Description of 26 varieties and types of perennial gypsophila, planting and care rules

Gypsophila belongs to the clove family. This plant is native to the Mediterranean as well as Australia and Asia, but there are varieties that grow in temperate climates. Gypsophila goes well with other flowers, garden bushes and park plants as it is widely used for the design of a summer cottage. To grow perennial gypsophila, in a summer cottage, it is necessary to ensure proper planting and care in accordance with the characteristics of this plant.

Description and features

There are seasonal, annual and permanent, perennial species. In structure, the plant looks like a herbaceous growth. The root is large, deeply embedded in the ground. Its length can reach 70 centimeters. Stems are erect, slender, with many lateral shoots. Among the many varieties, there are those that grow close to the ground. They are characterized as creeping, ground cover forms.

The stems are covered with green bark. There are practically no leaves on them, which grow in root rosettes. In June, the first flowering of the season begins. The cups are composed of five broad, serrated, white or pale pink petals. Each has a vertical green stripe. There are 10 stamens in the center of the flower.

After pollination occurs, seed pods are formed. They can be ball-shaped or egg-like. Gradually they dry out and swing open into 4 flaps. After that, the seeds from the box are poured onto the ground. Their germination capacity lasts for three years.

Gypsophila is widely used in landscape design. It goes well with yellow or red flowers.


There are 150 types of gypsophila. The following describes the most famous of them.


This species is an annual plant. The bushes are spherical and 50 centimeters high. The leaves have a gray-green color. They are lanceolate. Small flowers are collected in loose panicles of white, red, cream or pink color.

Gypsophila graceful


It spreads above the ground.The height of the shrub does not exceed 30 centimeters. A large number of very small flowers growing densely. The leaves have an oblong shape. The stem is tighter than other species. The plant is common in the mountains of Central Europe.


Gypsophila grows in China and Primorye. It is a perennial species. It is relatively tall - the bushes grow up to a meter in height. The leaves are blue-gray. They are wide, lanceolate. Flowers have a pink, faint, pale color shade.


This gypsophila has highly branching stems and practically lies on the ground. Its height does not exceed 10 centimeters. In June and May, during flowering, the shrub is densely covered with white or purple small flowers. The homeland of this species is in the Himalayas.

Gypsophila yaskolokovidny


The homeland of this species is the mountainous part of Iran. It spreads along the ground, being located within three centimeters from the ground. It grows slowly. The foliage is gray-green. Gypsophila flowers are sessile, white. It blooms in July. This species is rare.

This plant prefers to grow on limestone soil. It loves good lighting. If the low temperature is combined with excessive humidity, this can lead to the death of the plant.


It grows in Altai and Siberia. The height of the shrub is 12 centimeters. Small flowers can be white or pinkish. The leaves are collected in rosettes. Flowering occurs in July. Grows well in sun-lit areas. During the growing season, it needs constant watering.

Gypsophila Gentle


Distributed in Central Asia, Europe and Mongolia. Usually found on river banks or in steppes on rocky soil. The shrub looks almost naked. Straight, branchy shoots are woody. The thick root has a curved shape. Leaves are narrow, lanceolate, bluish-green in color. The flowers are rare, white.


It differs from other species in that it has a single long stem with branches. Such a structure allows you to grow by clinging to the wall. The leaves are arranged in pairs on the branches, have a bluish-green color. Flowers in this species are white or pink.


The flowers are small, collected in spherical inflorescences.

Gypsophila spherical


It is known for its white flowers. The height of the shrub is 90 centimeters.

Popular varieties

A wide variety of varieties will allow you to choose the type of gypsophila most suitable for the site.

the Rose

The inflorescences resemble rose flowers.


The variety got its name from the carmine-red color of flowers.

Double star

It blooms in bright pink. The height of the shrub is 20 centimeters.


This variety is known for its pink double flowers.

Gypsophila flower


This variety grows snow-white flowers.


It is a short bushes with bright pink flowers.

Snow blizzard

This variety of gypsophila grows up to 90 centimeters. The branches are cascaded to the ground. Small and graceful flowers form a white-pink, lush cloud.

Fluffy snow

The shrub is hardy. It grows to a height of 80 - 100 centimeters. Stems are knotty and highly branched. This is especially noticeable in the upper part of the bush. Flowers can be double or semi-double. Their diameter does not exceed 6 millimeters.


It is a spherical bush 1 meter high. When it blooms, a large number of double white flowers are formed on it. Flowering time: June to August. It can grow in one place for 25 years.

Gypsophila cobweb

Pink haze

This variety has bright pink inflorescences that grow so densely that they almost completely cover the foliage.


Pink flowers are collected in large inflorescences. For Pacific gypsophila, it is necessary to provide high humidity.


The stem of this variety spreads. Height no more than 40 centimeters.The flowers are white-pink. Flowering continues for two months.


This variety has a highly branched stem. The leaves and flowers of these bushes are small.

Panic Rose

Small flowers look like a fluffy cloud. Bushes have different heights 0 from 30 to 120 centimeters. Grow well in intense sunlight in loose soil.

Wall gypsophila


It is a picturesque bush with small white flowers.


This bush grows up to 50 centimeters. It has dark green foliage. Terry flowers of snow-white color.

Growing from seeds

When grown from seed, the first shoots appear in two weeks. You can do these either in early spring. At the same time, there will be enough time for the shrub to take root before the onset of winter. The seeds can be purchased at the store or collected by yourself.


