Names and characteristics of indeterminate, tall and high-yielding tomato varieties for greenhouses

Many gardeners pay attention to indeterminate varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses. When designing a greenhouse or greenhouse, you always want to grow something unusual. Large bushes appear on which unusually large fruits ripen. Domestic breeders have long turned these dreams into reality. Complex hybrid varieties can grow to gigantic proportions in private or industrial production.


Indeterminate varieties have the main difference from their counterparts. The bush has the possibility of almost unlimited growth. It sounds fantastic, but in practice we see an amazing result. Tall varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses are already growing in favorable conditions in Moldova, Ukraine, Spain. Many domestic varieties feel great in the greenhouse conditions of central Russia.

Determinant cultures dose growth. After tying a certain number of brushes (usually 4-5), they throw all their strength into the formation of fruits. This makes sense. Many crops produce large tomatoes in the greenhouse, due to the competent distribution of natural resources. Usually we are dealing with early determinant varieties, for which the fundamental factor for rapid growth is the optimization of all processes.

Greenhouse selection

There is a wide variety of greenhouse designs. Each of them has its own characteristics, but in order to grow tall tomatoes, it is best to make a choice in advance.

  1. Design.
  2. Height above 2 m.
  3. Effective area.
  4. Used materials.
  5. Price offers.

greenhouse in the garden

These are the main questions that arise when designing a greenhouse for a private economy. A well-designed greenhouse will help increase yields. Mobile structures are often used. You can look for a special video on how to grow tall tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Mobile structures have a number of advantages over their stationary counterparts.

  1. At the end of the season, it is possible to dismantle the structure.
  2. In the spring, you can change the location of the greenhouse.

This provides an excellent opportunity to competently manage your household. The procedure for preparing the soil is simplified, you can sow seeds directly in the greenhouse. And it is best to grow indeterminate bushes using this method. A competent crop rotation is provided, the amount of mineral fertilizing is reduced. The risk of over-enrichment of the culture with individual elements is minimized.

The following materials are used as cover for the greenhouse:

  1. Glass.
  2. Polycarbonate.
  3. Polyethylene film.

They all have their own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Glass is an environmentally friendly material. Indeterminate tomato varieties thrive in such a room. But it may turn out to be unsafe during installation, dismantling of the structure.
  • Polyethylene film is free from such disadvantages, but with frequent use it becomes cloudy, poorly transmits sunlight. This is true for both greenhouses and greenhouses.
  • Polycarbonate. It has good characteristics as a building material for greenhouses. Usually, blocks with a honeycomb structure are used. They retain heat well, let in a wide spectrum of sunlight. They are lightweight, easily mounted / dismantled if necessary.

polycarbonate greenhouse

Growing tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse is most preferred. When designing a greenhouse for nightshade crops, you can choose blocks with certain properties. For example, blocks with color additives filter sunlight and give the culture the opportunity to fully develop. Blue and red light is useful for good development of seedlings and ovaries. This spectrum is especially useful when seeds are sown in a greenhouse. For the formation and growth of fruits - green.

The effects of UV radiation are best kept to a minimum. It inhibits the vital activity of the plant. All varieties of greenhouse tomatoes have delicate leaves that are sensitive to UV light.

Intense radiation can burn foliage. Considering the listed design features, you can plan the planting of high-yielding tall tomatoes for the greenhouse.


It is known that growing tomatoes requires special skills. Modern hybrid varieties do not grow in the wild and require special care. All gardeners are well aware that each variety has its own characteristics. When growing a single crop, consider:

  1. Soil composition.
  2. The time of planting seeds, seedlings.
  3. Care.
  4. Watering schedule, feeding.
  5. Collection, storage, processing of crops.

Soil composition

Indeterminate tomatoes place great demands on the composition of the soil. They need a lot of nutrients, which can only be obtained with the help of special feeding.

  • During the formation of the green mass, potassium monophosphate is used before the first fruit setting. This element performs a transport function, transfers useful trace elements to each plant cell. Contributes to the normal development of tops. Growing indeterminate tomatoes in a greenhouse requires good seedlings. You can distinguish it by its strong stem, bright green color of the whole plant.
  • Nitrogen begins to be introduced from the moment the fruits form. This promotes their growth. The green mass has already formed, the planted plants give all their strength to the fruits. The ratio of the main active elements that allows you to get the largest fruits must be balanced. The ratio of nitrogen / phosphorus / potassium is 1: 1: 1.
  • During maturation, the ratio of the main elements is changed. In particular, the dose of potassium and phosphorus is increased. Potassium gives resistance to disease. Even very large tomatoes have a crumbly structure and a characteristic sweetish taste. The nitrogen / phosphorus / potassium ratio changes by 1: 3: 9.

soil in hands

The fertilization schedule may vary from the method of growing indeterminate tomatoes, vary within small limits. But how to grow plants and form the necessary sequence of feeding. Usually, the recommended amount of nutrients is added every 10 to 15 days. A specific planting scheme should be planned so that there is free access to the bushes for nutritional adjustments.

