Description of the Streifling apple variety and cultivation features, planting and care characteristics

The Streyfling apple tree conquers gardeners with its high yield, attractive appearance and excellent taste characteristics. She has occupied an honorable place in the gardens for a very long time. This variety occurred during natural pollination of plants in the Baltic States. Now it is successfully cultivated almost throughout the territory of the former USSR.

Varieties of varieties

Many inexperienced gardeners believe that Streyfling has several varietal varieties. In fact, in different regions, the name of the variety is pronounced differently, which is why misunderstandings arise. The only differences are in which stock was used to grow the seedling.

Autumn striped on a dwarf rootstock

The Shtrifel variety, or as it is also popularly called, the Autumn striped apple, grown on a dwarf rootstock, does not grow in height, but in width, which greatly simplifies its care. The advantages of this rootstock are:

  • increased frost resistance;
  • accelerated onset of fruiting.

The disadvantage of a dwarf rootstock is that the Streyfling root system is located close to the surface of the soil, therefore, for the winter in regions with a harsh climate, it requires mandatory shelter.

ripe apples

Apple tree Shtrifel

The variety has another interesting variety - Shtrifel. It differs from the classic type in its red fruits, which fully ripen in early September. The rest of the characteristics are the same as for a regular Streifling.

Variety description

The description of the Streyfling variety indicates that the apple tree belongs to the autumn varieties and is suitable for growing in the middle lane. The main advantage of this tree is its increased frost resistance and excellent taste of the fruit.

Tree height

The Streyfling apple tree is a representative of tall varieties. An adult tree grows up to 9 meters; on a dwarf rootstock, its height is almost twice as low.

ripe apples

Crown width

The crown of Streyfling is cauldron-shaped, its width in an adult plant reaches 8 meters.Spreading branches, prone to strong thickening, densely covered with foliage.


The fruits of the Streyfling variety are medium in size. The weight of one of them can reach 150 grams. The yield is excellent, while this indicator increases with every year of the tree's life. Gardeners' reviews indicate that 10 years after planting a seedling, 12 kg of apples are already removed from it, after 20 years - 180 kg, and after 30 years - 350 kg.

The record yield of this variety was recorded at the level of 500 kg per tree.


Streifling does not belong to self-fertile varieties, therefore, for abundant fruiting, pollination of flowers with apple trees of other varieties is required. For 10 Streyfling trees, 3 trees of the pollinator variety should grow nearby.

ripe apples

Tasting assessment

Streyfling apples have a very pleasant sweet taste with a slight sourness. The pulp is not too firm, but juicy. The tasters rated the taste of the variety at 4.5 points out of a possible 5.

Frost resistance

The Streifling variety is frost-resistant, easily withstands a drop in temperatures in winter to -25 ° C. In rare cases, when the thermometer drops to -30 ° C, frostbite of the tips of the branches is observed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any variety, Streifling has its own advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the apple tree are:

  • high yield rates;
  • excellent taste of apples;
  • pleasant strong aroma;
  • the safety of the harvested crop for several months;
  • universal use of fruits;
  • increased cold resistance;
  • resistance against damage by moth and scab;
  • suitability for long distance transportation.

apple tree on a branch

Strefling is not without its drawbacks, which include:

  • late harvest ripening;
  • a productive year gives way to a lean one;
  • the harvested crop cannot be saved until spring;
  • apple trees do not tolerate prolonged drought.

additional characteristics

The Streyfling apple variety has an average resistance to powdery mildew and scab and increased resistance to pests. Needs timely preventive treatments. Fruits are able to maintain their marketability and taste for 2.5-3 months, subject to the necessary storage conditions. After this period, apples lose their taste and presentable appearance.

ripe apples

Tree planting

Planting a young seedling is the key to a future harvest. This procedure must be treated responsibly.

Selection of seedlings

Two-year-old Streyflinga saplings are distinguished by the best survival rate. Before planting an apple tree in your own garden, you need to inspect the root system. In no case should there be any signs of mold on the roots. A healthy seedling has well-developed, not overdried, roots that are alive when cut. If their length is different, then before sending it into the ground, it is trimmed with a secateurs.

apple seedlings

Optimal time to plant trees

Apple trees of the Streyfling variety are planted in autumn and spring. The exact dates of disembarkation depend on the climatic conditions of a particular region. In spring, work is done after the snow has melted and the soil has warmed up a little. Autumn planting begins after the retreat of the summer heat (August - September).

