Useful properties of marigolds from pests, why plant in the garden

The daily struggle for the harvest among gardeners includes various types of gardening work. Insect control is a global issue of the site. Even marigolds are used against pests, since insects cannot stand their strong odor. It is not difficult to do this and everyone can do it.

Description of colors

The second name is black shave, as the plants in Ukraine were called. The stems of the flowers are straight, the height is different, depending on the variety. The lowest 0.2 m, the highest 1.30 m. Flowers are different, their shade depends on the species. The color range ranges from light yellow to dark brown.

The diameter of the inflorescences is 1-10 cm. It also depends on the variety. The flowers are composed of wavy petals forming a ball shape. There are 50 varieties of the plant. They are not only decorative but also useful.

Their benefits extend even to neighboring cultures, not just humans.

Marigold seeds remain viable for up to 4 years.The peculiarities of plants include the property of self-seeding. The fallen planting material emerges the next year.

Why should marigolds be planted in the garden and in the garden

There are flowers that are useful only because they grow on the site. This category includes marigolds.

flowers marigold

Why are they planted on the site:

  • Due to its special smell, which is not tolerated by pests, the plant replaces fungicides and insecticides.
  • Scare away rodents.
  • Attracting pollinating insects.
  • Reducing the amount of weeds, thanks to special enzymes, marigolds suppress some weeds.
  • Disinfection of the soil from various viruses and diseases.

They have a particular effect on the following insects:

  • aphids;
  • scoop;
  • nematodes;
  • weevils;
  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • onion fly and many others.

beautiful marigolds

Planting marigolds is simple, you don't need to make special efforts. Flowers are undemanding in care. The implementation of standard agricultural techniques will help.

Plant effect on insect pests

In order to understand the reason for planting marigolds, you need to understand the features of the effect on insects. Application as a repeller consists in planting around the perimeter of the plot or between vegetable beds.When growing vegetables in a greenhouse, it is recommended to plant plants at the entrance, and if the scale permits, then around all the beds.Planting of black-shaved beetles against aphids is used on cultivated plants and flowers in flower beds.

If you bury flowers on the site, they will fight pests that winter in the ground.

Nematodes cause significant damage to the root system.Summer residents are advised to use planting next to marigolds, with their smell they discourage the pest from coming close to the beds.

flowers in the garden

Folk remedies and recipes with flowers

A variety of methods using the whole plant, inflorescences help summer residents to deal with common problems on the site. Often this method is the only possible one, since natural components are not deposited in fruits, do not harm the human body.

Liquid fertilizer

Its preparation does not take much time and effort, and the benefits of its use are visible after a while. Fertilizer is used not only for garden crops, but also indoor plants will be happy with this top dressing. The useful properties of the fertilizer are noted by summer residents who used it on their site. Plants rise significantly in growth, flowering and ovary formation increase.

Cooking is quite simple, to create top dressing requires a large capacity, water and the plants themselves. The dishes are taken from plastic, wood or ceramic. The metal is oxidized and harmful substances enter the solution.

marigolds from pests

Marigolds must be chopped in an improvised way. Then put the resulting raw materials into the prepared container and fill it with water. The fertilizer is installed in a dark place, pressed down with a press. They wait until the color of the liquid changes and the foam disappears on the surface. The liquid is decanted, and the remaining raw materials are poured again.

Do not use concentrate under any circumstances.When carrying out dressings, they are diluted in a ratio of 1: 9. Water at the root or spray the plants. The advantage of liquid fertilization is noted by the gardeners themselves, since the nutrients go directly to the root system or penetrate the plants through the leaves.

The benefits of using a soil solution are noted by gardeners. They claim that the acidity of the soil is decreasing. This is especially important in areas where highly acidic soils are found.

yellow flowers

Pest control solution

In its pure form, marigolds are not used. They are used with the following plants:

  • nettle;
  • alfalfa;
  • tobacco;
  • horseradish;
  • sagebrush;
  • mustard;
  • tomatoes.

All herbs are mixed in equal quantities. For the product you will need 2 kg of the mixture. Water is poured so that it covers the crushed plants. Insist in a dark, but warm room for 2 days. Filter, add water up to 10 liters, spray the bushes.

flower bed of marigolds


Crushed plants are used for mulch. They are dug up together with the soil and left before winter. All parts of marigolds can be used for this: leaves, flowers, and stems. The impact on the soil will become noticeable after a year. Marigold mulch helps to saturate the soil with nitrogen and other nutrients.


Parts of the plant are used to make humus at home. To do this, marigolds are folded in a dark place in the garden and periodically watered with water. For several years, the plants completely rot, forming a nutritious fertilizer for the site.

different marigolds

What crops should not be planted

Marigolds bring not only benefits, but also harm. Plants should be planted with care in the area. It is undesirable to grow flowers near the following crops:

  • cabbage;
  • radish and radish;
  • peas and beans.

The harm to the plant is that marigolds inhibit the development of these crops.

The benefits of planting marigolds on the site are noted by many summer residents. This is a folk remedy for fighting insects and diseases.

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