Description of the rose variety Aspirin, cultivation, care and reproduction

Rose Aspirin is one of the most beautiful ornamental plant varieties. It is versatile and has a lot of advantages, thanks to which it has become widespread. These flowers become a real decoration of the garden area. Many gardeners choose this variety because of its vitality, resistance to damping and a number of other advantages.

Variety selection

Floribunda means "profusely flowering". At the beginning of the 20th century, the first hybrid variety with this name was developed in Denmark. He has absorbed the best qualities of the mother varieties.

A group of decorative and refined roses derived from the first hybrid received a similar name. It also includes Aspirin roses.

The group also includes other species with similar varietal characteristics:

  • an abundance of flowers;
  • disease resistance;
  • good winter hardiness;
  • shade tolerance.

The Aspirin species belongs to the ground cover varieties. These roses are often grown as a bush, but in some cases - and in the form of a standard tree.

Difference from other varieties

Rose Aspirin is different from other varieties. Like other varieties of the Floribunda group, it has a constant, not wave-like flowering. Flowers can change color depending on the ambient temperature (from white to pink). In addition, these roses do not produce wild growth.

Aspirin Rose

Advantages and disadvantages: is it worth growing on the site

The Aspirin variety has a number of obvious advantages and almost no disadvantages. Among the positive qualities, gardeners note the following:

  1. Compactness.
  2. Frost resistance.
  3. Continuous long flowering.
  4. High decorativeness of the bushes.
  5. Relative unpretentious care.
  6. Resistance to diseases and pests.

The disadvantages include minor problems with loosening the soil around the bush. It will be difficult due to the covering of it with shoots.In general, such a plant is a good choice for the gardener.

White Rose

Pros of using in landscaping

Due to the compactness of the bushes and the beauty of the flowers, plants are used in landscape design. Plants look good both in a small summer cottage and in larger areas.Roses can be planted in a group or singly.

Due to the ability of the plant to form a cover of shoots, this variety is often planted in places where rocky areas need to be decorated. Roses are used to decorate borders, paths, in the form of hedges.

Biological nuances

The biological characteristics of the variety are the parameters of the plant, as well as its ability to withstand diseases and insect pests, the winter hardiness of the species, and unpretentious care. These indicators ultimately determine the popularity of the variety.

bush with roses

Bush size

The bush is compact, its size is from 50 to 80 cm. It is the same in height. Leaves are glossy dark green. The bush is completely covered with them.

Buds and flowering

Each flower consists of 45-50 petals. In one inflorescence, 10-12 small buds are collected. The size of each of them is 4-5 cm in diameter. The Aspirin rose blooms from June to October. This happens for all buds at the same time. At the very beginning of flowering, the middle of the flower is pink, and the flower itself is snow-white. They are also able to change color when the temperature drops - in this case, they turn pink completely.

The plant has the ability to cleanse itself. The petals fall from the flower even before they are completely darkened and dry. Therefore, the bushes have a neat appearance, they do not have shriveled or rotten flowers. After dropping withered flowers, new ones appear on the branches.

blooming roses


Roses of this variety have a light pleasant aroma. Even with abundant flowering, the smell will not be cloying and intrusive.

Winter hardiness and disease resistance

The variety tolerates temperatures down to -27 degrees well, which is why it became widespread in central Russia. Even in frosty winters, a light shelter is enough for the plant. Aspirin roses have high disease resistance. In rare cases, the bushes can be attacked by a fungus.

Cultivation conditions

By observing some simple rules, the gardener will eventually get a healthy plant, ready for abundant flowering. The good thing about this variety is that it does not require any specific care efforts. Starting from 2 years of growth in the open field, the bushes do not need weeding, since the lower shoots are lowered to the ground. They form a natural cover and thus inhibit the growth of weeds.

White Rose

Temperature and humidity

Cold air stagnation can occur in lowlands. If you plant roses in such a place, then they will hurt and grow poorly. It is preferable to plant rose seedlings on a low elevation where there is good air circulation.


Rose aspirin prefers areas with good lighting, but it will grow quite successfully in shaded areas. If the plant lacks light, then the buds acquire a pink tint.

Required soil composition

Such plants grow well on black earth soil and on loam. The best place to grow roses is on a small hill. In this case, water will not stagnate in the ground. Groundwater should flow at a distance of 1 m from the surface.

planting roses

A good option for planting would be soil with light acidity (pH should be between 6 and 6.5). Excessive acidity is not suitable. In this case, liming the earth is carried out or sprinkling it with wood ash.

If desired, the gardener can additionally prepare the soil for planting such roses. The mixture consists of the following components:

  • fertile soil;
  • sand;
  • turf;
  • peat;
  • sand;
  • humus.

All components are taken in equal amounts, except for fertile soil. It should be twice as large.

How to plant a rose on the site

It is not difficult to plant such a plant in a summer cottage. It is enough to choose a suitable breeding method, a planting site, taking into account the necessary conditions and prepare the soil.

