Characteristics and description of the Aqua rose, planting, growing and care

The Aqua rose variety is famous for its long flowering period, large inflorescences and rich shades. The species was bred by Dutch breeders. The aroma of the plant leaves no one indifferent. The hybrid tea rose is classified as an ornamental crop. The variety is safely grown in the CIS countries, the bushes normally take root in the soil characteristic of the regions. Before planting, it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules for the selection of seedlings, when it is worth planting them, how to care for the plant.

Description and characteristics of rose Aqua

The Aqua rose variety belongs to perennial shrubs, it is the result of the symbiosis of tea and remontant roses. The plant grows from 80 to 100 centimeters high and 50-60 centimeters wide. There are practically no thorns on the stems, the surface is flat, strong, and long. The leaves have a bright green tint. The buds are lilac, bright pinkish, purple, depending on the place of planting.

If the season passes without rains, a bluish rose will awaken. It retains its shade for a week. Inflorescences grow up to 12 centimeters. The rose has dense petals, there are about 50 of them in one bud. During flowering, the buds change color, retain their color. The flowering period occurs at the end of June and before the start of frost from -10. The shrub is resistant to diseases and pests. The variety is grown in greenhouse conditions, greenhouses and open field.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The variety of hybrid tea rose Aqua suggests a number of pros and cons, which it is advisable to familiarize yourself with before planting.

Suitable for growing in open soil, greenhouse, greenhousesDuring the growing season, shrubs are highly susceptible to attack by larvae and insects, the preservation of buds is problematic
Long flowering periodProlonged, severe frosts are poorly tolerated by the plant
Perfect for making flower arrangementsIf the temperature is stable below 5 degrees, shelter is needed
Safely tolerates frost
Has a rich aroma

rose aqua

The subtleties of growing a flower

A hybrid tea variety of a rose is grown by planting seedlings in open ground. After buying seedlings, you must immediately start planting it. Pre-straighten them, cut off the ends of the branches. Do not apply fertilizer to the dug hole, this is done later.

Landing dates

It is advisable to plant the bushes in the fall, from September to October. With proper planting and reliable cover, the growth process will accelerate. In the spring, the "protection" is removed, the young seedlings will grow abundantly.

rose aqua

Choosing healthy seedlings when buying

It is better to buy the material from trusted sellers, in the market or in specialized stores. A flower is sold in the form of seedlings, the roots are placed in peat cups.

What to look for when buying:

  • the appearance of the shoots - they should be intact, light green in color, moist;
  • leaves normally have a leathery surface, rich green color, can be brownish.

You cannot store cuttings in a peat mixture for more than 3 weeks.

planting roses

Site selection and preparation

You need to plant roses in a place where there is enough sunlight, but not constantly. It is advisable not to use the southern side so that the buds do not burn out, the flowering is long. There should not be a lot of shade either, since the place may be damp, which will cause the roots to rot and cause diseases.

The plant should not be planted where tall trees grow, as their roots and shady crowns will quickly suppress the growth of the shrub. The best place to disembark is where there is shade at noon. The soil should be neutral, if there is loam on the site, add manure and sand. It is not recommended to use fresh compost, as its substances can have a negative effect on the sensitive root system.

planting roses

Landing technology

The planting process is carried out in stages.

  1. Place the seedlings in the center of the fossa, carefully straightening the root system.
  2. Cover the roots with earth, place their neck 5 centimeters higher from the ground.

To achieve good bush formation, plant the planting material at a distance of 1 meter from other plants. The higher the neighbor in the garden, the larger the gap should be.

Plant seedlings from each other with a distance of 80 cm, between rows - 2 meters.

Plant care rules

It is necessary to care for shrubs as follows.

  1. Water a bed with flowers abundantly, feed.
  2. Treat shrubs from pests and diseases with special substances.
  3. Trim withered leaves.
  4. Mulch the soil 2 times a year.
  5. Loosening, weeding.

rose care

The Aqua variety is unpretentious in care, the process does not take much time.

Top dressing, watering

Slurry is widely used as top dressing. It includes the required chemicals, beneficial bacteria. Make-up is carried out every 2 weeks, in summer only 3-4 times.

Prepare the mullein in advance:

  • for 1.5-2 weeks, place in a barrel of water in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • add chemical fertilizers to the mixture: potassium sulfate and double superphosphate - 15 grams per 1 liter of water;
  • dilute the concentrate with water 1:10.

Around the bush, make furrows with a distance of 40 centimeters, fill them with soil or sand. The next day, loosen the ground.

  1. After removing the shelter and pruning in the spring, feed the bushes with ammonium nitrate. Put 30 grams per 1 square meter.
  2. After the start of budding, add a complex fertilizing with nitrogen.
  3. Before new flowering, recharge with mullein solution - 1:10.
  4. After the first blooming, the bushes should be fertilized with a full mineral dressing with trace elements.
  5. In the fall, fertilize with potassium and phosphorus.

watering roses

To check if watering is needed, stick your finger in the ground. If it's dry, it's time to water the soil. Better to do this early in the morning. The water should reach the roots, not touch ground areas - leaves and branches. Enough 1 watering per week, on average.


In early May and autumn, soil mulching is carried out. You can use shredded wood, compost or bark. Place next to the trunk with a thick layer of at least 7 centimeters, mulch with cut grass or compost. This will save the roots from overheating and drying out in the spring, and from severe frosts in the fall.

Soil treatment

Experienced growers advise planting plants in the fall, before frost. You can plant the Aqua rose in the spring.Too wet ground is contraindicated for the variety, it weakens the protective properties of the plant, spoils the appearance. Neutral and fertile soil is preferred. If it does not meet the above criteria, fertilize with compost or peat. Add rotted manure with sand to loamy soil, water abundantly. Dig holes with the expectation that the delicate roots are spacious in them. To strengthen the root ball, before planting, immerse it in water for 20 minutes.

rose bush


Shrubs should be pruned in spring, summer and fall. Manipulation will improve flowering and growth.

  1. Before flowering, prune.
  2. From mid-August, prune roses after blooming.
  3. To stimulate repeated pollen, after wilting, cut the buds above the upper quintuple leaf.

Use a sharp pruning shear to avoid the torn, squeezed edge of the cut. It overgrows for a long time, serves as an open gateway for infection.

Preparing for winter

The bushes should be covered in autumn when the air temperature drops below freezing. Otherwise, they will freeze or die. You can use dry soil or sand, huddle the bush to a height of 30 centimeters. Put spruce branches on top. In the spring, remove the shelter in stages 10 times. It is advisable to do this in the evening or in cloudy weather.

preparation for have

Diseases, pests and methods of dealing with them

The hybrid tea rose is sometimes affected by aphids, gray mold, fungal diseases, pests. There are effective methods to eliminate them.

  1. Aphids are dealt with with a solution of alcohol and laundry soap.
  2. Gray rot is leveled as follows: tear off the affected leaves, the rest, spray with a decoction of horsetail.
  3. Invasion of larvae and caterpillars can be eliminated with insecticides.

Nematode worms are fatal to roses. They attack the root, destroy the plant. It is impossible to fight them. It is better to plant calendula instead of a wilted bush. Worms are afraid of this flower.

rose aqua

Use in landscape design

Rose Aqua is widely used in landscape design. In the form of companions, you should choose the following plants:

  • bell, delphinium and sage;
  • veronica, lavender, anaphalis;
  • asters, spurge.

Choose the color scheme of plants at your discretion.

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