Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Irina, its yield

Tomato Irina f1 is a completely new type of vegetables that will bring high yields and delicious fruits. It is very easy to grow it in a summer cottage, since this variety is very unpretentious.

It withstands cool weather, is not afraid of open ground. The English letter f means that this tomato is a hybrid; it was crossed from two known varieties.

More about the variety

The characteristic of this type of tomato differs in that it is a hybrid of the first generation, which has resistance to cold weather, winds, pests and diseases. For the first time they started talking about him in 2001.

Irina's tomatoes grow in greenhouses, but they can ripen perfectly on open soils. It is one of the strongest types in relation to the stability of temperature fluctuations. Red tomatoes ripen even in cold weather.

Description of the variety:

  1. The fruit is round, slightly flat at the bottom and top. The skin is smooth, red, without spots or stripes. It tastes sweet. Weight 100-120 grams.
  2. Vegetables appear on the bushes three months after being planted. There are usually a lot of vegetables from several bushes; summer residents collect more than 8 kilograms from a bush.
  3. Tomatoes are well stored, do not burst during transportation. They can be eaten fresh, or salted, pickled, juiced.
  4. The bushes are not tall, they do not grow above a meter. The stalk is thick, the leaves are simple green.
  5. Irina is immune to many diseases.

Proper cultivation of this variety is essential to obtain good yields.

tomato seeds irina

How to grow

A description of how to grow these unique tomatoes is usually found on the seed package.

Seedlings can not be planted in a greenhouse. But if you cover it with a film or a greenhouse, then the fruits will be clearly larger. The bushes must germinate for at least a month before planting.

The tomatoes are planted in the Chess order. It is worth making rows, keeping a distance of 60-80 cm between them, and about 30 cm between seedlings. Stepsons are removed gradually, about once a week, leaving several trunks with fruits.

Once planted, the soil must be watered. Then, once a week, loosen the ground, feed, water. If the bush reaches a great length, then it is tied up.

Tomato care

Hybrid planting is always a must. If everything is done wrong, you should not expect high yields.

  1. Planting seeds should start in March-April. New seeds are used each time, as the seed from the tomato will not produce such good fruits.
  2. You cannot water such crops with cold water; you should not water the leaves, but the ground near the root.
  3. Loosening of the soil is done once a week. Sand, hay, humus are added to the soil.
  4. When the harvest comes, the plant must be fed with phosphorus.
  5. Dry or brown leaves should be plucked.
  6. The care list includes cutting off the stepsons from the foliage.

In the southern regions, the bushes usually do not need to cut off the shoots, where the plant copes on its own during full fruiting and growth.

Irina tomato in the garden


In northern latitudes, it is customary pinch tomatoes, since the plant itself cannot cope with the harmonious growth and formation of the required number of fruits.

Stepsons are multiple shoots that arise in foliage. The most mature stepson is chosen, and everyone else is cut off on the main stem. This is necessary so that the bush is not so thick, not completely overgrown with foliage. The food will go into the leaves, and gardeners need the bush to bear many tasty juicy fruits. When there is a lot of foliage, various diseases arise, there is little light for vegetables.

This operation should be carried out at least three times a month, until one stem with several leaves and fruits remains. Basically, shoots are cut off, on which the leaves have not yet had time to fully open. There is nothing difficult in pinning, the main thing is to do everything right.

appearance of tomato irina

Pros and cons of this variety

There are reviews of those who planted this hybrid in the garden. Among the advantages of the Irina tomato variety, one can note a rich harvest, a juicy sweet taste, and the fact that they almost do not get sick. And also many people like the fact that they begin to ripen early and new fruits appear on the bushes for a long time. They are produced for wholesale, as well as for making juices, pasta, adjika, salting. Fresh, they are also great to serve.

Gardeners also made a description of the shortcomings. All unanimously argued that this is the fact that every time it is necessary to buy new seeds for planting for the next season, and also that in the long heat the bush can get rotten. This variety is produced specifically for northern latitudes, so the disease rarely prevails over plantings.

Tomato Irina f1 will give an excellent harvest in the garden, if properly looked after. This variety is perfect for those whose plots are located in an unstable temperate climate, and for those who wish to store fresh tomatoes for a long time.

Irina tomato in a heap

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