Rose on the site

Disembarkation dates

In areas where winters are cold, young seedlings should be planted in the spring so that they have time to grow stronger and adapt by winter.This should be done when the soil is warmed up to + 12 degrees. In regions with warm climates, the plant is successfully planted in the fall.

Technological process of planting works

Landing takes place in this way:

  1. Prepare holes 50x50 cm in size
  2. Drainage (gravel, crushed stone) is poured at the bottom.
  3. Place the prepared soil mixture.
  4. Moisten the earth.
  5. After the water has been absorbed, the seedling is carefully placed. The root collar should be 2-3 cm in the ground.
  6. Sprinkle the roots with earth.
  7. Water the soil again.
  8. The earth is slightly tamped.

Before planting, you need to lower the roots of the plants in water for better rooting in the soil.

Flower care

Aspirin roses require intensive care during the growth of young seedlings. In the future, there will be less trouble with the plant.

growing roses

Irrigation and fertilization

Water the roses as the topsoil dries. This should preferably be done in the morning or evening to avoid evaporation of water in direct sunlight. Over-watering can lead to root rot.

During the growing season, the bushes need to be fed at least 4 times. First, this is done in the spring before the buds appear. You can use any remedy for flowering plants.

They must contain:

  1. Nitrogen.
  2. Potassium.
  3. Phosphorus.

It is important that the ratio is 1: 1: 2.

  • The second time the roses are fed 30 days after the first.
  • The third time the bushes are fertilized immediately after the first flowering. The drugs are used the same.
  • The last time this is done is just before wintering, when the plant has completely bloomed. In this case, fertilizers with a high potassium content are used. This will stimulate the growth of new shoots next spring.

Removal of faded inflorescences

A feature of this variety is that the plant sheds withered petals before they darken and dry out. After the complete end of flowering, the peduncle is cut off to form a new one.

blooming roses

Formative pruning

The main pruning is carried out in the spring, removing damaged branches. The purpose of the autumn procedure is to shorten the height of the bush and eliminate the affected shoots, if any. You need to trim it by 10-12 cm.Once every 4-5 years, large-scale pruning of Aspirin roses is carried out in order to rejuvenate the bushes. For this, the oldest stems are removed.

Loosening and mulching the soil

Before placing the seedling in open ground, you need to loosen the soil well. In the future, the grown plant will cover the ground with strong shoots, forming a kind of carpet, and it will become more difficult to remove weeds that break through. You can treat the land around the bush with suitable chemicals. Mulching the soil with peat, hay, sawdust will be needed only at first, while the plant is gaining strength.

mulching roses

Disease and pest control

With high resistance to diseases, the Aspirin rose can still be affected by powdery mildew or black spot. This usually happens if the conditions of care were violated during the growth of the plant. A good remedy is Fitosporin. It is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases.

Aspirin roses are rarely affected by insects. If this happens, then the plants are treated with such insecticides:

  1. Fitoverm.
  2. Actellic.
  3. Inta-Vir.
  4. Bitoxibacillin.

Shelter for the winter

In areas where winters are cold, rose bushes should be covered with spruce branches. Some gardeners claim that in warm regions there will be sufficient snow cover.

shelter of roses

However, despite the frost resistance, it is still better to cover the bushes.

Roses breeding methods

A common way of propagation of shrubby and climbing types of roses is by layering. It is used when the plant has strong shoots.

You can also use the method of dividing the bush. This procedure is carried out in the spring, when the soil has completely thawed. This is usually the end of April. A strong bush is dug up and cut into parts with a pruning shears so that each of them has roots and several strong shoots.

For roses from the Floribunda group, propagation using cuttings is often used. A strong young shoot is chosen by cutting it off near the leaf bud. Root growth stimulants are used. After their appearance, the shoot is transplanted into the ground.

The main mistakes when growing

The mistake of inexperienced summer residents is surface watering. Watering the plant at the root is difficult because of the spreading shoots, so gardeners often water from a hose directly onto the bush. On sunny days, this can lead to burns on the bushes.

rose white

For proper watering, you need to make a groove around the bush around the perimeter and add water there. If the roses grow in a group, then such grooves are made along the hedge. In autumn, the amount of water when watering roses is halved. The Aspirin variety is an exception. It must be watered abundantly until the very end of flowering.

Reviews of gardeners about the aspirin variety

Svetlana Vasilievna, 52 years old, Astrakhan

I planted aspirin roses in my country house. Plants delight with lush flowering. They make a beautiful hedge, which is beautiful thanks to the green dense foliage. And during the flowering period it delights everyone.

Mikhail Romanovich, 57 years old, Ryazan

My wife and I planted Aspirin roses on the plot for the first time 3 years ago. Roses have taken root well, they bloom constantly in summer, they look very beautiful. The flowers are not very large, but there are a lot of them and it is a pleasure to look at such bushes. It blooms from the beginning of summer almost until the frost.

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