Characteristics and description of the variety of tomato Black Crimea

Quite often, the names of crops are directly related to the place of selection. The Black Crimea tomato was indeed created on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula. This is an old Soviet variety of folk selection, which has survived to this day in a slightly modified form. The tomato owes its official status to a Swedish breeder who has included the plant in the international catalog.

The name of the variety in our territory is often translated as Crimean Black and, according to the assurances of experts, differs significantly from the original version. But various variations of an unusual dark fruiting tomato deserve attention because of the taste and very beautiful, large fruits. In addition, the clever Swede made the tomato popular not only in Europe, but also overseas, in the United States. Our variety can only be grown outdoors in the southern regions. In the rest of the territory, it only belongs to the greenhouse.

black Crimea

Main characteristics

Numerous descriptions of the Black Crimea tomato indicate its good adaptability to hot summer conditions. It is thermophilic and takes on a characteristic, almost black color at high temperatures and good illumination.

Description of the variety "Black Crimea"

Crimea in a plate

This is the description of the variety:

  • medium early variety, with fruit ripening duration of 80-90 days from the moment of the first shoots;
  • during this period, a plant with an indeterminate type of bush manages to grow up to 180-200 cm in height;
  • such growth rates require mandatory strengthening of the trunk by tying it to stakes or trellises;
  • the plant is well leafy, quickly grows green mass, requires competent formation of the trunk, timely pinching of the top point of growth;
  • up to 5-6 pieces of fruits are formed on the brush, each weighing 300 to 500 g;
  • the total yield is 4-8 kg of tomatoes from one bush.

The plant is thermophilic, responsive to heat, light, watering and high-quality care. For faster fruit ripening, it is recommended to grow it in one stem. But in regions with a long summer period, a variety of 2-3 stems is cultivated, planting up to 3 plants per sq. square meter.

cracked tomato

Features of tomatoes

The description of the fruits deserves special attention:

  • fruits can vary significantly in weight, the first brush gives the largest tomatoes, the subsequent ones are much smaller;
  • the shape of the fruit is round-flattened, with a well-defined ribbing near the stalk;
  • the color of tomatoes, at the stage of technical maturity, brown with a brown tint, when fully ripe, acquire a red-brown, almost black color;
  • the pulp is dense and very juicy, the color range depends on the degree of ripeness and includes shades of red, green and black;
  • the taste is excellent, sweet, with bright tomato notes and a pleasant fruity aftertaste;
  • tomatoes have a salad purpose, ideal for slicing vegetables, making salads, side dishes, juices, sauces;
  • the variety is not very suitable for winter salads and the preparation of pickled and salted preparations;
  • negative characteristic of tomatoes - short shelf life.

greenery by the window

The quality of the fruit is significantly influenced by the growing conditions. The heat-loving variety manages to mature in a warm climate under the open sky, but in mid-latitudes it will have to be conscientiously looked after even when grown in a greenhouse.

Agricultural technology and care

When growing tall tomatoes with a fairly short growing season, the plants are grown as seedlings. In warm climates, seeds are sown immediately to a permanent place at the end of May. The method depends on the weather conditions, but in most Russian regions Black Crimea tomatoes are grown in greenhouses.

our Crimea

  1. Seeds are sown in mid-March, taking into account the duration of their germination up to 4-5 days and the survival rate of plants when picking and transplanting into a greenhouse. The soil is prepared in advance. It should be light, moisture-absorbing, saturated with the necessary set of useful elements.
  2. They try to maintain a balance between lighting and temperature conditions. Moderate watering is combined, if necessary, with root dressings. Be sure to monitor the air permeability of the soil, loosening after the next moistening. These measures should ensure the formation of healthy, strong seedlings.
  3. Plants are transplanted at the age of 60 days to a permanent place, placing them on 1 sq. m no more than 3 bushes. If you plan to grow a single-stem cultivar, then the planting density can be increased to 4 plants per sq. m area. Saplings must be tied up or fastened to a reliable base.
  4. Care, as with all indeterminate varieties, will require the removal of excess lateral shoots, pinching the growth point after the formation of a sufficient number of flower brushes, usually 5-6 pieces. It is necessary to monitor the state of the heat-loving plant, providing the plant with nutrition and moisture in time.

a piece of a quarter

Many tricks allow you to grow tomatoes even in conditions that are not most suitable for them. As the reviews of experienced gardeners say, tomatoes with excellent taste are worth trying for them.

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