Description of Dixon grapes, planting and care rules

The Dixon grape is considered a hybrid crop. The plant produces a crop already during the first season and is considered very unpretentious. The crop is grown by many farmers as it produces attractive fruits. They are distinguished by high juiciness and pleasant fruity taste. To achieve success in growing a plant, it must be properly looked after.


The Dixon grapes owe their appearance to Burdak A.V. The plant was bred in Russia in 2014. Atlant and Angelica are considered parent varieties. The first culture conveyed flavor characteristics, and the second - an attractive appearance. The first crop of this plant was harvested already in 2015..

Description of the variety and its characteristics

This variety has an average ripening period. It has large clusters weighing 0.6-1 kilograms. The brushes are characterized by a loose structure that allows them to be ventilated.

The fruits are large in size and weigh 15-20 grams. The berries are characterized by an interesting elongated shape. They are colored unevenly. Thanks to this, a beautiful color transition appears.

The pulp of the fruit has a crispy texture and a slightly tart taste. They are characterized by a balanced combination of sugar and acidity. There is also a pleasant fruity note in the berries.

varietal grapes

The bushes are characterized by fast growth and excellent shoot maturation. An average cut of 7-8 eyes is suitable for them. In this case, the total load on the bush should be 35-45. The plant is characterized by good resistance to fungal infections.

Pros and cons of Dixon grapes

The grapes of this variety are characterized by the following advantages:

  • fast development;
  • strong root system;
  • early and high-quality ripening of shoots;
  • excellent resistance to frost;
  • stable fruiting;
  • unpretentious care;
  • attractive appearance;
  • excellent juiciness;
  • harmonious taste;
  • long storage period for fruits;
  • excellent transportability;
  • high productivity - 10-15 kilograms of berries can be obtained from 1 bush.

Dixon is considered a relatively new variety, therefore it has not been studied enough. Currently, no serious disadvantages have been identified.

Dixon grapes

The subtleties of growing a culture

In order for the culture to develop normally and bear fruit abundantly, it is recommended to correctly carry out all the necessary agrotechnical measures.

When to plant?

Planting work is recommended to be carried out in the autumn season. This is done before the arrival of frost. It is best to plant a bush in October.

large berries

Site selection and preparation

It is recommended to plant the plant in a well-lit place that is reliably protected from drafts. Acidity parameters should not be more than 4%. Otherwise, the root system will not be able to fully develop.

This will slow down the development of the bush and reduce the number of ovaries. A week before planting, the soil is loosened.

After that, it is recommended to dig a 60x80 centimeter recess.

site preparation

Planting process

When choosing a seedling, you should give preference to healthy specimens. It is advisable to buy grafted bushes that are resistant to frost and frost.

For planting, it is recommended to pour 4 kilograms of humus on the bottom of the recess. After 5-7 days, it is worth starting planting work.

When planting grapes of this variety, it is important to ensure that the root collar is above the soil surface. This will help prevent root rot development. The roots should be spread over the groove and well sprinkled with earth.

In conclusion, it is recommended to pour 10-15 liters of warm water under the bush. It is worth installing a support near the plant and tying the plant to it. When carrying out planting work, it is important to maintain a distance between the bushes. It should be 4-6 meters.

pit landing

Plant care recommendations

In order for the culture to develop normally and give a bountiful harvest, it is worth providing it with full care.

Watering rules

It is recommended to moisten the soil every 10-15 days. Pour at least 25 liters of warm water under 1 bush. After each watering, it is worth weeding the soil. For the first few years, the procedure is performed as carefully as possible so as not to damage the young plant.

Top dressing and fertilizers

For feeding grapes, you can use organic matter or mineral fertilizers. It is recommended to mulch the soil with organic means before winter. To do this, at the end of October, it is worth mixing compost, humus and straw in a 1: 2: 2 ratio. Cover the trunk circle with the resulting composition.

fertilizer spray

Potassium nitrate should be added before flowering. For 10 liters of water, you need to take 30 grams of the substance. After the end of flowering, a superphosphate solution is used. For 10 liters of water, it is worth taking 40 grams of the product. For 1 bush, 25-30 liters of solution are used.

Pruning and shaping the bush

It is recommended to prune grapes in spring. In this case, it is necessary to remove diseased and dried branches. It is recommended to leave a maximum of 6-8 eyes on the shoots. Thanks to this, fruits will appear. The rest of the shoots are removed, since they will grow a mustache that absorbs many nutrients.


The plant is able to withstand temperatures as low as -23 degrees. When cultivating grapes in the southern regions, it does not need to be covered. In the center and in the north of Russia, the bush needs insulation.

shelter for the winter

Fight against diseases and pests of grapes

Grapes of this variety are susceptible to bacteriosis and moniliosis. It is impossible to cope with bacteriosis. With the development of the disease, you will have to completely remove the bush. To eliminate moniliosis, you can use Bordeaux fluid solution. To prepare it, you need to take 10 grams of the substance per 10 liters of water.

Dixon is resistant to pests. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to systematically remove weeds. Also, every month the plant is treated with copper sulfate.

grass harvesting

Harvesting and storage

Fully ripe bunches are suitable for storage. You need to harvest with the help of garden shears. In the process, it is not recommended to touch the fruits, as they are covered with a waxy coating. Store grapes in a dry and cool room..

Dixon is considered a popular grape variety. It is characterized by tasty fruits and high yields.In order for the plant to develop normally, it must be properly looked after.

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