Description and characteristics of the grape variety Furshetny, reproduction and cultivation features

The amateur breeder V.V. Zagorulko once again delighted gardeners by presenting to their attention a new hybrid grapes of the Furshetny variety, intended mainly for cultivation on personal plots. Experienced growers have already appreciated all the advantages and disadvantages. The novelty has become a worthy addition to the collection of your favorite varieties.

The history of the hybrid breeding Furshetny

The Furshetny grape was bred in the Ukrainian city of Zaporozhye by a famous local breeder. The varieties of Kuban and the Gift to Zaporozhye, which he received earlier, were taken as a basis. The novelty was presented to consumers in 2008. She combined all the best characteristics of the mother varieties and was ideal for summer cottages and backyards.

Features of the variety

The buffet, along with many advantages that distinguish it favorably from other similar varieties, also has minor disadvantages.


Gardeners have identified for themselves the following advantages of this grape:

  • increased frost resistance;
  • the crop is suitable for long-term storage;
  • suitability for transportation over long distances without loss of taste and marketability;
  • excellent taste of ripe fruits;
  • strong aroma;
  • bisexual flowering;
  • high productivity;
  • the vine ripens along its entire length;
  • increased resistance to disease.

buffet grapes


There were no significant shortcomings in Furshetny grapes, but some gardeners noted that if rationing is not done, then the bushes are prone to overloading the crop. In the future, this negatively affects the condition of the plant.

External characteristics

The buffet has its own distinctive features, thanks to which it can be identified among similar varieties.

Description of the vine and leaves

The vine is vigorous and branched, the intensity of shoot formation is strong. The root system of Furshetny is highly developed. The leaves of this variety are painted in a bright green color, curly in shape, rather wide. The plant does not require planting a nearby pollinator variety, since the flowering is bisexual.

buffet grapes

Taste and appearance of fruits

Bunches of grapes are formed in a conical shape, weighing an average of 600-900 g.The fruits are large, grow densely, have an oblong shape. At the stage of technical ripeness, they acquire a dark blue or purple color. Due to the presence of a thin but very dense skin with a light waxy bloom, the transportability of the berries increases. The pulp is very fragrant and juicy. The taste of Furshetny is rich, sweet, very pleasant.

The aroma is strong. In the aftertaste, the fruit is often compared to raisins or mulberries. Each berry reaches a mass of 9-13 g.

Frost resistance

Furshetny grapes have increased frost resistance and are able to withstand a drop in temperature in winter to -22 ° C.

buffet grapes

Disease resistance

The Furshetny grape variety has increased resistance to common diseases, but still needs mandatory preventive treatments against mildew, anthracnose, Alternaria, and powdery mildew.

Breeding methods for grapes

The variety is a hybrid, therefore it cannot be propagated by seeds, except for use as a rootstock. For propagation of bushes, cuttings and layering are used.

Landing scheme

The Furshetny grape is a vigorous variety, therefore planting it cannot be made thickened. The ideal option would be to plant the bushes in a 3 x 3 meter pattern.

grape sediment

The best place to drop off

It is best to plant the vine in an area free from other plants. It should be well lit, provide good access to sunlight, heat and air permeability.

Demanding soil

Buffet grapes for planting prefers black earth or loamy and sandy loam soil, but it will not grow on salt marshes and wetlands. With a high location of the groundwater level, it will be necessary to carry out thorough drainage, and in some cases, slightly raise the vineyards. The land must have a sufficient supply of nutrients, if it is depleted, then the necessary fertilizers are applied.

planting grapes

Depth and width of the pit

The depth and width of the hole for planting grapes must be at least 80 cm, of which 10 cm is occupied by the drainage layer.

Top dressing and watering of a young seedling

After planting the Buffet grapes, 2 buckets of water must be added to the site for each seedling. Top dressing of seedlings is carried out in autumn and spring, applying organic matter and complex mineral fertilizers.

Variety care

The matter is not limited to planting the vines; proper care is required to obtain stable and bountiful yields.

buffet grapes


In dry years, the Furshetny grape needs regular watering, otherwise it will not work to get tasty and juicy berries. The irrigation system must be thought out even before planting, because it is advisable to do this not at the root, but in a groove dug nearby. An installed drip irrigation system is also suitable.

Mature vines are irrigated several times per season. The first time this is done in the spring, if there is not enough melt water and the soil is dry. Then before the beginning of flowering, after its end and before the beginning of the ripening of the crop.

Top dressing

Top dressing of grapes is produced both with organic matter and with chemical mineral preparations. Manure is brought in before winter, and in spring any humus and wood ash. Foliar dressing is also used along with standard means. Spraying with them is carried out three times during the growing season.

buffet grapes

Vine formation

Formation of grapevine varieties Furshetny is carried out from the second year of life. Work is carried out before the start of sap flow in plants or after foliage falls. Pruning branches is done for 8 eyes, and no more than 30 shoots are left on one bush. The pruned vine can be used for further propagation.


Despite the increased resistance of Furshetniy grapes to fungal diseases, it needs preventive fungicide treatments. In order to avoid the appearance of garden pests in the vineyard, it is sprayed with insecticides. Use them according to the instructions attached to the specific product.

buffet grapes


To prevent excessive evaporation of moisture, it is advisable to mulch the vineyards. Harvested hay, harvested and dried weeds from the site, sawdust, straw, needles are used for this. It is important that the selected material does not itself become a source of infection of plants with fungi and other dangerous diseases.


Furshetny grapes bear fruit abundantly, and if this parameter is not normalized, then an overload of the bush with brushes may occur, which does not have a very good effect on the further state of the plant.

buffet grapes

Flowering time

Furshetny grapes begin to bloom when an acceptable temperature is established outside (at least + 25 ° C). Otherwise, the inflorescences will not be pollinated. Typically, this time falls in mid-May - early June, but it can vary depending on the region.

Fruit ripening period

Buffet grapes, depending on the region of cultivation, can be classified as medium early or early varieties. Its fruits ripen within 110-135 days after flowering. In the middle lane, this time falls in mid-August.

buffet grapes

Harvesting rules

It is preferable to harvest grapes in a buffet style in dry and clear weather. The twigs are carefully cut from the bush and put in a basket, after which they are sent for sorting. Dry, spoiled and overripe brushes are set aside separately.

The use of bunches of berries

Furshetny grapes have a universal application. They are used both for fresh consumption and for all types of processing, making homemade wine, and freezing. Excellent juice is obtained from juicy and sweet fruits. They are used in dietary and medical nutrition.

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