Description and characteristics of the best and new varieties of tulips

In the spring, you rarely find a garden plot without a variety of tulips. This flower is famous for its purity, freshness, attracting human attention from ancient times. So many varieties of tulips have already been bred that they had to be classified into several groups and species. It is impossible to list and survey all the classes, but some of them are most in demand among flower growers.

General description of groups and classes

In 4 main groups, ornamental plants are distinguished by flowering time, referring to early, middle and late species. Within the groups, classes are distinguished that differ in the shape of the petals. They can be simple and terry. The variety of colors is also noted in the classes.

A class of botanical tulips has been identified by well-known breeders and they are classified as hybrid plants. They are usually named after Dutch biologists. They are distinguished by different stem height, flower shape, petal color. Hybrids have been created for the design of certain areas of the garden. Wild, dwarf plant species are cultivated in the gardens.

Early flowering varieties

Tulip varieties of this group begin to bloom in late March - early April. They delight with simple and double petals all spring. The modest colors of the plants and their small size are striking. But truly they become a decoration of flower beds when other flowers are just waking up.

Simple early

Depending on the variety, tulips are flawlessly shaped like a bowl or glass. On stunted stems, red or yellow buds open in sunny weather. Suitable varieties for early distillation for the spring holidays. Of the most popular simple plants, hybrids are distinguished:

early flowering varieties

  • Gesner - with a varied mix of colors;
  • Candy Prince - with pale purple buds;
  • Van Der Neer - dark pink transparent petals and yellow bottom;
  • Brilliant Star - scarlet buds decorated with black spots at the base;
  • Diana - cream-colored glasses of flowers.

In April and early May, live flower borders look decorative. In addition, they tolerate well the cold of spring frosts.

Terry early

The diameter of the double buds reaches 8-10 centimeters. In this case, the height of the stem is within 30. Garden plants feel good in sunny places, where moderate humidity and neutral soil acidity... The terry red variety looks original and bright on flower beds in the middle of a green lawn, lawn. Monte Carlo is characterized by immunity to diseases, the beauty of yellow flowers on resistant stems. Unusual shape and color of Ice Cream hybrid, reminiscent of delicious ice cream. Elektra has wavy, satin-textured petals that make plants lush.

tulips pink


Those crops that begin flowering in mid-April and end at the end of May belong to this group. The tulip variety has more luxurious shapes. With a stem height of half a meter, the size of the buds also increases.


In this class of plants, bicolor variants with peduncles from 30 to 50 centimeters are presented. Varieties with:

  • dark red petals decorated with a white border - Armani;
  • rich pink color, covered with a bluish bloom - Barcelona;
  • scarlet and yellow border on the petals - Denmark;
  • rich purple flowers and a delicate pink border - Alexander Pushkin.

These tulips make amazing bouquets as a gift. They stand in the cut for a long time, they look surprisingly unusual, festive.

petals Triumph

Darwin hybrids

For hybrids created by breeders, places where you can show the beauty of strong peduncles on sturdy stems up to 80 centimeters in height are suitable. They look great along the paths, near the fence. The massive bottom of tulips makes them persistent in bouquets.

The best varieties of this class of hybrids are London deep red with a black base, Oxford dazzling scarlet petals on a yellow bottom. For girls, a pink bouquet from the Russian Princess variety is suitable.

Late varieties of tulips

The flowering period of this type of ornamental culture stretches until mid-summer. And there are more categories of tulips. Their only drawback is their low resistance to frost. But the brightness of the colors, the originality of the forms attracts flower growers, therefore the group of tulips is popular and is often found in flower beds.

orange culture

Simple late

Large beautiful flowers delight simple petals, collected in the form of a glass, in varieties:

  • purple Shirley;
  • noble burgundy Night Queen;
  • royal pale pink Princess Elizabeth;
  • orange and crimson Dillenburg watercolor.

Tulips of this class are unpretentious, quickly bred.

Terry late

Terry petals are characterized by the fact that they open wide and outwardly bear little resemblance to classic tulips in shape. There are many shades of flowers: from sunny yellow (Double Beauty), lilac (Dream Touch) to light green shades (White Touch) and lavender (Angelica). The class of flowers in this category is developed by breeders annually, replenishing with new unusual options.

terry late


The thin flower petals are pointed upwards and resemble garden lilies. But the buds do not disintegrate, but remain folded, swinging on stems 50-60 centimeters high. There are varieties in this group with carmine tones (Pretty Wumen), charming purple (Ballad), raspberry-pink (Marietta), white, decorated with acrylic-pink strokes (Marilyn).


These plants are distinguished by fringe along the edge of the petals. Outwardly, tulips are very beautiful, similar to bright jewelry. They are distinguished by their contrasting color and form strength. Another name for the class is orchid. Plants retain their qualities if the bulbs are dug up in time and stored at high air temperatures. The classic varieties of the variety are:

  • Hamilton with a bright orange color and lush fringe;
  • dark Guban Night with cherry or brown flavor;
  • Cool Crystal in apricot tone.

Beautiful flowers are grown in flower beds. They will decorate a recreation area, a green lawn.

country flower bed


The petals of this group of ornamental plants are decorated with folds, corrugations, growths. Together with fantasy colors, they bring exoticism to the gardens of the middle lane.The growth of plant stems reaches a limit of 70 centimeters, with full blooming flowers with a diameter of 15 centimeters.

An unusual color scheme of tulips. So in the Estella Rijnveld variety, the crimson-red corrugation of the petals is decorated with strokes of cream, green, white. The rich red flowers of Glasnost shine like a flame. The purple petals of Black Parrot are so dark that they appear black.


