500 kilograms of weight, at least 50 kilograms of greens should fall. If the animal gives more than 12 kilograms of milk per day, it is recommended to add food waste to the diet.

In winter, animals should eat 8-10 kilograms of meadow hay, 1 kilogram of wheat bran, 2 kilograms of carrots, 3 kilograms of beets, 500 grams of bread, 4 kilograms of spring straw. Also, the diet should contain 8 kilograms of food waste and 5 kilograms of silage made from herbs.

It is recommended to lightly salt feed for cows, but the daily volume of salt should not exceed 70 grams.

It is recommended to provide the animals with sufficient water. At the same time, it should be cool in summer and warm in winter.

Calving features

Belgian blue cows are usually heavy calving. Approximately 50% of calves are born by caesarean section. A large number of muscles provoke a narrowing of the pelvic lumen. Therefore, natural childbirth is not always possible. The first calves of a cow are usually born at 28-35 months. Pregnancy is relatively short and lasts a maximum of 285 days.

Belgian blue cow

Disease prevention

In order to minimize the risk of developing pathologies, it is recommended to vaccinate animals in a timely manner. Every 3-6 months the herd should be inspected by a veterinarian.If individuals with suspicious symptoms appear, it is recommended to organize their isolation and invite a doctor for diagnosis. To avoid developing mastitis, it is important to express milk well.

Commercial benefit

The animals are characterized by a high mass and a large amount of meat during slaughter. Therefore, breeding such animals is quite profitable. However, this is true only for Europe. In Russia, these animals are hardly bred because they have an exotic appearance and feel the need for a warm climate.

Where can you buy cows?

You can buy such cows in the following ways:

  1. Order a calf in Europe. This method is considered to be expensive. It is used exclusively by large farmers. One heifer or bull will cost about $ 2,000. In addition, you will have to pay for transportation services.
  2. Purchase seed material in Belgium. Its price is 300-400 euros for 100 semen doses. The parcel is sent by mail. In this case, the biological material is packed in a special container in which suitable conditions are maintained to maintain its viability. The sperm is then used to fertilize ordinary cows.

Popular breed myths

Many farmers refuse to breed such cows, because they have many prejudices about this. The main myths include the following:

  1. The cow will die quickly. In fact, these animals have the same lifespan. In addition, they give quite viable offspring.
  2. The limbs of the animals swell greatly. In fact, the swelling is not very pronounced and easily amenable to therapy.
  3. The meat and milk of such cows are harmful. In fact, the gene that is responsible for building muscle does not affect a person's health.

The Belgian Blue Cow is a unique breed that produces a lot of tasty and healthy meat. For these extraordinary animals to be successful, they need quality care.

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