Characteristics, description and regions of growing apple trees of the Snezhny Kalvil variety

Many people love apples. Summer residents strive to plant a tree that requires little maintenance, but in return bears delicious fruits. The apple-tree of Kalvil Snezhny variety will satisfy even the most demanding consumer. Her grooming needs are minimal and the fruit tastes great.

Description of the variety Calvil Snow

One of the most delicious varieties of apple trees. Smell, taste characteristics are at the highest level. To learn more about the species, you should look for a detailed description of the variety. This information helps the gardener understand the features of tree care and planting.

Snow Calvil

The Calvil Snow apple tree has a lot of admirers, it has positive and negative properties. Therefore, before planting a tree on the site, you should think about it. Care for him is minimal, but you will have to work, otherwise the fruits will become small, the yield will decrease.

A lot of positive things are said about Snow Calvil, so the one who grew this tree on the site can strictly judge him.

discerning consumer

Breeding history

In 1850, the first tree was found in the village of Studenom (Kryzhopolsky district), which is located in the Vinnitsa region. Since then, it has been cultivated in many regions as it is drought-resistant and frost-resistant.

The history of Snow Calville is deeply rooted. It is indicated that apples of this variety were served at the table of Louis XII. Later, Vinnitsa breeders created on its basis the currently known species. It is widely used in Russia, Ukraine and neighboring countries.

varieties served

Region of natural growth

The moderate continental climate is most favorable for the growth and development of apple trees. In nature, trees by themselves grow in Ukraine. But due to the peculiarities of the variety, the plant is able to adapt to any weather conditions.

most favorable

Characteristics of the variety

For fruitful cultivation, it is recommended to read a detailed description of the properties and characteristics of the variety.

Snow Calvil has a number of positive properties, for which it is appreciated and chosen by summer residents. But some, due to the presence of negative traits, do not undertake to grow these trees.

The number of apples is always large, but if not cared for properly, they become smaller and the yield decreases.

are getting smaller

Pros and cons

Some gardeners are looking for the ideal apple varieties for their plots that have no downsides. For picky apple lovers, there is the Calvil Snezhny variety.


  • the plant bears fruit in the 4-5th year after planting the seedling;
  • high productivity;
  • excellent taste of apples;
  • drought resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • large fruit size;
  • Snow Calvil is immune to scab and other fungal diseases;
  • stable fruiting;
  • used as a stock;
  • the apple tree grows rapidly;
  • versatility of use.

fungal diseases

Among the disadvantages are:

  • exactingness to care, without pruning the tree grows thick, so the fruits become smaller;
  • the stalk does not attach well to the branch, so overripe fruits are torn off the tree and fall;
  • apples are picked carefully; the slightest pressure on the fruit shortens the storage time;
  • the tree is prone to powdery mildew;
  • an excess of moisture affects the taste;
  • stored only in wooden boxes.

Based on the listed properties, everyone has the right to choose for himself whether he needs this tree in the garden or not.

fruits shrink

Size of an adult tree, annual growth

The apple tree grows quickly, the maximum growth of the tree reaches 4-5 m.Every year the plant adds 40-50 cm. If the growth length is reduced, thinning should be carried out, growth points should be removed and sanitary pruning should be carried out.

annual growth

Productivity, frequency of fruiting

The apple tree bears fruit every year, subject to timely pruning and dressing. Especially in regions with cold climates. In such growing areas, the tree needs nutrients for proper growth.

The apple tree begins to bear fruit from the age of 4.

The weight of 1 fruit varies from 120 to 200 g. Under proper storage conditions and careful handling of fruits during harvest, they are stored for several months.

careful handling

Tasting assessment

On a 5-point scale, the taste of the fruit is rated at 4.6 points. In addition to taste, apples have a strong aroma that lasts during storage.

strong aroma

Winter hardiness and disease resistance

The tree is resistant to winter temperatures, in addition, it is capable of withstanding short-term severe frosts.

severe frosts

Immunity to fungal diseases, including scab, makes the apple tree a favorite in many gardens. For treatment of other diseases, chemical preparations or folk remedies are recommended. During flowering and during fruiting, it is better not to use chemistry. It is deposited in fruits and harms human health.

Snow Kalvil is unpretentious and easy to grow, therefore it is often cultivated on an industrial scale.

easy to grow

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