Characteristics and description of the Adler Silver breed of chickens, their content

Breeding birds at home is not as easy as it sounds. First of all, there are 2 separate directions:

  • for meat;
  • for eggs.

They have different tasks. Meat breeds must quickly gain weight and taste. Eggs, on the other hand, are represented by layers, which are distinguished by increased fertility, the ability to lay many eggs. But the Adler chicken with silvery feathers does both.

Description and characteristics of the breed of chickens Adler Silver

The silver chicken was bred in Adler, with the aim of obtaining a universal breed. The breeders were given the task of obtaining a new species with accelerated weight gain and, at the same time, with high egg production. To achieve the result, a number of crosses of several breeds were carried out.

At first, it was possible to obtain layers. Then they were crossed with Hampshire chickens. After selecting a few of the best specimens, consistent selection, during 10 years of experiments, a new breed of egg-laying meat chickens was obtained. The breed is winter-hardy, adapted to the conditions of Russia.

Adler Silver


Chickens have a harmonious, round head, corresponding to the proportions of the body. The bill is yellow, the ridge is erect, medium in size, 5 teeth are clearly visible on it. The neck is of moderate length, evenly feathered. The wings are pressed against the body. The tail is not very large, round in shape, the braids are bent.

The legs are strong, with widely spaced yellow metatarsals. Chickens are smaller than males. They have a more fragile physique, a smaller scallop. The color is predominantly white, interspersed with black on the neck plumage.

The rooster of the Adler silver breed is a large, harmoniously developed male with an abundance of black paint in the tail plumage, a raised scarlet crest and weighing up to 4 kilograms at one year of age. Females gain up to 2.5 kilograms.

 harmonious chicken


Adult birds are distinguished by their friendliness, lack of aggressive behavior. All poultry breeders note the balanced, balanced temperament of Adler Silver - this is another argument in favor of her breeding. Both chickens and adult hens are not afraid of people, they calmly react to the presence of a person.


The breed, judging by its name, comes from Adler. Bred as a result of successive crossing of several breeds of Russian origin, characterized by an improved admixture of the New Hampshire breed and Plymouthrock. The best specimens were selected at all stages.As a result, in 1965, a new, versatile species was obtained, suitable for raising meat and laying eggs.

chickens in the nursery

Breeding Adler birds

The breeders did a brilliant job by breeding a new breed of chickens. However, upon closer acquaintance with Adlerskaya Serebristaya, it turns out that not everything is so simple. Laying hens do not sit out eggs due to the oppressed maternal instinct. To fully breed chickens, you will need to acquire an incubator. In the future, there will be no problems, since the eggs are 100% fertile.

It is recommended to set in May, then the chickens will hatch in a month. It is allowed to carefully lay eggs on other chickens, not of this breed. The effect will be the same as in the incubator. When breeding for meat, poultry steadily gains weight, grows and develops confidently.

Conditions of detention

When planning to breed chickens of this breed, poultry farmers must take into account the following circumstances:

  1. Chickens begin to lay eggs relatively early. This can adversely affect their health, therefore, up to six months of age, development is forcibly slowed down.
  2. It is acceptable to keep birds in cages, although free breeding is preferred.
  3. Spreading on the floor is a must. It should provide the ability to "bathe" chickens, as well as absorb liquid.

chicken coop


In order for the young to develop harmoniously, gain weight, he will need a balanced diet. The diet of adult hens and chickens should be clearly distinguished. In addition, they have different needs for minerals, the frequency of food intake. And the growth rate, weight gain when breeding for meat depends on obtaining a complete, nutrient-rich food.


On the first day after birth, chickens are given a finely chopped boiled egg (hard-boiled), which is lightly rolled in semolina. The next day, you can introduce greens into the diet, gradually strengthening the diet with mashed carrots or beets. During the first decade, chicks should receive food in 2 hours. Further, the number of receptions is reduced to 7 per day.

Before reaching 30 days of age, you cannot give whole grains or cereals, you can - trim meat, worms. The addition of minerals, vitamins is encouraged. Be sure to need a bath of lime mixed with sand (gravel).

eat chickens

Adult birds

Grown up bettas and hens of the Adlerskaya Serebristaya eat at equal intervals up to 4 times a day. Each individual spends up to 45 grams of wheat and 35 grams of barley. So they feed in the first and last feeding, in between using vitamins or wet mixtures. In winter, the mixed feed is given to the bird warm. The diet is bred with vegetable additives and herbs. This can be potatoes, carrots, corn, or pumpkin. The source of minerals for poultry are sunflower meal, bone meal, chalk, shells. They contain calcium, which is necessary for the formation of the skeleton and shell.

Chicken diseases

This species has a high resistance to standard avian diseases. Provided that the chickens and young animals are well fed, they grow strong, healthy, confidently gain weight.

large individuals

Advantages and disadvantages

Adler Silver is suitable for breeding in large farms and private owners, quickly adapts to the conditions of detention. The advantages of the breed are as follows:

  • versatile, suitable for breeding for meat and testicles;
  • hardy, unpretentious birds;
  • are not afraid of people;
  • by the age of one year, the roosters grow up to 4 kilograms (hens - up to 2.5);
  • begin to rush from six months of age;
  • are distinguished by a harmonious physique, attractive appearance;
  • do not require special food.

However, along with the advantages, there are several obvious disadvantages.Layers do not hatch eggs - this is the price for early development and versatility. The first “harvest” may be too small, this continues throughout the first year. Then the eggs gradually increase in size.

 unpretentious birds

Curious facts

The Adler Silver Laying hen has a performance at the level of record-breaking hens: it brings almost 2 hundred eggs a year. The shell color is cream. Egg production and weight gain are mutually exclusive indicators. By increasing one parameter, the other is decreased. Poultry farmers need to remember this, despite the versatility of the species.

You will need an incubator to develop chicks from eggs that the hens leave undeveloped. Or the eggs are imperceptibly laid on a bird of a different breed.

Poultry diet must contain greens, vegetables, mineral supplements. When creating Adler Silver, breeders crossed several breeds. Among them are Russian, New Hampshire varieties and Plymouthrocks.

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