Description and characteristics of Mechelen cuckoo chickens, rules of keeping

Chickens of the Mechelen cuckoo breed are very popular among poultry breeders. They bear many eggs, are distinguished by strong immunity, are characterized by rapid development and attractive appearance. To achieve success in growing them, it is worth providing the birds with proper care. It should be comprehensive and include the proper arrangement of the poultry house. A balanced diet is essential.

How did the breed appear?

These birds are of Belgian origin. They were taken out in the town of Mechelen in the nineteenth century. For this, scientists crossed the Shanghai and Brama breeds. Meat chickens were also used.

As a result, we managed to obtain the Mechelen cuckoos. They are also called Malin. In addition, there are rare birds - Mecheln turkey heads. They have a follicular crest.

chicken breed Mechelen cuckoo

Description and characteristics of chickens Mechelen cuckoo

The Mecheln cuckoo has a number of features. They should be taken into account before breeding birds.

What does it look like?

These birds have a typical appearance. These features set the birds apart from the rest.


These chickens belong to the meat sector. They are distinguished by a powerful torso and strong legs. Birds are characterized by an impressive weight and cannot fly. They have a middle head and a leaf-like crest with 4-6 teeth. The eyes have an orange-red tint. Lobes and earrings are bright red.

The neck is comparatively long and powerful. Roosters are characterized by a poorly developed mane and a wide, straight back. Despite the developed shoulder girdle, the wings are small in size. They are tightly pressed against the body. Feathers are considered dense and dense. Most often motley black and white birds are found.

chicken breed Mechelen cuckoo


The defects of the breed include the following:

  • insufficiently developed pectoral muscles;
  • narrow back;
  • white lobes;
  • triangular body.

Vices include an overly light color. However, this only applies to variegated chickens. Lavender and Colombian chickens are considered fairly light in themselves.

The nature of the breed

Chickens are characterized by a calm nature. They rarely become aggressive and get along well with other birds. Roosters protect chickens from attacks from other birds or humans.

Birds have excellent contact with the owner and are considered obedient.

chicken breed Mechelen cuckoo

Bird productivity

Before breeding such birds, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the parameters of their productivity.


These birds are distinguished by high meat productivity. Adult bettas reach 4-5 kilograms in weight. Chickens are usually less than 1 kilogram. The meat has a delicate texture and pleasant taste. It is characterized by a fine-fiber structure.


Birds are actively developing up to 6 months. Then their appetite decreases. Cockerels are slaughtered at 3-4 months.

chicken breed Mechelen cuckoo

Egg production

1 chicken is capable of producing 140-160 eggs per year. They differ in quite a decent weight, which reaches 60 grams.


Chickens begin to molt in mid to late fall. During this period, egg production drops sharply or completely stops. The length of this period depends on the condition of the chickens. On average, it is a maximum of 6-7 weeks.

Plumage change is characterized by the loss of a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, birds need additional preparations.

chicken breed Mechelen cuckoo

Main advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of birds include the following:

  • large carcasses that give a lot of meat;
  • excellent taste;
  • calm character;
  • unpretentious care;
  • strong immunity;
  • average egg production.

At the same time, the birds also differ in certain disadvantages. The key disadvantage is the lack of incubation instinct. Therefore, it will be possible to breed chickens only with the help of an incubator or other birds.

Nuances of content

In order for birds to develop normally, they need certain conditions. At the same time, the Mechelen cuckoo does not need additional resources.

chicken breed Mechelen cuckoo

Requirements for a chicken coop for birds

Chickens of this breed require the simplest chicken coop with a height of 1.2-1.5 meters. 1 bird must have at least 0.2 square meters of area. The floor should be made of natural wood. It is recommended to cover it with sawdust, hay or straw. The thickness of the litter should be 10-15 centimeters.

In addition, there should be roosts in the chicken coop. 1 bird should have at least 25 centimeters of space. It is worth setting up perches in cascades, leaving a distance of 40-50 centimeters.