It is important not to overfeed the plant, an excess of fertilizers will lead to the accumulation of elements in the fruits, they will become non-food.


Hybrid tomatoes love plenty of watering. Water dissolves various trace elements, promotes vital chemical reactions. A well-designed landing pattern assumes:

  1. Water access to every plant.
  2. Eliminates its accumulation at the end of the bed.
  3. Excludes the ingress of moisture on the stems or leaves of the plant.

By following these three simple rules, you can get tall bushes with good yields.

It is recommended to design the greenhouse with special plastic pipes. Small shapers are inserted into them, which supply water to each bush. Accordingly, the planting scheme for bushes is developed taking into account the nuances of watering. Pipes can be easily assembled / disassembled if necessary.

Sometimes you can pamper crops with sprinkling. This will wash away any accumulated dust or dirt from the foliage. I design the height of the greenhouse and plant with this in mind. After sprinkling, the culture revives, the process of photosynthesis is accelerated, and growth is accelerated.

It is best to carry out this procedure in the evening so that the morning or noon sun does not burn the delicate greenhouse foliage.

Indeterminate shrubs can be grown until late autumn. Before the first frost starts, it is necessary to drain the water from the pipes. It expands when frozen, which can damage the plastic. Finished pipes are dismantled and placed in a specially designated room. It is advisable to protect them from sudden temperature fluctuations.

If individual watering is not provided, then tomatoes in the greenhouse can be watered with a hose. The main thing is that the mineral fertilizers applied by the dry method are not carried over the beds by the stream of water. This can lead to starvation of some plants, due to the excessive use of minerals by others. We will get the effect of an unbalanced diet, tomatoes grown in this way will differ in their taste, market or other characteristics.

tomatoes in the greenhouse


It is recommended to treat the feeding of hybrid crops with particular care. All large-fruited crops are not distinguished by excessive modesty and are happy to eat the proposed elements:

  • Excess nitrogen. Leads to intense growth. It would seem that he should influence the development of the bushes from the best side. This is not actually happening. The incidence is increasing. Foliage suffers. The petioles are bent. The edges of the leaves turn yellow.
  • Excess phosphorus. The metabolism of hybrids is more intensive than that of conventional varieties. Hybrid large-fruited plants can literally be poisoned with phosphorus. Foliage suffers, aging of culture occurs. The ends of the leaves gradually turn black.
  • Excess potassium. It is noticeable in the elongation of internodes, lightening of foliage, developmental delay. All this leads to the development of necrosis, shedding of foliage. Large-fruited plants especially suffer from this, for their full development they need a normal metabolism.
  • Excess magnesium. The color of the foliage becomes saturated - dark. Leaves curl, lengthen at the edges, die off. All interdeterminant varieties react to this by reducing yields, dumping fruits. In some cases, the culture may die.
  • Excess calcium. Stimulates enhanced growth. Unformed bushes with a lack of other elements are unable to cope with such a load. Indeterminate varieties, tall for greenhouses, will respond to this stimulation with explosive growth of the tops, which will lead to early wilting.

Top dressing is best done individually, at the root of each plant. Balanced formulations are used:

  1. Ammophos.
  2. Nitroammophos.
  3. Diammophos.

Unbalanced fertilizers

Such types of fertilizers are usually used when carefully studying the characteristics of crop growth. Here are some of the names that are widely used in all regions of the country.

For feeding with phosphorus:

  • Can be applied with simple superphosphate.Contains about 20% of the useful element. In extreme cases, double superphosphate is used, the element content is about 45%.

superphosphate for tomatoes

To add potassium, use:

  • Potassium sulfate.
  • Potassium sulfate.

Nitrogen fertilizers:

  • Ammonium nitrate.
  • Urea.
  • Ammonium sulfate.

What to do if overfed

Of course, you are unlikely to be able to get the applied fertilizers from the soil mechanically. But you can always save the best varieties from an excess of elements with the help of intensive watering. Water will reduce the concentration of substances, which will save the crop. But at the same time, you will have to re-coordinate the feeding scheme, form a new schedule.

Which variety to choose

When planning a sowing area, every gardener dreams of choosing the best varieties of various crops. The desire is understandable, obtaining high yields is one of the main goals of vegetable growing. But there are many factors to consider when purchasing seeds. Many varieties of tall tomatoes give an excellent harvest in some regions, and absolutely do not take root in others.

Among the popular mid-early varieties of central Russia, one can note:

  • Watermelon.
  • Verlioka.
  • Scarlet mustang.
  • Commissar.

verlioka tomato in a greenhouse

Many ultra-early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses have taken root in the areas of vegetable growers:

  • Sweet bunch.
  • Banana.
  • Poznan.
  • Mandarin duck.

Many varieties of tall greenhouse tomatoes bear fruit in the harsh conditions of Siberia. If you create greenhouse conditions for development, then lighting becomes one of the main factors. The short summer is not conducive to planting late varieties. But the super-early proved to be excellent in the extreme conditions of a short summer.

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