Sowing annuals is necessary just before the onset of winter. This is usually done when the temperature reaches zero. During the winter period, the seeds do not develop, and when the spring heat comes, they begin to grow.


Perennial plants are grown differently than annuals.

Sowing seedlings

In order to grow seedlings, seeds must be planted in boxes. You can also use peat pots or a container filled with substrate for this purpose. This is usually done before the end of March or until mid-April.

 gypsophila shoots

It is preliminarily recommended to either pour hot water over the soil or add a growth stimulator to it. The seeds are placed to a depth of no more than a centimeter. It is recommended to cover them immediately with glass or transparent foil. Provide adequate lighting.

Airing is carried out once a day. For this, the glass or film is removed, allowing the sprouts to breathe air.

It is possible to plant in open ground only after the leaves appear. This usually happens in May. Then the sprouts are planted each in a separate bowl.

Soil preparation

Choosing the most suitable soil for this plant is important because it is very difficult to tolerate replanting. In most cases, gypsophila grows in the same place for 25 years. You need to choose a place that will give space for the growth of plants. It is not recommended to use lowlands for planting, as excessive moisture is dangerous for these flowers.

It is important to provide good lighting. Gypsophila needs a lot of light.

Soil preparation

It should be borne in mind that acidic soils are undesirable for planting these flowers. For planting, you need to drain. For this, you can use small pebbles. If the soil is too acidic, you will need to add lime to it (at the rate of 30-40 grams per square meter). This place is loosened. It will be helpful to add sand and humus.

Landing scheme

When planting in boxes, the seeds are distributed randomly.


As they germinate, the sprouts are thinned out. Now you need to make sure that the distance between them does not exceed 15 centimeters.

Landing in open ground

Seat selection

For planting, you need to choose a dry and well-lit area. It is advisable to add humus and a little lime to the soil. On the site, groundwater should not be too close to the surface.

How to plant

When planting in open ground, a certain distance between plants is provided. If the seedlings are located in one row, then the minimum distance between them should be 50 centimeters. If you plan to plant gypsophila in several rows, then in each row the plants should be at least 70 centimeters apart from each other. In this case, the rows should be no closer than a meter.


For the first few years, it is safe to transplant the shrub to a new location. If this is done in the future, then the gypsophila may die.


When planting gypsophila, it must be borne in mind that it goes well with various plants. Godetia can be used as companions for her. Tulips. Marigolds and other plants.


At the end of the growing season, pruning will need to be done, leaving the trunk of the shrub and a few main branches.


In the summer, for gypsophila, systematic watering is required. In this case, you need to pour water directly under the root.

Gypsophila pacific

Top dressing

During the spring-autumn period, fertilizing is required several times. A mineral complex for this purpose can be purchased at a flower shop. Top dressing is done up to 4 times per season. Mineral or organic fertilizers can be used. In the latter case, it is not recommended to use manure.


Annual plants can only reproduce with seeds. Perennials can use the same method, as well as propagate by cuttings.

Vegetative way

The vaccination method can be used. A variety of gypsophila with simple flowers can be used for the stock.

It is also possible to use propagation using root cuttings. They must be separated from the plant and transplanted to a new location.


Sowing seedlings is done before the end of March. This method of propagation of gypsophila is suitable for both annuals and perennials.

Gypsophila varieties


To obtain a cutting, you need to cut the branch in early spring. The rooting rate for gypsophila is 20%. If you treat the cuttings with heteroauxin, it will increase the chances that it will take root. It is recommended to cover it with a jar after disembarking and make it darken.

It is important that watering is systematic, but not excessive.

The time for planting in open ground is selected so that the plants have time to take root before the onset of cold weather.

Diseases and pests

With poor care, gypsophila can be attacked by fungi or pests. In this case, measures must be taken to treat it.


In this case, an appropriate fungicide must be used.

Wall gypsophila

Gray rot

To combat gray rot, oxych, Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate can help.


To destroy them, it is required to spray with phosphamide several times. If this does not help, you need to dig the plant and rinse the roots in water at a temperature of 50-55 degrees.

After flowering

Gypsophila delights the audience with luxurious flowers. However, there comes a time when flowering ends and you need to take care of the bushes of this plant.

Seed collection

To collect, you need to wait for the seed pods to appear and remove them, then place them on a clean sheet of paper, allowing them to dry well. After that, the seeds are poured out of the box and stored in paper bags.

Gypsophila creeping

Preparing for winter

Most species and varieties of gypsophila have high frost resistance. Despite this, helping plants during cold weather will be useful. To do this, they will need to be covered. In areas where winters are mild, there is no need to take any additional measures for wintering the plant.


The plant does not tolerate transplanting well for almost its entire life, with the exception of the first years. Only at this time can the gypsophila be transferred to a new place. In late autumn, the plant must be pruned so that it blooms with renewed vigor in spring.

Use in landscape design

When gypsophila is grown next to ornamental grass near bright flowers, it looks beautiful. These flowers are also commonly used to decorate an alpine slide or to mark the edge of a lawn. In the latter case, this creates a sense of space.


Inna 39 years old, Kaluga

In April, the seeds of the Aurora variety were planted in a box. I didn't put it on the window. I transplanted two weeks later. Grew up and bloomed in the same year.

Olga 47 years old, Ivanov

I planted gypsophila in boxes, first pink, then white. Didn't do additional lighting and heating.The windows are facing south. The seeds germinated poorly, but after transplanting into the ground, they bloomed magnificently.

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