How many days after sowing tomato seeds sprout

Every vegetable grower who plans to grow tomatoes wants a good harvest. However, not all of them know how many days tomato seeds sprout. To make them appear much faster, you must follow certain rules of care and planting.

When tomatoes come up

It is very important to know on what day the planted tomato seeds sprout. This information will be needed in order to transplant sprouted tomatoes into the soil in time. The germination period of seeds directly depends on the used planting material. If dry seeds were planted in open ground, then they rise for a rather long time. In this case, the planted tomatoes begin to appear only after ten days.

Some people treat the seed with special solutions before planting. This is done to speed up the emergence of the first shoots. Processed tomatoes will appear within 5 days after sowing.

Also, the timing of seed germination depends on their age. If you plant two-year-old tomatoes for seedlings, they will begin to germinate only a week after planting.

Acceleration of tomato germination

Many growers want the seedlings to germinate very quickly. In order for tomato seedlings to grow faster, you need to plant the seeds correctly.

Expiry date check

The expiration date is checked to find out how long after the purchase the seeds cannot be used. Their optimal shelf life is about five years. However, there are some varieties that can be used 15 years after purchase. For planting, it is recommended to use non-expired planting material.

tomato seedlings in pots

Weeding out bad seeds

It is imperative to get rid of bad planting material, since it is impossible to determine how many seeds germinate that have not been selected for planting in advance. To sift out non-germinating seeds, the seed is dropped into a glass filled with saline. The seed is kept in liquid for about 20 minutes. During this time, seeds that will not germinate well will rise to the surface.

The seeds that have sunk to the bottom are a suitable seed that can be planted in the future.


To improve the germination of tomato seeds, a technique is used, the essence of which is to soak tomatoes in a special nutrient solution. To do this, you can use purchased products or prepare everything yourself. Experienced gardeners most often use the second option, as it is more economical.So how long does it take to soak the seeds and what needs to be done to do this?

The seeds are placed in a small cloth bag and placed in heated water. The soaking time is about 10-15 hours. If during this period of time the water changes its color, then it must be replaced.

It is not recommended to soak the seeds for too long as they can deteriorate.


In order for tomatoes to grow quickly and develop better in the future, it is necessary to harden them in advance. For this, the seeds are laid out between several layers of fabric and placed in the lower part of the refrigerator. They put them there at night, and get them only in the morning. This procedure should be carried out 2-3 times.


You can also speed up the germination of planting material using preliminary disinfection. This can be done using an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate, in which the seeds must be kept for about half an hour. To do this, they are placed in cheesecloth and lowered into a container with a solution. After completing disinfection, they should be rinsed with cool water.

Sometimes a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution is used instead of this mixture. Before use, it should be warmed up to 50 degrees.


In order for the tomato to rise faster, its seeds must be laid out on a moistened cloth. You need to do this in a warm room with a temperature of at least 25 degrees. When germinating, you need to very carefully monitor the condition of the tissue. It needs to be moisturized regularly so that it doesn't dry out completely.

tomato seedlings

Sprouted seeds need careful care. If the germinated seeds are roughly handled, the root can be damaged. Therefore, during cultivation, it is recommended to use a dense gauze that would keep the seed from damage.

Why tomatoes do not sprout

There are times when tomato seeds do not germinate even after a long time after planting. There are several main reasons for this problem.

Seed infection

Planting material is often a carrier of various diseases. If you do not decontaminate it before sowing, then pre-emergence damping of the sprouts may appear, and they will not be able to grow. Some infections can be very serious and even spread to plants growing in nearby pots.

Low temperature

If tomato seeds are stored at very low temperatures, they enter a state of deep dormancy. It is because of this that the first seedlings that appear will germinate much longer than usual. In some cases, the germination of tomato seeds in rooms with low temperatures is delayed for two to three weeks. However, sometimes they do not appear at all and the tomatoes have to be planted again.

Deep seeding

The sowing depth can also affect the germination of tomatoes. Quite often, seedlings do not emerge due to the fact that they were planted too deeply. For such seeds to begin to germinate, it is necessary to increase the temperature of the soil. If the plant is grown in pots, then they can be placed in the sun or near batteries. However, in too dense soil, even this will not help the tomatoes germinate.

Dense soil

The soil is the main medium in which tomato seedlings grow. That is why it has a significant impact on their germination. Rapid germination is facilitated by such soil properties as porosity, looseness and water permeability. However, if the ground is too dense, then water seeps through it poorly and the seeds begin to choke.

soil with working tools

Increased toxicity

Toxic soil is a fairly common reason why tomatoes cannot sprout. Very often, inexperienced gardeners, when choosing a soil for sowing tomato seeds, are guided only by its black color.It is not recommended to use land taken from irrigated fields where sewage effluents can be processed. Also, do not use soil taken near lakes or ponds.


Every person who grows vegetables should know how many days tomatoes will sprout. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the germination of tomato seeds and with what can affect the timing of the appearance of the first seedlings of tomatoes.

  1. Natalia
    3.03.2018 15:09

    Thank you for the article.
    One “but”.
    Why do professionals use the word “plant” so often?
    There is no such word in Russian!
    There are words: plant, plant, plant, plant, sow.
    Let's write competently, because others read and also make mistakes.
    In general, the article is useful.

    To answer
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