Temperature, lighting and humidity in the house

In winter, the temperature should be at least + 10-15 degrees, in summer - + 20-25 degrees. In the cold season, birds are able to withstand a short temperature drop of up to +5 degrees.

Birds do not tolerate high humidity. Therefore, the house should have several ventilation holes. Humidity should be at 60%.

In winter, the house needs additional lighting. Daylight hours should be 10-12 hours. Otherwise, egg production will drop significantly.

chicken breed Mechelen cuckoo

Place for walking

Chickens of this breed can do without a walking yard. It is perfectly acceptable to grow them in cages. However, such conditions of detention adversely affect the quality of the meat.

On private farms, it is recommended to make an aviary for birds. It should be installed on a hill. 3-4 individuals should have 1 square meter of territory. Walking yard should be in the shade. If there is no such place, it is recommended to make a canopy. A fence with a height of 1-1.2 meters is installed along the perimeter.

Installation of feeders and drinkers

Feeders and drinkers should be installed in the chicken coop and in the aviary. They should stand in a separate place that is protected from sunlight.

It is permissible to use a small box as a feeder. Its width and height should be 10x10 centimeters. The length of the feeder is adjusted according to the number of birds. 1 individual should have at least 10-15 centimeters.

You should definitely attach the feeder to the support. Thanks to this, the chickens will not be able to turn it over. It is permissible to use any open container as a drinker.

It is recommended to clean the drinking bowls and feeders every day, otherwise they can become a source of infection. They are washed with soapy water every week. It is recommended to disinfect the drinking bowls and feeders during general cleaning.

The water in the drinker should be changed 1-2 times a day. It is important that food does not stagnate in the trough. Therefore, it is poured in small portions. Spoiled food will lead to severe digestive disorders.

chicken breed Mechelen cuckoo

How to feed Mechelen cuckoos?

Birds of this breed are distinguished by their undemanding diet. To feed the chickens, the following is recommended:

  • factory feed intended for meat production, or ordinary homemade food;
  • grass, cereals, greens;
  • vitamins, minerals, fish oil.

Correct and balanced nutrition ensures fast weight gain. Thanks to this, it is permissible to slaughter chickens at 4-5 months.

It is recommended to feed the birds on a schedule. This is done 2-3 times a day. Adult birds need 250-300 grams of food. Half of this amount should be dry food, which has a high nutritional value. The other half should be chopped vegetables and herbs.

In addition to the main feed, birds must receive food of animal origin. This improves the quality of the meat. To do this, use meat or fish meal. It is also permissible to use chopped offal. The diet should contain sources of calcium - egg shells, chalk.

Compliance with the ratio of nutrients is of no small importance. The breed is characterized by good health, but birds cannot do without vitamins and minerals. Therefore, in the spring they are given multivitamins for chickens.

chicken breed Mechelen cuckoo

Breeding specifics

If there is a rooster in the hen house, the eggs of the chickens are almost always fertilized. Of these, offspring quickly appear. At the same time, layers are deprived of the maternal instinct. Therefore, it is recommended to hatch chickens using an incubation method. This method helps to achieve friendly hatching of chicks, which are healthy and viable.

Birds have a high survival rate. They practically do not face diseases and gain weight well. Already at 5 months, it is possible to get a full-fledged carcass.

At day old, chickens can be easily divided by sex. Females have a light spot on the surface of the head. In this case, the back is almost black. Males have a white spot on their back.

Diseases and prevention

As a result of selection, it was possible to obtain resistance to infectious diseases. It should be borne in mind that chickens can be attacked by parasites. Therefore, they should be treated with special means and ash baths should be organized.

Also, the risk of developing diseases increases during seasonal molting. This is due to a lack of vitamins.

chicken breed Mechelen cuckoo

Where to buy in Russia?

It will be possible to buy chickens of this breed in the "Fauna" club. Poultry breeders breed birds, take part in exhibitions and share their experience in raising chickens.

The Mechelen cuckoo is a popular breed with high productivity and rapid development. To achieve success in raising feathered birds, it is recommended to properly equip the poultry house, provide them with a balanced diet, and protect them from diseases and parasites.

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