Description of the Timur grape variety and characteristics of cultivation and care

A vine with an iron character - this is what gardeners say about Timur grapes. The hybrid has firmly won its place of honor in the gardens. Having 2 varieties, white and pink, the variety is also decorative. It can be used as a hedge, green frame for gazebos, arches. This table type of berry culture is quite common and popular among winegrowers.

Breeding history

For climatic zones with severe winters and short summers, when temperature indicators jump sharply, varieties with extraordinary characteristics have been developed. Created from a combination of the qualities of the Moldavian Frumoas Albe (White Beauty) and the famous Delight variety, the hybrid was initially numbered. But later, breeders named him Timur, and he became the standard of table grapes.

Timur grapes

Description of the variety

The beauty of bunches of the Timur variety with densely spaced oval or nipple-shaped berries is known. The weight of one bunch reaches 500-700 grams. The white variety has light green berries with crispy flesh. The percentage of sugar in them with an indicator of 25%, acids - an average of 9 g / l.

Pink Timur grape with a denser skin. And his bunches of berries are loose.

The variety can become a decoration of the garden due to the compactness and short stature of a bush with rapidly weaving shoots. A weak vine requires careful maintenance. Bushes with wrinkled carved leaves, decorated with clusters of light green or pink berries with a purple tint, look beautiful.

dense skin

The description of the variety includes the increased sugar content of the fruit, the heady aroma of berries. To strengthen the Timur vine, it is grafted onto stronger rootstocks.


Timur received many positive qualities from his parents.

aroma of berries

Ripening terms

The main property of the hybrid is the early ripening of the vine. The white variety of culture ripens after 110 days, pink - a week later.

If the variety is used as a scion for strong types of berry culture, then the ripening period is slightly lengthened. Timur is distinguished by high yields - up to 20 kilograms or more from one bush with the correct formation of the vine, careful care.

ripening time


In addition to early maturity, the variety is noted:

  • excellent survival rate;
  • medium resistance to infections - mildew, oidium;
  • excellent presentation of grapes;
  • resistance to transport.

Large harvests of berries must be removed from the bush on time, otherwise they may dry out. The disadvantage of culture is the weak vines.On poor and humid lands, the grapes become tasteless, watery.

ripening of the vine

Frost resistant

One of the advantages of Timur grapes is its ability to withstand persistently low temperatures in winter. The vine does not freeze even during frosts of 25 degrees. Low bushes must be covered in areas located in the north. They are laid in grooves before the onset of frost, in October-November.


You can get sweet and juicy fruits from Timur grapes if you plant the culture correctly.

bunches of grapes

Planting grapes

For a hybrid, the southern slopes of a site with loose and fertile soil are chosen. It is better to place the seedlings of the variety separately from the vigorous representatives of the culture. Otherwise, tall and strong shoots of other varieties will oppress Timur's weak vine.

It is best to plant grapes outdoors in spring before bud break or in autumn. You can immediately graft the stalk onto a stronger stock. In this case, fruiting will be more abundant, and the taste of the berries will not change.

1-2 weeks before planting, a place for grapes is dug up, fertilizing in the form of compost or humus... Mineral complexes containing superphosphate and potassium salt will also not interfere. One-year or two-year shoots with a strong root system are planted in prepared pits, leaving 2 buds on them.

grows in nets

Important rules of care

Saplings of the Timur variety take root quickly on any soil. But they require for better and abundant fruiting:

  • regular watering;
  • bush formation;
  • loosening the soil;
  • weeding the plantation;
  • prevention of diseases, tick infection.

If the gardener is experienced and monitors the growth of his vine, he will receive juicy sweet bunches of berries in July.

disease prevention


It is important to moisten the planting of grapes during the periods when buds begin to bloom, berry ovaries appear. Watering should be stopped 15 days before the grapes ripen.

To moisten the soil, you need settled water at room temperature. Do not pour cold water, otherwise the ripening of the grapes will be delayed.

If the leaves of the vine begin to droop and wither, then this is a sign of a lack of moisture. Excessive moisture will lead to yellow foliage.

Before wintering, the plantation must be charged with moisture. This will help the grapes survive the hardships of the cold season.

young berries


The vine is formed using autumn pruning. After picking the berries, leave up to 10 eyes on each shoot. After removing the shelter in the spring, part of the branches that will not bear fruit are also removed. Before budding, each bush should bear no more than 30 eyes. Do not overload the vine: there will be more berries, but they are small and tasteless. the bush will develop poorly.

cluster formation

Pests and diseases

If the Timur variety does not lend itself to diseases, then grape mite can do great damage to culture. It is difficult to notice the pest, its appearance is determined by the bulges on the leaves, a grayish cannon on the surface of the plate from below. They start fighting the tick immediately, using insecticides such as "Karbofos" or "Fufanona". The preparations contain sulfur, which has a detrimental effect on the insect and its larvae.

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