Description and characteristics of the Knyaginya tomato variety, its yield

Juicy shade and elongated borders of ripe tomato fruits make from neat bushes an eye-catching masterpiece of garden art. The Knyaginya tomato, known in the circles of summer residents, is a universal variety, the fruits of which are easily amenable to any culinary manipulation.

Fleshy tomatoes resembling neat ovals in shape are used by housewives as future preserves, to decorate the main dish, as one of the main elements of a dietary snack, raw material for aromatic juice.

The dominant criteria in the description of an aristocratic variety

For summer residents who had time to see "fruitful species", who are fond of not only collecting ripe fruits, but also some nuances of characteristics, there is the following description of the variety. Hybrid Tomatoes Knyaginya:

  • mid-season;
  • indeterminate;
  • hybrid;
  • productive.

A green bush planted in pre-fertilized soil usually grows up to 150 cm in length. For successful growth and a good harvest, dense stems are in dire need of a garter to stakes, a pinching procedure.

tomato seeds princess

Not all gardeners have reached the skill level to understand the technical descriptions of the variety, sparkling with the severity of the printed letters on the back of the seed package. It is enough for them to know that the magnificent princess:

  1. Bears amazing fruits. Tomatoes have a deep red hue, a tangible taste hidden under the smooth skin.
  2. Differs in rich possibilities of cultivation results, the number of fruits amazes ignorant summer residents.
  3. Ideal for growing in greenhouses as well as for open field.

With proper care, the yield of emerald bushes will reach 12-14 kg per square meter. Nursing procedures are not numerous, the magnificent Princess is unpretentious. It is easy to get sweet fruits and powerful silhouettes of bushes, even novice gardeners can cope with this task.

Basic rules for growing

Professional summer residents who have already grown and managed to make sure of the quality of the taste capabilities of ripe fruits, note that it is advisable to sow smooth seeds 3 months before planting in open soil.

The plant loves space, thin shoots should be planted at a noticeable distance from each other. It is allowed to place up to 4 plants on one square meter, only in this way the bushes will reach their maximum growth, and rich fruits will densely fill the thin branches.

Knyaginya tomatoes are watered with warm water, the liquid is diluted with growth stimulants and an arsenal of effective fertilizers.The soil moistening procedure takes place 1-2 times every seven days.

tomato bushes princess

What does the "chemical" detail of the name mean?

The mysterious element of the name often frightens inexperienced gardeners who did not have time to understand the scientific component of the variety's characteristics. One of the letters of the Latin alphabet and a number are often found on the packaging of seeds, F1 is a sign of hybridity.

The letter F came to the names of numerous varieties from the Italian language, it is with her that the word "Filli" begins, translated as "children". The numeral in this case is interpreted as “the first generation”.

A short mark on the package indicates that a unique variety was born by crossing two different subspecies of the plant. Such seeds have a number of advantages, including:

  1. Resistance to dangerous diseases, prolonged lack of water.
  2. Incredible endurance that allows emerald bushes not to succumb to the attacks of parasites.
  3. The fruit is succulent and large, as the hybrids represent a successful blend of the best characteristics from their parents.
  4. In addition, the plant will bear fruit under any circumstances, even if the weather conditions are shocking that it is unsuitable for growing tomato varieties.

tomato princess in the open field

The cons of hybrid tomatoes are not so numerous, among them:

  • the cost is higher than that of conventional seeds;
  • you cannot get hybrid seeds from ripe fruits, the results of growing such tomatoes can be deplorable;
  • it is possible to cross different subspecies of tomatoes only in the laboratory, summer residents cannot cope with the complexity of the heterosis procedure.

When buying such seeds, one should hope for the good faith of the manufacturer. Often, under the guise of elite F1, classic subspecies are sold that do not have the enviable characteristics of hybrids.

tomato princess in the greenhouse

The opinions of experienced summer residents. Is the princess worth her money

Studying the various reviews that are full of sites and forums, as well as the bright pages of authoritative publications writing about the secrets of the dacha business, it is easy to get confused in the opinions, arguments "for" and "against" the royal variety of Knyagin's tomato.

Reviews of experienced summer residents will help to decide whether to buy seeds of the Knyaginya variety and whether to expect the fruits of juicy tomatoes. Some opinions according to which you can make your own expectations of possible results are provided below:

  1. I never planted hybrid tomatoes, I thought it was just too expensive chemicals that would not lead to anything good. "Princess" was presented by grandchildren, I was surprised by the results! The fruits are red, juicy, fleshy, there are such, a pleasure! I advise everyone!
  2. For me, the Princess is the best hybrid! He transplanted countless tomatoes in his life, but such results have never been. There are many fruits, all large, juicy. The wife does so many miracles with them, we overeat with the whole family!
  3. The Princess planted tomatoes a couple of years ago, the harvest was not impressive, the tomatoes were small and somewhat gray, no taste. I recently decided to try to grow seeds again in a greenhouse, trying not to repeat past mistakes. The princess is tall and slender, and the fruits are a fairy tale! I made juices for 10 years ahead, very good ones.

tomato princess on the grass

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