The color of flowers of this class resembles the paintings of the great artist. They are dominated by white-red combinations (Sorbet variety), all shades of pink (Princess Irene), white with black splashes (Black and White). Life-affirming joy emanates from tulips. They create a festive mood. But it is difficult to grow plants, they are demanding on growing conditions, and require a special approach.

rembrandt from artists


All shades from light green to bright green in this class. They are so unusual, and only give more originality to the garden area in the summer:

  1. Variety Artist strikes with a range of colors from a dark green background and orange-pink strokes and borders.
  2. China Town pleases with pink, as if faded petals.
  3. Spring Green tulips will be the highlight of the garden.

Flower lovers try to acquire a variety of plants. But flowers are very finicky, they are difficult to breed.

Species tulips. Group IV

Those varieties that did not fall into any group were combined in the 4th grade. The variety of colors is amazing. Breeders cross species to obtain interesting varieties with different ripening times, unusual colors and petal structures.

bloom on earth

Kaufman tulips

Low-growing garden plants begin to bloom in April. Similar to bright stars, they feel good in flowerpots, on borders. They are planted on alpine slides, rockeries. The class is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, the ability to easily transfer the shadow. Tulips have gained fame since the end of the 19th century.

Greig's tulips

This type of flower is red, or the buds combine shades of pink and burgundy. Tulips obtained by crossing Kaufman and Foster varieties easily get along with other plants, are resistant to adverse weather. The variety has been cultivated since the 70s of the XIX century.

Wild tulips

Wild-growing tulips are also classified. They are cultivated where conditions are unfavorable for varietal tulips. Despite the fact that the plants do not please with a special variety of color, and the shape of their petals is usual, not distinguished by their large size, they can be grown everywhere. Experiments on crossing are carried out with them, getting new types of tulips, unpretentious, but more decorative.

landscape on the river

Foster's tulips

Flowers of this class have large buds that open in sunny weather. In the vicinity of other primroses, tulips look beautiful, becoming the central figure in the spring composition. At the beginning of the last century, cultures were especially widespread and cultivated by summer residents.

Other groups of varieties

From the groups of colors, those that differ in color purity can be distinguished. In the buds, you can find only one rich tone, without stripes, strokes and spots. Bouquets of such ornamental garden plants are suitable for creating a certain mood at festive events.


The luxury of snow-white tulips attracts with its tenderness, virginity. The White Lieberstar Triumph class is interesting in the shape of a glass-shaped flower, wavy surface of petals. Flowers rest on stems 45 centimeters high, decorated with long green leaves. The flowering of the hybrid lasts about 2 weeks. The star is reminiscent of the Ballad White variety. Lily-shaped unpretentious tulips last a long time in the cut, will become an ornament of any bouquet.

green leaves


Reminiscent of golden goblets of the Golden Parade tulip. The petals seem to have been drawn with a thin red pencil. Suitable for decorating borders.

The sun is hidden in Double Beauty of Apeldoorn terry flowers. Lush inflorescences reach 10-12 centimeters in diameter with a glass height of 8.


Late ripening hybrids of Cafe Noir are so beautiful and noble that you can't take your eyes off. Dark iridescent buds bloom in May, keeping their shape for about 2 weeks. The stems are decorated with light green sharp leaves with a bluish bloom.

Black Parrotntvyst has exquisite wavy petals with a deep purple sheen. Slender flower stalks sit on stems about 60 centimeters high. The leaves of the plant are narrow, pale green.

Cafe Noir


There are few such hybrids, but breeders recommend those who are chasing an unusual color scheme to grow Blue Heron, Greenland. Among the silvery-blue species, you rarely find one without strokes and stripes. But rare species appear, although they are difficult to grow due to their high demands on growth conditions.

Low-growing tulips or dwarf

Miniature plants are created for alpine slides, flowerpots. Crumbs need places where they won't be shaded by other plants in the garden. The homeland of dwarf species are high-altitude regions. Leaves on a short stem are formed from 3 to 5 pieces. More often, sharp leaves lie on the ground. The flowers of a low-growing tulip look like bells. When they unfold, they turn into stars. A distinctive feature is the flower stamens of various colors. The best varieties of the species are Odalisque with a cherry-lilac base tone and a yellow throat, Lilliput with narrow red petals, a black base.

garden in flowers

The largest varieties

The diameter of some flowers reaches 15-20 centimeters. Such best types of tulips are more often of the parrot and late terry class. The Espit variety is tightly packed with petals, which open up and reach 16 centimeters across. From April to May, the Double Flaming Bird hybrid blooms. Its deep double flowers are striking in the contrast of red and white.

Varieties for the Moscow region

The climatic conditions of the Moscow region and the surrounding regions are not suitable for growing all types of tulips. Classes such as Darwin's hybrids, Triumph, Greig, Kaufman adapt well to conditions. For them, open places are chosen, sheltered from the wind. Of the varieties in the middle lane, such as Apeldoorn, Parade, Floradale are popular.

growing plants

Rare varieties

There are tulips bred by breeders that are a collectible rarity. The Belicia hybrid belongs to the terry species with beautiful delicate petals, wavy at the edges. The variety belongs to multi-flowered.

Beautiful tulips of the rare August variety were inaccessible to ordinary people for cultivation. The flower is famous for its variegated color. Such a tulip is almost never found in our time.

Dutch novelties

New plant species appear every year. A representative of the Triumph class, the lilac Canberra flower with shiny petals is perfect in shape. The hybrid has many advantages. It is resistant to disease, stands in the cut for a long time. And how beautiful is the white Albatross, which is perfect for forcing.

The fringed Super Siesta looks bright with its crimson petals and white border. A medium-sized plant will brighten any area.

The flowers of the Whispering Dream are similar to pink lilies. Glasses of wonderful flowers up to 7-8 centimeters long rise on the stems of medium height.

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