Description and characteristics of sasso chickens, rules and features of the content

When breeding poultry of broiler breeds, poultry farmers give preference to colored species. It is the chickens of the sasso breed that are distinguished by their meatiness and record-breaking fast weight gain. The bird is not picky about food, and its meat is nutritious and has a pleasant peculiar taste. Due to the advantages of the breed, it is not difficult to breed sasso broilers in poultry farms and private farms.

Origin story

For about 10 years, French breeders have been working on breeding the breed. Fighting birds were used to obtain colored broilers. In the sasso breed, subspecies are distinguished, differing in productive characteristics and colors. Distinctive features of colored broilers are meatiness and early maturity.

Broiler description and characteristics

Broiler chickens stand out for their productive advantages over conventional breeds, and also differ in appearance.

Exterior and color

The sasso bird is characterized by a peculiar appearance: a strong body of a low rise, a wide chest and a small head. Broiler sasso has small earrings and a comb, a medium-sized light-colored beak. Relatively short wings. The original combination of multi-colored plumage with yellow paws and dark sandy skin makes the sasso hens stand out from other birds.

Common plumage palettes of colored broilers: red-brick, black, fawn. The stiff feather grows dense.

Productive qualities

Naturally, it is the productive characteristics that determine the demand for certain breeds.

sasso chickens

Weight and maturation

The advantage of the sasso bird is its rapid growth and weight gain. Good care provides the chicks with a daily weight gain of about 60 g. Therefore, after 8-9 weeks, the chicks gain about 2 kg. Adult chickens grow to a weight of about 4 kg, and males can weigh 6-7 kg.


The tender and juicy structure is a feature of the sasso chicken meat. Therefore, it is a suitable product for preparing dietary meals.


Usually broiler chickens cannot boast of egg production. If the bird is provided with adequate nutrition and proper care, then 120-150 eggs can be collected per year. In this case, one must take into account the nuance of the breed - the first clutch of chickens will not please the poultry farmers soon. The chicken begins to actively lay at the age of 6-8 months, although some individuals can even after 11-12 months.

many eggs

Character specifics

The bird has a docile nature.Although the ancestors of sasso were from fighting breeds, modern broilers are not prone to aggression. Shyness is sometimes observed, which can adversely affect the egg production of hens. Since the sasso breed is bred mainly for meat production, fearfulness does not create problems when growing.

Advantages and disadvantages of chickens

The broiler sasso breed is very popular with poultry farmers due to several advantages:

  • strong immunity provides resistance to common avian infectious diseases;
  • young animals show a good survival rate;
  • affordable price of chickens (chicks several days old can be purchased for 75-85 rubles).

The main disadvantage of the sasso breed is its sensitivity to grooming. With poor maintenance, the birds not only reduce performance indicators, but can also become sick.

sasso chickens

Breed varieties

Chickens sasso xl 551 (France) are of the meat type. The breed is famous not only for juicy tasty meat, chickens grow quickly and rapidly gain muscle mass. Moreover, for the cultivation of meaty poultry, hormones and special additives are not required.

The subtleties of keeping and caring for sasso chickens

French breeders are constantly working to improve the characteristics of the breed. Sasso broilers adapt well to all climates.

In a poultry house with a walk

The spacious walking yard guarantees optimal conditions for the development of chickens. It is not required to create a high fence around the perimeter of the site. A bird with short wings and a massive carcass is simply not able to fly over the fence. When arranging a patio, it is imperative to build a canopy in the corner so that the bird can take refuge in the rain.

sasso chickens

In cages

Cage rearing does not require any special conditions for sasso broilers. To save space, the cells are installed in 3 tiers. The number of livestock in the cage depends on the age of the chicks. The main measures for caring for chickens: regular bedding replacement, regular disinfection of cages. To provide natural protection against parasites, ash baths are periodically organized for the bird.

Molt and break in egg-laying

Since the sasso breed is a meat breed, the problem of reducing or stopping egg laying is not a concern for poultry farmers. The rate of molting in birds with different shades of plumage may vary. It is important that the periodic absence of feathers does not negatively affect the health of broilers.

Planned herd replacement

When updating the livestock, it is taken into account that the sasso chicken breed is bred mainly for meat. Broilers aged 2 months are sent for slaughter. It is not rational to keep older chickens - costs grow, and weight gain slows down.

sasso chickens

Of course, there are subspecies in the sasso breed that are gaining weight at a moderate pace. The egg production of such chickens pays for the costs of their maintenance. When breeding such layers, it should be borne in mind that 2 years is the most productive period of a bird's life.

Diet and feeding order

The best option, which allows you to provide good nutrition with a minimum of costs for its preparation, is to use factory feed. When choosing a species, you need to build on the conditions of detention, the age of the bird. Such food is distinguished by the balance of all elements: carbohydrates, proteins, fats. Also, the necessary vitamins and minerals are present in the right amount.

Bird ageFactory compound feedHome mix
Chicks up to 2 weeks old are fed from 10 to 25 g of feed. Nutrient mixtures contribute to the normalization of the digestive tract, the formation of the skeleton, and the building of musclesA mixture of PK6-1, produced in the form of small granules (contains mainly ground corn, ground wheat, peas, barley, chalk, shell). There is a complex of vitamins and mineralsApproximate composition:

· Corn - 50%;

Wheat - 16%;

Barley - 7%;

Cake / meal 14%.

Includes low-fat cottage cheese / kefir - 12%

Chicks 15-30 days old are given 90-120 g of feed. Select formulations with larger granulesMeat and bone meal, lysine, vegetable oil are already present in PK6-2 mixturesFeed composition:

· Corn - 48%;

Wheat - 13%;

Meal / cake - 19%;

Meat and bone meal - 7%;

Feed yeast - 5%:

· Young grass - 3%.

Meals are prepared as a moist mixture - water / milk is added to the feed

Poultry aged from 30 days to slaughter (food norm - 140-160 g). Use mixtures fortified with vitamins (for maximum weight gain in broilers in a short period)Finish PK6-3 compound feed. The mixture is produced in large granulesFeed composition:

· Corn - 45%;

Wheat - 13%;

Barley - 8%;

Cake / meal - 17%;

Meat and bone / fish meal - 7%;

Feed yeast - 5%;

· Fresh greens - 1%;

· Chalk - 1%.

Vitamin and mineral supplements.

sasso chickens

Important! It is forbidden to use food waste for feeding broilers.

When feeding poultry, you must follow the rate This is important when compiling a diet for broilers over 30 days old, since exceeding the norm leads to obesity of the bird.

Breeding features

Sasso boilers are bred in order to obtain highly nutritious meat in a short period of time. Most often, they organize the slaughter of birds aged 2-4 months. It is not rational to grow older boilers, since weight gain slows down and feeding rates increase.

Important! Active weight gain is observed in chickens up to one month old. Therefore, special attention is paid to the issue of bird nutrition during this period.

Diseases and prevention

The advantage of the sasso bird is disease resistance. Of course, this condition is fulfilled with regular bird care. If the farm contains a significant number of chickens, it is recommended to periodically use antibiotics. This measure will prevent the outbreak and spread of infectious diseases. Suitable growing conditions, fresh feed and regular maintenance are the requirements for breeding sasso boilers. The main thing is that the breed demonstrates productivity at an average cost of costs.

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