Disembarkation step by step

To ensure good yield and development of the seedling, it is planted in a well-lit area. A couple of weeks before the planned planting of Streyfling, a hole is dug a little more than half a meter deep and about 75 cm in diameter. Deciduous humus is laid at the bottom, after which some soil is poured. Then, after a specified amount of time, the young tree is placed in the prepared hole and buried in the remaining earth. In this case, the root collar of the seedling should be at a distance of 8 cm from the soil level. The plant is abundantly watered and mulched.

planting an apple tree

Distance between trees

Since apple trees of the Streifling variety are tall, the distance between neighboring trees must be at least 4 meters, and at least 5 meters are left in the aisles.


Growing apple trees of the Streifling variety is not particularly difficult, but you must know some of the nuances.

Reproduction methods

Experts recommend propagate apple trees Strafling by grafting on a dwarf stock. This technique allows you to get the harvest earlier, and the height of the adult tree will be less, which will make it easier to care for it.

apple seedlings

Flowering period

The flowering of apple trees of the Streifling variety occurs in the middle or end of May. These times may vary depending on the region of cultivation.

Pollinating varieties

It is advisable to land nearby Streyfling:

  • Antonovka;
  • Slavyanka;
  • Paping;
  • Welsey;
  • Rossoshskoye Striped.

apple antonovka

Vaccination compatibility

It is possible to vaccinate on the Streifling apple variety, but experienced gardeners do not recommend such operations. The fact is that the tree is vigorous, therefore not all rootstocks are able to overwinter with a strong drop in temperatures.

Fruit ripening

The ripening times of fruits at Streifling vary depending on climatic conditions. In the middle lane, apples ripen by mid-September. They do not crumble, therefore they can be on the tree until mid-October, but the storage periods for overripe fruits are significantly reduced.

The beginning of fruiting

The first modest harvest can be harvested 5-6 years after planting the Streifling seedling. With each subsequent year, the yield improves, and only after 9-10 years the tree begins to bear fruit fully.

ripe apples


Grooming is a necessary measure in order to obtain an abundant and tasty harvest of autumn Streifling apples.

Pruning and shaping the crown

Apple trees of this variety are distinguished by a lush and voluminous crown, therefore they need timely pruning. In spring or autumn, all old branches must be removed so that young shoots can develop normally. Also, damaged, dry or having signs of disease are constantly removed.

Pruning and shaping the crown

Disease resistance

The Streifling variety has an average resistance to the main types of diseases, in particular to scab and powdery mildew, and therefore requires mandatory preventive treatments.

Top dressing and fertilizers

Before flowering, urea is added under the apple trees. In the summer, the tree is deficient in trace elements, therefore it is watered with a solution of vitriol and boric acid. In autumn, the plant is fed with mineral fertilizers.

feeding the apple tree


Work on the rejuvenation of apple trees takes a long time. Initially, it is required to carry out sanitary pruning in the fall. In the spring, they begin to form a pyramidal crown, cutting off the branches so that the upper ones are shorter than the middle and lower ones. This is not done immediately, but over several years. Crown formation begins on the south side. If you remove many branches at once, then the apple tree may not survive stress and dry out.


If the weather is damp in the region, then the Streifling apple trees can infect fungal diseases. To prevent this and keep the future harvest healthy, trees need to be treated with special preparations in a timely manner. Bordeaux mixture is suitable for these purposes.

bordeaux mix


Apple trees of this variety are highly resistant to pests.


The shelf life of fresh Streyfling apples is maximum 4 months. After that, the fruits gradually wither and lose their taste characteristics. To prevent this from happening, the crop should be processed in a timely manner.

Geography of cultivar fitness

This apple variety is successfully cultivated almost throughout the territory of the countries of the former USSR, in particular, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Russia. In the latter case, the Central Black Earth Region, the Middle Volga Region and the entire middle belt are best suited for growing these plants.

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