Description of the Black Beauty eggplant variety, its characteristics and yield

Delicious eggplants are preferred by gardeners to cultivate on their site. The cultivation of this heat-loving plant causes certain difficulties. The annual is picky about the composition of the soil and the level of moisture. To date, many varieties of "blue" have been bred, among which it is worth noting the variety of eggplant Black Beauty. It is distinguished by high yield rates and resistance to destructive diseases.

Description of the variety

This vegetable is an early ripening crop with average productivity and increased productivity. It is great for breeding in greenhouse conditions and in an open summer cottage. It is appreciated by gardeners for its excellent taste characteristics, without a characteristic aftertaste of bitterness, and an attractive presentation. This species is distinguished by its increased resistance to destructive diseases of the "blue".

What does it look like

The fruits of the species are of a classic pear-shaped shape, brown-purple, intense lilac tone, the flesh in the section has a yellowish-white tint, without characteristic bitterness.

General characteristics of the variety

An early maturing species with a ripening period of 110 days. Yield indicators are high, mature fruits retain their original appearance for a long time. It is advisable to sow "blue" after crop rotation of melons and legumes. The taste and marketability of the original product is high.

The maximum length of pear-shaped fruits is from 18 to 25 centimeters, in diameter they are from 8 to 12 centimeters... The average weight of a mature fruit is from 200 to 400 grams, some specimens can reach 900 grams. This variety has a glossy fruit surface. The planted eggplants require periodic weeding, loosening, and the introduction of complex feeding compounds.

Eggplant black beauty

Origin and region of cultivation

This variety was first obtained in the Moscow region. The black handsome man is not focused on planting on a large industrial scale, according to the register, it is intended for growing in small areas by ordinary summer residents.

Black Beauty is not suitable for outdoor cultivation in cold climates.

The official document provides for the cultivation of this species in the Central Black Earth and North Caucasian regions. Sowing this species in greenhouses made it possible to expand the geography of cultivation. It is successfully cultivated in the Moscow region, in the northern regions.

Pros and cons, differences from other varieties

Gardeners appreciate the Black Handsome for his obvious advantages:

  • high productivity;
  • compact bushes;
  • excellent presentation, tolerates transportation well;
  • excellent taste of dishes using vegetables, without a bitter aftertaste;
  • high resistance to destructive diseases;
  • quick adaptation to changing weather conditions;
  • the minimum amount of seeds in the pulp.

The following are worth noting as shortcomings:

  • growing in the middle lane is impossible without the use of greenhouses;
  • strong dependence of indicators on the applied agricultural technology;
  • increased demand for lighting.

Eggplant black beauty

Many popular species have similar disadvantages. There are not many varieties that are suitable for cultivation in harsh climatic zones. For example, the hybrid variety Korol is successfully cultivated in Siberia. But opinions about its taste characteristics are contradictory.

The Negus variety is in an advantageous position, the quality of its fruits is assessed as "good". Increased fruit quality in Esaul species. In the shape of the fruit, the Black Handsome resembles the Albatross, which has less resistance to disease.

Planting and growing

In order for a demanding eggplant to grow and develop comfortably, they provide comfortable conditions for development:

  • the optimal temperature regime for fast germination is 25-30 degrees;
  • careful control of watering the plant will provide it with strength and health, preventing root rotting;
  • the culture grows and develops comfortably on black earth soil;
  • timely application of complex formulations will ensure good growth.

Eggplant black beauty

Landing dates

The timing of planting samples for seedlings is 2 months before the proposed transplantation into open ground. The optimal time for planting hardened Black Beauty seedlings in an open space is the first half of May.

Sowing and growing seedlings

When growing heat-loving eggplant, the quality of the seeds used plays a huge role, so it is better to purchase them in a specialized store or from local summer residents who have been breeding the Black Handsome for several years. It is better to purchase 2 times more seeds than it is supposed to sow. Rejected seeds in the bag will reduce the number of viable units. Before sowing, we sort the seeds, removing all the little things that are not able to give a normal culture in the end.

Before sowing, the seeds are treated with prepared potassium permanganate.

Heat-loving sprouts poorly tolerate a pick, so they are sown in advance in individual pots. Before sowing, a soil composition is prepared: high-quality compost and garden soil in equal proportions.

eggplant seedlings

Landing in the ground

Seasoned seedlings are planted at the age of 70 days. It is necessary to transfer young shoots to open ground or a greenhouse when the soil temperature reaches 15 degrees. If the air temperature has not yet reached 18-20 degrees, then it is necessary to provide a temporary film coating. The soil before planting whimsical eggplant has been prepared since autumn. There should be a distance of 40 centimeters between the planted bushes. The soil lump of the sprout is deepened a couple of centimeters without a visible slope, after planting, pegs are installed.

Eggplant care

The process of caring for a demanding annual plant consists of timely watering, feeding, shallow loosening of the soil, and removing weeds.

Watering, weeding and loosening

If weeds appear, they should be removed immediately, since they are a source of attracting harmful pests and the spread of diseases.

Eggplant black beauty

Whimsical eggplants love watering, but measure is important in everything. They especially need life-giving moisture during the active growing season and the formation of fruits. A dry crust near the bush prevents oxygen from reaching the roots, so it is regularly loosened. This is done carefully so as not to damage the fragile root system.

Top dressing

"Blue" respond well to the introduction of complex compounds in the soil. They need recharge only three times per season. At the first stage, complex compounds are introduced, they are poured into the root in an amount of 500 milliliters. Next comes the feeding with natural organic matter. For this, a mullein solution will do. Urea is used as a third nutrient for the plant. These manipulations are required if the gardener wants to increase yields, grow a strong plant.

Bush formation

The procedure for forming a bush is started 15 days after planting young shoots in open ground. If they want to leave one stem, then remove the lateral lower shoots and pinch the top of the bush. When formed into 2 stems, 2 developed lateral processes are left. For further pinching, the original stems are preserved. This removes the growing stepchildren.

Eggplant black beauty

Protection against diseases and pests

Due to the plant's resistance to many destructive diseases, dangerous insects rarely attack it. But if the annual is infected, then it must be destroyed at the stake immediately. The soil mixture where the affected annual grew is sprayed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to kill bacteria. Chemical treatments will help get rid of the annoying Colorado potato beetle.

From natural remedies, spraying with wood ash or a decoction of wormwood is suitable.

Despite the seeming resistance of the plant, it is not insured against the attacks of the Colorado potato beetle. A dangerous pest simply eats an annual. Due to the attacks of persistent aphids, the leaves wither and curl.

Harvesting and storage

You need to cut off the fruits at the onset of maturity. You can determine maturity by clicking on the fruit - if it returns to its shape back, then it is time to carefully cut it off with a knife. The main thing is not to overdo the delicious eggplants in the garden, otherwise they become unusable.

This variety is valued for its long shelf life, but this is possible only with full compliance with the rules. The room must be dry and cool. The selected fruits are placed in boxes, a layer of straw is placed on top. Ripe eggplants will retain their original appearance until autumn.

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