Description of the Ekol f1 cucumber variety and its characteristics

Through the efforts of the breeders of the Dutch company Syngenta Seeds, in 2011, a new hybrid of cucumbers Ekol f1 was launched on our market. The variety quickly got used to among gardeners and gained popularity.

Miniature, crispy, dark green cucumbers are great in canning and fresh salads. The pulp is juicy, without voids, bitter taste is genetically excluded. The manufacturer gives a description of the Ekol f1 variety, characterizing it as:

  • early maturing;
  • resistant to temperature extremes;
  • parthenocarpic;
  • weak branching;
  • high-yielding;
  • not bitter;
  • disease resistant;
  • gherkin;
  • crispy and juicy;
  • suitable for protected and open ground;

Dutch breeders


As a result of the work of breeders, even in a small area, subject to agrotechnical recommendations, you can get a large stable yield of Ekol f1 cucumbers throughout the summer.


The seeds of the Ekol f1 cucumber hybrid have excellent germination. But you can play it safe, soak and germinate first.

agrotechnical recommendations

To form a developed root system of cucumbers, seedlings are planted individually in containers with a volume of 400-500 ml. Peat cups are ideal, since they do not need to get the plant out of them, damaging the root. If the seedlings of cucumbers are grown in a plastic container, the earthen lump is released very carefully, trying not to break the integrity at all. Otherwise, the plant will pause its development until the root is restored.

root system

Soil mixture for seedlings

The soil mixture for planting cucumber seeds is prepared nutritious, light and loose. Crushed peat, rotted sawdust, humus are mixed in equal parts. For 10 liters of such soil, add 200 g of ash, 1 teaspoon of superphosphate, urea and potassium sulfate. This soil will cover the plant's nutrient needs for the first 2-3 weeks.

soil mixture for seedlings

Temperature regime

Cucumbers should germinate at 25 ℃ under the film. After 3-4 days, the film is removed and the seedlings are provided with a lower temperature, about 20-21 ℃. This will allow the root of the plant to develop and not to stretch out the stems. Daylight hours are artificially extended using backlighting. Water the seedlings of cucumbers with warm water, preventing the earthen coma from drying out.

solar garden

At the age of two weeks, the seedlings begin to harden. For another 7-10 days, Ekol f1 cucumbers are taken out into the fresh air for 30-40 minutes during the day. And the room temperature is reduced to 15-16 ℃.

At three weeks of age, plants should give out 3-4 true leaves and reach a height of about 20 cm. Now the seedlings of the hybrid are ready to move to a permanent place.

announced state

Bush formation

For the Ekol f1 cucumber variety, it is not necessary to deepen the plant when planting seedlings in the ground. In northern regions, this can even reduce yields. An earthen lump with a root is carefully, without violating the integrity, transferred into a hole of the required size and immediately watered with warm water.

The first flowers of the hybrid will have to be sacrificed, before the appearance of 5-6 leaves, the ovary must be removed. The plant is not yet ready for full-fledged fruiting and the cucumber stems will stop growing until the early ovary ripens.

hybrid flowers

The yellowed leaves are constantly cut off. This renews the plant and stimulates fruiting.

The Ekol f1 ovary is laid in bunches of 3-7 pieces, it does not need to be thinned out, the bush can pour several cucumbers at once.

flower peeps

Tying to trellises

The cucumber hybrid develops best on trellises. Tying allows you to place up to 5 roots per 1 sq. M. without shading. It makes no sense to plant more. Plants will interfere with each other, airing will be disrupted, fungi and other diseases will start. Without tying, the cucumber crop runs the risk of breaking thin lashes or rotting in wet soil.

The stem of the hybrid is not genetically limited in growth, therefore, when it reaches the top of the trellis at a height of 1.5-1.8 m, the growth point is pinched. Side lashes grow moderately, and they usually do not cause trouble, if desired, you can pinch them after 3-4 leaves.

tying to trellis

Soil and fertilizing

Preparing the soil for cucumbers involves adding a lot of humus, peat, compost, and some wood ash to the garden soil.

The result should be a loose, light soil mixture saturated with organic matter and minerals.

cultivation in soil

According to the description of Ekol cucumbers, the fruiting period is long, more than two months, the yield is high, therefore, even in prepared soil, additional fertilizing cannot be done. There should be at least four to five of them, two or three of which occur during the fruiting period. It is necessary to monitor the external signs of plant health and, if necessary, increase the amount of dressings.

Cucumbers respond well to organic fertilizers. You can add infusions of bird droppings, mullein and nettle. Mineral complex fertilizers consisting of potassium salt, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate are suitable.

lattice in the bushes


One of the main conditions for a good harvest of cucumbers of the Ekol f1 hybrid is proper watering. It is not recommended to allow the earthen coma to dry out.

Plants are watered with warm water once every two to three days in the morning or evening. On hot days, you need to monitor the condition of the soil. To create a favorable environment for earthworms and do without loosening, the soil is mulched with peat or sawdust.

watering in hands

Ekol f1 diseases

When choosing a place for planting cucumbers, it must be borne in mind that they grow best after the nightshade family, root vegetables, garlic and onions. If you do not alternate crops on the site for several years in a row, the plants will be infected with the same diseases and pests from year to year.

leaf spots

The Ekol f1 variety is genetically resistant to serious diseases of cucumbers. It is not damaged by powdery mildew, olive spot, and the cucumber mosaic virus is not terrible.

With the correct crop rotation, proper watering and a neat garter to the trellises, the risk of disease in a hybrid is very small.

spider mite


The gardeners' comments on the yield of the Ekol f1 cucumber variety are the most positive, about 18-20 kg per 1 sq. m. Cucumbers ripen crisp and juicy within 40-42 days after germination. It is important not to miss the moment and pluck the greens until full maturity. Cucumbers of this variety, which have overgrown the gherkin stage, very quickly "barrel", lose their aroma and elasticity.

It is advisable to harvest the Ekol f1 cucumber hybrid at least once every 1-2 days, in the morning or in the evening in the form of 5-7 cm pickles. It is better to cut the fruits with scissors without affecting the stem. We'll have to wear gloves, the cucumbers are pretty spiky.Ekol f1 cucumbers do not store for more than a week; it is better to preserve freshly picked greens.

huge harvest


The characteristics of the Ekol f1 cucumber hybrid came out quite promising. The variety is not suitable only for weekend residents. Cucumbers require an almost daily harvest, otherwise they overripe and lose their taste. For canning crispy pickles and a summer table, these Dutch greens are great.

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